

partnerSecurityScore resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph.partner.security


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Represents the security score for the partner which helps Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) partners understand their security posture and their customer's security posture. The score includes an aggregate score along with history of score changes, detailed customer insights, and requirement score information.

Inherits from microsoft.graph.entity.


Method Return type Description
Get microsoft.graph.partner.security.partnerSecurityScore Read the properties and relationships of a partnerSecurityScore object.
List customer insights microsoft.graph.partner.security.customerInsight collection Get a list of the customerInsight data to learn more about the partner's customer security posture.
List history microsoft.graph.partner.security.securityScoreHistory collection Lists the history of security score changes for the partner..
List requirements microsoft.graph.partner.security.securityRequirement collection Get the security requirement resources from the requirements navigation property.


Property Type Description
currentScore Single The current security score for the partner.
lastRefreshDateTime DateTimeOffset The last time the data was checked.
maxScore Single The maximum score possible.
updatedDateTime DateTimeOffset The last time the security score or related properties changed.


Relationship Type Description
customerInsights microsoft.graph.partner.security.customerInsight collection Contains customer-specific information for certain requirements.
history microsoft.graph.partner.security.securityScoreHistory collection Contains a list of recent score changes.
requirements microsoft.graph.partner.security.securityRequirement collection Contains the list of security requirements that make up the score.

JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource type.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.partner.security.partnerSecurityScore",
  "updatedDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
  "lastRefreshDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
  "currentScore": "Single",
  "maxScore": "Single"