
Passport Manager Object (VBScript API Reference)

Passport Manager Object

The Passport Manager object is a server-side object for the Microsoft® .NET Passport single sign-in (SSI) service that uses cookies and query string data for querying a central user store.

Passport Manager Properties

Error A value indicating the error state associated with the current .NET Passport ticket.
FromNetworkServer Determines whether a connection is coming back from a .NET Passport server (Login, Update, or Registration) and whether the .NET Passport data contained on the query string is valid.
HasSavedPassword Indicates whether the .NET Passport user's password was saved.
HasTicket Indicates whether a user has a .NET Passport Ticket as a cookie or on the query string.
HexPUID Indicates the hexadecimal value of the .NET Passport Unique ID (PUID) for the currently authenticated user.
Option Indicates or assigns specific .NET Passport sign-in options.
Profile Indicates .NET Passport profile information for the specified profile attribute.
TicketAge Indicates the amount of time, in seconds, that has passed since a user's Ticket was issued or refreshed.
TimeSinceSignIn Indicates the amount of time, in seconds, since a .NET Passport user's manual sign-in to the .NET Passport Login server.

Passport Manager Methods

AuthURL Returns a string containing the Login server URL for a user's domain, as well as optional information sent to the Login server in the query string.
AuthURL2 Returns a string containing the Login server URL for a user's domain, as well as optional information sent to the Login server in the query string.
DomainFromMemberName Returns a user's domain name as a string.
GetCurrentConfig Returns the contents of a registry key under the registry hive HKLM\SW\Microsoft\Passport.
GetDomainAttribute Provides information for a particular .NET Passport domain by querying the Passport Manager for the requested domain attribute.
HasFlag Not implemented.
HasProfile Determines whether a user has core profile data already in a cookie.
HaveConsent Returns a value indicating whether a user has consent for purposes of Microsoft® Kids Passport authentication.
IsAuthenticated Returns a value indicating whether the user is authenticated against a .NET Passport authority.
LoginUser Logs the user on, either by outputting a 302 redirect URL, or initiating a .NET Passport-aware client authentication exchange.
LogoTag Returns an HTML fragment containing an image tag for a .NET Passport Sign In or Sign Out link.
LogoTag2 Returns an HTML fragment containing an image tag for a .NET Passport Sign In or Sign Out link.
LogoutURL Returns the .NET Passport logout URL string.
OnStartPageASP Initializes the Passport Manager object using Active Server Pages (ASP) Request and Response objects.


Stock implementation Passport Manager object
Namespace IPassportManager2, Passport.idl
Platforms Windows 2000, Windows XP Professional, Windows Server family