
"Quadrant" Tree Master/Detail Viewer

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A Tree Master/Detail viewer is composed of two viewers. For example, a Tree Master/Detail view could be composed of a master Tree view and a Properties view that shows a specific node in the tree. When a record is represented in a Tree Master/Detail Viewer, only the master view is initially displayed. Selecting a node in the master view displays information about that node in the detail viewer in the right pane.

By default, the viewer used for the Detail pane is the default viewer for the record type. For example, a Tree Master/Detail Viewer that shows a collection of processes will use the Diagram Viewer to display the Details of a selected process, whereas a collection of People will use the Properties Viewer to display all the properties that are associated with a person.

In the Tree Master/Detail Viewer, you can configure the Master Viewer with all the options available to a "Quadrant" Tree Viewer, whereas the Detail Viewer can be configured as outlined in the corresponding viewer topics in "Quadrant" User Interface Reference. Note that viewer configurations are associated with the type of record. For example, if you change the spacing of a process diagram in the Detail pane and save the view, each child node of the tree in the Detail Diagram Viewer will display the same change.

See Also


"Quadrant" List Viewer
"Quadrant" Table Viewer
"Quadrant" Properties Viewer
"Quadrant" Diagram Viewer
"Quadrant" Tree Viewer
"Quadrant" Master/Detail Viewer

Other Resources

"Quadrant" User Interface Reference