
"Quadrant" Diagram Viewer

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A Diagram Viewer displays a record and related data as shapes. The shapes can be as basic as geometric figures, or as complex as icons. These shapes can be linked by lines to show connections between them. The data represented by each shape can be of a different data type, and this diversity of types is useful for showing how disparate models are connected.

Note that the diagram view is read-only, that is, you cannot edit any value contained in the shapes.

This topic describes the UI features for the Diagram Viewer. By changing the available options, you can create custom Diagram Viewers that have the desired appearance and behavior.

Diagram Viewer Settings

You can set the following options for the Diagram Viewer on the Data menu. After changing the viewer, you can save the viewer by selecting Save View As on the Workpad menu. To make this custom viewer the default viewer for the Diagram view, select Set As Default View on the Workpad menu.

Switching the Viewer for Shapes

You can select a shape in the Diagram Viewer and choose a different view for the shape. The Diagram Viewer will then replace the viewer for the shape with the specified viewer and reconnect all links accordingly. Note that the Diagram Viewer is read-only, which means that even if you choose the Properties Viewer for that shape, you cannot edit any of the properties of the shape inside the diagram.

To change the viewer for a shape, select an object in the workpad, and on the Data menu, click View Shape As, and then select one of the viewers.

See Also

Other Resources

"Quadrant" User Interface Reference