
CSS ID Selectors

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This is an overview of the ID Selectors that can be used in Cascading Style Sheets. These are made up from Pseudo Elements and Pseudo Classes.

Structure Windows Mobile CSS Mobile WAP CSS CSS2 Comments
* Yes Yes Yes Yes Match any element.
E Yes Yes Yes Yes Match any E element.
E F Yes Yes Yes Yes Match any F element that is a descendant of an E element.
E:active Yes Yes No Yes Match any E element when the user has that element active.
E:focus Yes Yes No Yes Match any E element when the user has that element in focus.
E:link Yes Yes Yes Yes Matches an E element which is a hyperlink that has yet to be visited.
E:not(c) Yes No No No  
E:visited Yes Yes No Yes Matches an E element which is a hyperlink that has been visited.
E[X] Yes No No Yes Matches any E element with the X attribute set.
E[X="warning"] Yes No No Yes Matches any E element with the X attribute is set exactly to the value "warning".
E[X~="warning"] Yes No No Yes Matches any E element with the X attribute is a space separated list and one of the elements set exactly to the value "warning".
E[lang|="en"] Yes No No Yes Matches any E element with the "lang" attribute has a hyphen-separated list of values beginning with "en".
div.warning Yes Yes Yes Yes Language specific, but should be the same as DIV[class="warning"].
E#X Yes Yes Yes Yes Matches any E elemnt that has an ID which is "X"

See Also

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