
Messaging API (CE MAPI) Reference


The Windows Mobile Messaging API (CE MAPI) provides the messaging architecture for Windows® phones. It is the Windows Mobile implementation of MAPI for the desktop computer. MAPI for Windows phones provides a set of classes, interfaces, functions, and other data types, to facilitate the development of Windows Mobile messaging applications. MAPI is used by applications and transports to manipulate e-mail data, to create e-mail messages and the folders to store them in, and to support notifications of changes to existing MAPI related data.


Cemapi.lib exports functions in conformance with C++ standards: as C functions, not C++ functions.

In This Section

  • MAPI Constants
    Contains listings for the Messaging API (CE MAPI) constants: Boolean Service Capability constants, Configuration Service Provider constants, Delete Option constants, Mail Sync Request constants, Maximum constants, Service Size constants, Property Data Types, Mail Sync Progress flags, and Error Codes.
  • MAPI Data Types
    Contains information about the Messaging API (CE MAPI) data types: BOOKMARK, HRESULT, LHANDLE, SCODE, and TCHAR.
  • MAPI Enumerations
    Contains information about the Messaging API (CE MAPI) enumerations: IFormProvider::FORMTYPE, IFormProviderEx::FORMTYPE, IMailSyncHandler::FOLDEROPTIONS, IMessageFormEx::FORMACTIONS, IMessageFormHostEx::CLOSINGMSGSTATUS, IMessageFormHostEx::HOSTACTIONS, MESSAGEFORMAT, MRCACCESS, and MRCHANDLED.
  • MAPI Flags
    Contains information about the Messaging API (CE MAPI) flags: Compose Field flags, Context flags, Message Field flags, Message Status flags, Special Folder flags, Message Form Host Command Bar Capability flags, Notification Event Type flags, Object Event flags, and Shutdown flags.
  • MAPI Functions
    Contains information about the Messaging API (CE MAPI) functions: FormFactory, FormFactoryEx, FreeProws, HrGetOneProp, HrSetOneProp, MailComposeMessage, MailDisplayMessage, MailSwitchToAccount, MailSwitchToFolder, MailSyncMessages, MAPIAllocateBuffer, MAPIAllocateMore, MAPIFreeBuffer, MAPIInitialize, MAPILogonEx, MAPIUninitialize, and OneStopFactory.
  • MAPI Interfaces
    Contains information about the Messaging API (CE MAPI) interfaces: IAttach, ICEMAPISession, IFormProvider, IFormProviderEx, IMailRuleClient, IMailSyncCallBack, IMailSyncHandler, IMAPIAdviseSink, IMAPIContainer, IMAPIFolder, IMAPIProp, IMAPISession, IMAPITable, IMessage, IMessageFormEx, IMessageFormEx2, IMessageFormHostEx, IMsgStore, and IUnknown for MAPI.
  • MAPI Macros
    Contains information about the Messaging API (CE MAPI) macros: CbADRLIST, CbNewADRLIST, CbNewENTRYID, CbNewSPropProblemArray, CbNewSPropTagArray, CbNewSRowSet, CbNewSSortOrderSet, CbSPropProblemArray, CbSPropTagArray, CbSRowSet, CbSSortOrderSet, CHANGE_PROP_TYPE, FIsTransmittable, IsEqualMAPIUID, MVI_PROP, PROP_ID, PROP_TAG, PROP_TYPE, SizedADRLIST, SizedENTRYID, SizedSPropProblemArray, SizedSPropTagArray, SizedSRowSet, and SizedSSortOrderSet.
  • MAPI Properties
    Contains information about the Messaging API (CE MAPI) properties: Message Envelope, Message Content, Message Recipient, Non-Transmittable Message, Common Non-Transmittable, Common Transmittable, MAPI Form, Message Store, Folder and Address Book Container, Attachment, Address Book, Mail User, User Profile, Status Object, Display Table, and Windows Mobile Defined MAPI Properties.
  • MAPI Structures
    Contains information about the Messaging API (CE MAPI) structures: ADRENTRY, ADRLIST, CURRENCY (MAPI), ENTRYID, ENTRYLIST, ERROR_NOTIFICATION, EXTENDED_NOTIFICATION, FOLDERNODE, FORMACTLANGUAGEDATA, GUID, INBOXGLYPHINFO, MAILCOMPOSEFIELDS, MAILSYNCREQUEST, MAPIERROR, MAPIINIT_0, MAPINAMEID, MAPIUID, MESSAGEFIELDS, NEWMAIL_NOTIFICATION, NOTIFICATION, OBJECT_NOTIFICATION, SAndRestriction, SAppTimeArray, SBinary, SBinaryArray, SBitMaskRestriction, SCommentRestriction, SComparePropsRestriction, SContentRestriction, SCurrencyArray, SDateTimeArray, SDoubleArray, SExistRestriction, SGuidArray, SLargeIntegerArray, SLongArray, SLPSTRArray, SNotRestriction, SOrRestriction, SPropertyRestriction, SPropProblem, SPropProblemArray, SPropTagArray, SPropValue, SRealArray, SRestriction, SRow, SRowSet, SShortArray, SSizeRestriction, SSortOrder,SSortOrderSet, SSubRestriction, STATUS_OBJECT_NOTIFICATION, SWStringArray, SYNCCREDENTIALS, SYNCPROGRESSITEM, TABLE_NOTIFICATION, and TRANSPORTEVENT.
  • Pocket Outlook Object Model (POOM)
    The POOM API is a COM-based library that provides programmatic access to Outlook Mobile Personal Information Management (PIM) data items and container objects. It provides an object-oriented framework for creating, modifying, and displaying Appointment, Task, and Contact items—and for manipulating the folders that contain them.

    The POOM API mirrors the Microsoft Office Outlook Object Model, but it's scope of functionality is reduced to accommodate the practical constraints of mobile devices.

  • MAPI Programming Basics
    Background and conceptual information on the Exchange Server 2003 version of MAPI (also known as the desktop version of MAPI).