
SIM Manager Error Constants

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These are the SIM_E_ error constants that can occur as return values in Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) functions.

Constant Description
SIM_E_SIMFAILURE SIM failure was detected.
SIM_E_SIMWRONG Inorrect SIM was inserted.
SIM_E_NOSIMMSGSTORAGE SIM isn't capable of storing messages.
SIM_E_SIMTOOLKITBUSY SIM Application Toolkit is busy.
SIM_E_SIMDOWNLOADERROR SIM data download error.
SIM_E_SIMNOTINSERTED SIM isn't inserted into the phone.
SIM_E_PHSIMPINREQUIRED PH-SIM PIN is required to perform this operation.
SIM_E_PHFSIMPINREQUIRED PH-FSIM PIN is required to perform this operation.
SIM_E_PHFSIMPUKREQUIRED PH-FSIM PUK is required to perform this operation.
SIM_E_SIMPINREQUIRED SIM PIN is required to perform this operation.
SIM_E_SIMPUKREQUIRED SIM PUK is required to perform this operation.
SIM_E_INCORRECTPASSWORD Incorrect password was supplied.
SIM_E_SIMPIN2REQUIRED SIM PIN2 is required to perform this operation.
SIM_E_SIMPUK2REQUIRED SIM PUK2 is required to perform this operation.
SIM_E_NETWKPINREQUIRED Network Personalization PIN is required to perform this operation.
SIM_E_NETWKPUKREQUIRED Network Personalization PUK is required to perform this operation.
SIM_E_SUBSETPINREQUIRED Network Subset Personalization PIN is required to perform this operation.
SIM_E_SUBSETPUKREQUIRED Network Subset Personalization PUK is required to perform this operation.
SIM_E_SVCPINREQUIRED Service Provider Personalization PIN is required to perform this operation.
SIM_E_SVCPUKREQUIRED Service Provider Personalization PUK is required to perform this operation.
SIM_E_CORPPINREQUIRED Corporate Personalization PIN is required to perform this operation.
SIM_E_CORPPUKREQUIRED Corporate Personalization PUK is required to perform this operation.
SIM_E_MEMORYFULL Storage memory is full.
SIM_E_INVALIDINDEX Invalid storage index was supplied.
SIM_E_NOTFOUND A requested storage entry was not found.
SIM_E_MEMORYFAILURE Storage memory failure.
SIM_E_SIMMSGSTORAGEFULL Message storage on the SIM is full.
SIM_E_EMPTYINDEX Storage location is empty.
SIM_E_NOTREADY SIM isn't yet ready to perform the requested operation.
SIM_E_SECURITYFAILURE SIM isn't yet ready to perform the requested operation.
SIM_E_BUFFERTOOSMALL Buffer too small.
SIM_E_NOTTEXTMESSAGE Requested Short Message Service (SMS) message is not a text message.
SIM_E_NOSIM Device doesn't have a SIM.
SIM_E_NETWORKERROR There was a network error.
SIM_E_UNSUPPORTED The command is unsupported.
SIM_E_BADPARAM Bad parameter.
SIM_E_UNDETERMINED Undetermined error.
SIM_E_RADIONOTPRESENT The Radio is not present.
SIM_E_RADIOOFF The Radio is off.

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