
CSS Support

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Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are used to give HTML documents a consistent appearance. Using consistent style elements on associated linked web pages improves the look and feel of the site.

Use Cascading Style Sheets to specify the values of various attributes that control the appearance and behaviour of web pages. The style attributes defined in the cascading style sheets are also available when using HTML to define the elements. There is an equivalent CSS style for many of the HTML attributes.

CSS styles can be placed into <STYLE> blocks or stored in external cascading style sheet (.css) files that can be accessed via a <LINK> tag.

In This Section

This table shows the different features of the style sheet.

Feature Definition
CSS Syntax This is a list of the syntactic structures that are available for use in the style element and a CSS file.
CSS At-Rules This is a list of the style settings that can be applied via the "@" rules.
CSS ID Selectors This is a list of the pseudo elements and pseudo classes that the designer can use to help identify items by pattern matching.
CSS Properties This is a list of all the properties that can be manipulated and set within the document.

See Also

DOM Reference Guide

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