The SimGetLockingStatus function gets the locking status of the phone. This function is part of the SIM Manager API set that enables access to information stored on the SIM card.
HRESULT SimGetLockingStatus (
HSIM hSim,
DWORD dwLockingFacility,
LPTSTR lpszPassword,
BOOL* pfEnabled
Points to a valid HSIM handle.dwLockingFacility
A SIM_LOCKFACILITY constant.Value Description SIM_LOCKFACILITY_CNTRL Lock control surface SIM_LOCKFACILITY_PH_SIM Lock phone to SIM card SIM_LOCKFACILITY_PH_FSIM Lock phone to first SIM card SIM_LOCKFACILITY_SIM Lock SIM card SIM_LOCKFACILITY_SIM_PIN2 Lock SIM card SIM_LOCKFACILITY_SIM_FIXEDIALING SIM fixed dialing memory SIM_LOCKFACILITY_NETWORKPERS Network personalization SIM_LOCKFACILITY_NETWORKSUBPERS Network subset personalization SIM_LOCKFACILITY_SERVICEPROVPERS Service provider personalization SIM_LOCKFACILITY_CORPPERS Corporate personalization lpszPassword
A pointer for some facilities that require a password.pfEnabled
A pointer to a Boolean value that indicates enabled or disabled.
TRUE = enabled
FALSE = disabled
Return Values
HRESULTs are either S_OK for success, or one of the SIM_E error constants defined in the SIM Manager Error Constants table.
Smartphone: Smartphone 2002 and later
Pocket PC: Pocket PC 2002 and later
OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0 and later
Header: simmgr.h
Library: cellcore.lib
See Also
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