
MemberTypes 列舉


將所定義的每一種成員類型標記為 MemberInfo 的衍生類別。


public enum class MemberTypes
public enum MemberTypes
public enum MemberTypes
public enum MemberTypes
type MemberTypes = 
type MemberTypes = 
type MemberTypes = 
Public Enum MemberTypes


名稱 Description
All 191


Constructor 1


Custom 64


Event 2


Field 4


Method 8


NestedType 128


Property 16


TypeInfo 32



下列範例會顯示類別成員的名稱及其相關聯的成員 ReflectionTypeLoadException 類型。

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Reflection;
void main() 
    // Get the type of a chosen class.
    Type^ t = ReflectionTypeLoadException::typeid;

    // Get the MemberInfo array.
    array<MemberInfo^>^ members = t->GetMembers();

    // Get and display the name and the MemberType for each member.
    Console::WriteLine("Members of {0}", t->Name);
    for each (MemberInfo^ member in members) { 
        MemberTypes memberType = member->MemberType; 
        Console::WriteLine("   {0}: {1}", member->Name, memberType);
// The example displays the following output:
//       Members of ReflectionTypeLoadException
//          get_Types: Method
//          get_LoaderExceptions: Method
//          GetObjectData: Method
//          get_Message: Method
//          get_Data: Method
//          GetBaseException: Method
//          get_InnerException: Method
//          get_TargetSite: Method
//          get_StackTrace: Method
//          get_HelpLink: Method
//          set_HelpLink: Method
//          get_Source: Method
//          set_Source: Method
//          ToString: Method
//          get_HResult: Method
//          GetType: Method
//          Equals: Method
//          GetHashCode: Method
//          GetType: Method
//          .ctor: Constructor
//          .ctor: Constructor
//          Types: Property
//          LoaderExceptions: Property
//          Message: Property
//          Data: Property
//          InnerException: Property
//          TargetSite: Property
//          StackTrace: Property
//          HelpLink: Property
//          Source: Property
//          HResult: Property
using System;
using System.Reflection;

class Example
    public static void Main()
        // Get the type of a chosen class.
        Type t = typeof(ReflectionTypeLoadException);
        // Get the MemberInfo array.
        MemberInfo[] members = t.GetMembers();
        // Get and display the name and the MemberType for each member.
        Console.WriteLine("Members of {0}", t.Name);
        foreach (var member in members) { 
            MemberTypes memberType = member.MemberType; 
            Console.WriteLine("   {0}: {1}", member.Name, memberType);
// The example displays the following output:
//       Members of ReflectionTypeLoadException
//          get_Types: Method
//          get_LoaderExceptions: Method
//          GetObjectData: Method
//          get_Message: Method
//          get_Data: Method
//          GetBaseException: Method
//          get_InnerException: Method
//          get_TargetSite: Method
//          get_StackTrace: Method
//          get_HelpLink: Method
//          set_HelpLink: Method
//          get_Source: Method
//          set_Source: Method
//          ToString: Method
//          get_HResult: Method
//          GetType: Method
//          Equals: Method
//          GetHashCode: Method
//          GetType: Method
//          .ctor: Constructor
//          .ctor: Constructor
//          Types: Property
//          LoaderExceptions: Property
//          Message: Property
//          Data: Property
//          InnerException: Property
//          TargetSite: Property
//          StackTrace: Property
//          HelpLink: Property
//          Source: Property
//          HResult: Property
Imports System.Reflection

Module Example
    Public Sub Main()
        ' Get the type of a particular class.
        Dim t As Type = GetType(ReflectionTypeLoadException)

        ' Get the MemberInfo array.
        Dim members As MemberInfo() = t.GetMembers()

        ' Get and display the name and the MemberType for each member.
        Console.WriteLine("Members of {0}", t.Name)
        For Each member In members
            Dim memberType As MemberTypes = member.MemberType
            Console.WriteLine("   {0}: {1}", member.Name, memberType)
    End Sub
End Module
' The example displays the following output:
'       Members of ReflectionTypeLoadException
'          get_Types: Method
'          get_LoaderExceptions: Method
'          GetObjectData: Method
'          get_Message: Method
'          get_Data: Method
'          GetBaseException: Method
'          get_InnerException: Method
'          get_TargetSite: Method
'          get_StackTrace: Method
'          get_HelpLink: Method
'          set_HelpLink: Method
'          get_Source: Method
'          set_Source: Method
'          ToString: Method
'          get_HResult: Method
'          GetType: Method
'          Equals: Method
'          GetHashCode: Method
'          GetType: Method
'          .ctor: Constructor
'          .ctor: Constructor
'          Types: Property
'          LoaderExceptions: Property
'          Message: Property
'          Data: Property
'          InnerException: Property
'          TargetSite: Property
'          StackTrace: Property
'          HelpLink: Property
'          Source: Property
'          HResult: Property



若要取得 MemberTypes 類型的值:

  1. Type取得表示該類型的物件。

  2. 擷取 屬性的值 Type.MemberType

若要取得 MemberTypes 類型成員的值。:

  1. Type取得表示該類型的物件。

  2. MemberInfo 由呼叫 Type.GetMembers 方法,擷取代表該類型成員的陣列。

  3. 擷取數位中每個成員的From MemberInfo.MemberType 屬性值。 switch C# 中的語句或 Select Case Visual Basic 中的 語句通常用來處理成員類型。

MemberTypes 符合 corhdr.h 檔案中所定義的 CorTypeAttr。
