
MAPI Flags


This section provides details about the Windows Mobile Messaging API (CE MAPI) flags.

Flag type Description

MAPI Compose Field Flags

These flags indicate and set message status values. They can be combined with bitwise OR to form a bitmask.

MAPI Context Flags

These flags indicate unsupported actions that should therefore appear disabled in Listview and/or Context menus. These flags can be used one at a time, or combined using the bitwise OR operator, to form a bitmask used as the value of the PR_CE_CONTEXT_FLAGS message property tag.

MAPI Message Field Flags

These flags indicate either the type of transport to use, or the action to perform on the message. They can be combined with bitwise OR to form a bitmask, and are used in the flags member of the MESSAGEFIELDS structure.

MAPI Message Status Flags

These flags indicate and set message status values. They can be combined with bitwise OR to form a bitmask.

MAPI Special Folder Flags

These constants indicate which of the Special Folder types is supported. They are used in the ffFlags member of the FOLDERNODE structure, which describes an e-mail folder node.

Message Form Host Command Bar Capability Flags

These flags represent menu items that can appear on a messaging add-in menu bar. They can be combined with bitwise OR to form a bitmask, to create the IMessageFormEx::GetMenuCapabilities members dwFlags and pdwEnable.

Notification Event Type Flags

These flags define the ulEventType member of the NOTIFICATION structure, which contains information about an event that has occurred and the data that has been affected by the event.

Object Event Flags

These flags indicate the types of notification events that a client process registers to receive. They can be combined with bitwise OR to form a bitmask, and are used in the ulEventMask parameter of the IMAPISession::Advise method.

Shutdown Flags

These flags indicate why the messaging subsystem was shut down.

See Also

Other Resources

Messaging API (CE MAPI) Reference