


The Profile property retrieves Microsoft® .NET Passport profile information for the specified profile attribute.


Property Manager.Profile(attributeName) As Variant


  • attributeName
    A required string value indicating the .NET Passport profile attribute to return.

Property value

Holds the value of the .NET Passport profile attribute specified by the attributeName parameter.


The following Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript) code snippet retrieves the value of two different attributes using the Profile property.

Set oMgr = Server.CreateObject("Passport.Manager.1")

 'Use the Profile to get an attribute. Then get the same attribute
 'by calling the attribute name.
 Response.Write ("<br>Welcome " & oMgr.Profile("Firstname") & ".")
 'Do the same for memberName.
 Response.Write ("<br>Your member name is " & oMgr.Profile("memberName") & ".")


The Profile property is read-only. Valid profile attribute names are determined by the Profile schema sent to participating sites in the Partner.xml file. Asking for an attributeName that does not exist will give a run-time error. 

Some attributes are not retrievable depending on settings within the profile itself. Attempting to retrieve the Firstname attribute will result in a NULL value if the user did not select the Share my first and last names check box in the user's profile.

See Also

Passport Manager Object | Manager.HasProfile | Core Profile Table