ICustomFormatter.Format(String, Object, IFormatProvider) 方法
部分資訊涉及發行前產品,在發行之前可能會有大幅修改。 Microsoft 對此處提供的資訊,不做任何明確或隱含的瑕疵擔保。
System::String ^ Format(System::String ^ format, System::Object ^ arg, IFormatProvider ^ formatProvider);
public string Format(string format, object arg, IFormatProvider formatProvider);
public string Format(string? format, object? arg, IFormatProvider? formatProvider);
abstract member Format : string * obj * IFormatProvider -> string
Public Function Format (format As String, arg As Object, formatProvider As IFormatProvider) As String
- format
- String
- arg
- Object
- formatProvider
- IFormatProvider
值的字串表示,其格式如同 format
和 formatProvider
下列範例會實作 ICustomFormatter ,以允許整數值的二進位、八進位和十六進位格式。 其 ICustomFormatter.Format 實作會判斷 format 參數是否為三個支援的格式字串之一, (「B」 用於二進位,「O」 用於八進位,而 「H」 則為十六進位) ,並適當地格式化 arg
參數。 否則,如果 arg
不是 null
,它會呼叫 arg
參數的實作 IFormattable.ToString ,如果有的話,或其無 ToString
參數方法,則為 。 如果 arg
是 null
,則方法會傳回 String.Empty。
using System;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Numerics;
public class MyFormatter : IFormatProvider, ICustomFormatter
// IFormatProvider.GetFormat implementation.
public object GetFormat(Type formatType)
// Determine whether custom formatting object is requested.
if (formatType == typeof(ICustomFormatter))
return this;
return null;
// Format number in binary (B), octal (O), or hexadecimal (H).
public string Format(string format, object arg, IFormatProvider formatProvider)
// Handle format string.
int baseNumber;
// Handle null or empty format string, string with precision specifier.
string thisFmt = String.Empty;
// Extract first character of format string (precision specifiers
// are not supported).
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(format))
thisFmt = format.Length > 1 ? format.Substring(0, 1) : format;
// Get a byte array representing the numeric value.
byte[] bytes;
if (arg is sbyte)
string byteString = ((sbyte)arg).ToString("X2");
bytes = new byte[1] { Byte.Parse(byteString, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber) };
else if (arg is byte)
bytes = new byte[1] { (byte)arg };
else if (arg is short)
bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes((short)arg);
else if (arg is int)
bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes((int)arg);
else if (arg is long)
bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes((long)arg);
else if (arg is ushort)
bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)arg);
else if (arg is uint)
bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes((uint)arg);
else if (arg is ulong)
bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes((ulong)arg);
else if (arg is BigInteger)
bytes = ((BigInteger)arg).ToByteArray();
return HandleOtherFormats(format, arg);
catch (FormatException e)
throw new FormatException(String.Format("The format of '{0}' is invalid.", format), e);
switch (thisFmt.ToUpper())
// Binary formatting.
case "B":
baseNumber = 2;
case "O":
baseNumber = 8;
case "H":
baseNumber = 16;
// Handle unsupported format strings.
return HandleOtherFormats(format, arg);
catch (FormatException e)
throw new FormatException(String.Format("The format of '{0}' is invalid.", format), e);
// Return a formatted string.
string numericString = String.Empty;
for (int ctr = bytes.GetUpperBound(0); ctr >= bytes.GetLowerBound(0); ctr--)
string byteString = Convert.ToString(bytes[ctr], baseNumber);
if (baseNumber == 2)
byteString = new String('0', 8 - byteString.Length) + byteString;
else if (baseNumber == 8)
byteString = new String('0', 4 - byteString.Length) + byteString;
// Base is 16.
byteString = new String('0', 2 - byteString.Length) + byteString;
numericString += byteString + " ";
return numericString.Trim();
private string HandleOtherFormats(string format, object arg)
if (arg is IFormattable)
return ((IFormattable)arg).ToString(format, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
else if (arg != null)
return arg.ToString();
return String.Empty;
open System
open System.Globalization
open System.Numerics
type MyFormatter() =
interface IFormatProvider with
// IFormatProvider.GetFormat implementation.
member this.GetFormat(formatType: Type) =
// Determine whether custom formatting object is requested.
if formatType = typeof<ICustomFormatter> then
interface ICustomFormatter with
// Format number in binary (B), octal (O), or hexadecimal (H).
member this.Format(format, arg: obj, formatProvider: IFormatProvider) =
// Handle null or empty format string, string with precision specifier.
let thisFmt =
// Extract first character of format string (precision specifiers
// are not supported).
if String.IsNullOrEmpty format |> not then
if format.Length > 1 then
format.Substring(0, 1)
// Get a byte array representing the numeric value.
let bytes =
match arg with
| :? sbyte as arg ->
let byteString = arg.ToString "X2"
Some [| Byte.Parse(byteString, NumberStyles.HexNumber) |]
| :? byte as arg ->
Some [| arg |]
| :? int16 as arg ->
BitConverter.GetBytes arg
|> Some
| :? int as arg ->
BitConverter.GetBytes arg
|> Some
| :? int64 as arg ->
BitConverter.GetBytes arg
|> Some
| :? uint16 as arg ->
BitConverter.GetBytes arg
|> Some
| :? uint as arg ->
BitConverter.GetBytes arg
|> Some
| :? uint64 as arg ->
BitConverter.GetBytes arg
|> Some
| :? bigint as arg ->
|> Some
| _ ->
let baseNumber =
match thisFmt.ToUpper() with
// Binary formatting.
| "B" -> Some 2
| "O" -> Some 8
| "H" -> Some 16
// Handle unsupported format strings.
| _ -> None
match bytes, baseNumber with
| Some bytes, Some baseNumber ->
// Return a formatted string.
let mutable numericString = String.Empty
for i = bytes.GetUpperBound 0 to bytes.GetLowerBound 0 do
let byteString = Convert.ToString(bytes[i], baseNumber)
let byteString =
match baseNumber with
| 2 ->
String('0', 8 - byteString.Length) + byteString
| 8 ->
String('0', 4 - byteString.Length) + byteString
// Base is 16.
| _ ->
String('0', 2 - byteString.Length) + byteString
numericString <- numericString + byteString + " "
| _ ->
this.HandleOtherFormats(format, arg)
with :? FormatException as e ->
raise (FormatException($"The format of '{format}' is invalid.", e))
member private this.HandleOtherFormats(format, arg: obj) =
match arg with
| :? IFormattable as arg ->
arg.ToString(format, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)
| null ->
| _ ->
string arg
Imports System.Globalization
Imports System.Numerics
Public Class MyFormatter : Implements IFormatProvider, ICustomFormatter
' IFormatProvider.GetFormat implementation.
Public Function GetFormat(formatType As Type) As Object _
Implements IFormatProvider.GetFormat
' Determine whether custom formatting object is requested.
If formatType Is GetType(ICustomFormatter) Then
Return Me
Return Nothing
End If
End Function
' Format number in binary (B), octal (O), or hexadecimal (H).
Public Function Format(fmt As String, arg As Object, _
formatProvider As IFormatProvider) As String _
Implements ICustomFormatter.Format
' Handle format string.
Dim base As Integer
' Handle null or empty format string, string with precision specifier.
Dim thisFmt As String = String.Empty
' Extract first character of format string (precision specifiers
' are not supported by MyFormatter).
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(fmt) Then
thisFmt = CStr(IIf(fmt.Length > 1, fmt.Substring(0, 1), fmt))
End If
' Get a byte array representing the numeric value.
Dim bytes() As Byte
If TypeOf(arg) Is SByte Then
Dim byteString As String = CType(arg, SByte).ToString("X2")
bytes = New Byte(0) { Byte.Parse(byteString, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber ) }
ElseIf TypeOf(arg) Is Byte Then
bytes = New Byte(0) { CType(arg, Byte) }
ElseIf TypeOf(arg) Is Int16 Then
bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(CType(arg, Int16))
ElseIf TypeOf(arg) Is Int32 Then
bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(CType(arg, Int32))
ElseIf TypeOf(arg) Is Int64 Then
bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(CType(arg, Int64))
ElseIf TypeOf(arg) Is UInt16 Then
bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(CType(arg, UInt16))
ElseIf TypeOf(arg) Is UInt32 Then
bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(CType(arg, UInt64))
ElseIf TypeOf(arg) Is UInt64 Then
bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(CType(arg, UInt64))
ElseIf TypeOf(arg) Is BigInteger Then
bytes = CType(arg, BigInteger).ToByteArray()
Return HandleOtherFormats(fmt, arg)
Catch e As FormatException
Throw New FormatException(String.Format("The format of '{0}' is invalid.", fmt), e)
End Try
End If
Select Case thisFmt.ToUpper()
' Binary formatting.
Case "B"
base = 2
Case "O"
base = 8
Case "H"
base = 16
' Handle unsupported format strings.
Case Else
Return HandleOtherFormats(fmt, arg)
Catch e As FormatException
Throw New FormatException(String.Format("The format of '{0}' is invalid.", fmt), e)
End Try
End Select
' Return a formatted string.
Dim numericString As String = String.Empty
For ctr As Integer = bytes.GetUpperBound(0) To bytes.GetLowerBound(0) Step -1
Dim byteString As String = Convert.ToString(bytes(ctr), base)
If base = 2 Then
byteString = New String("0"c, 8 - byteString.Length) + byteString
ElseIf base = 8 Then
byteString = New String("0"c, 4 - byteString.Length) + byteString
' Base is 16.
byteString = New String("0"c, 2 - byteString.Length) + byteString
End If
numericString += byteString + " "
Return numericString.Trim()
End Function
Private Function HandleOtherFormats(fmt As String, arg As Object) As String
If TypeOf arg Is IFormattable Then
Return DirectCast(arg, IFormattable).ToString(fmt, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)
ElseIf arg IsNot Nothing Then
Return arg.ToString()
Return String.Empty
End If
End Function
End Class
然後,您可以藉由傳遞 MyFormatter
物件做為 provider
方法的參數 Format ,來提供自訂格式,如下列範例所示。
public class Example
public static void Main()
Console.WindowWidth = 100;
byte byteValue = 124;
Console.WriteLine(String.Format(new MyFormatter(),
"{0} (binary: {0:B}) (hex: {0:H})", byteValue));
int intValue = 23045;
Console.WriteLine(String.Format(new MyFormatter(),
"{0} (binary: {0:B}) (hex: {0:H})", intValue));
ulong ulngValue = 31906574882;
Console.WriteLine(String.Format(new MyFormatter(),
"{0}\n (binary: {0:B})\n (hex: {0:H})",
BigInteger bigIntValue = BigInteger.Multiply(Int64.MaxValue, 2);
Console.WriteLine(String.Format(new MyFormatter(),
"{0}\n (binary: {0:B})\n (hex: {0:H})",
// The example displays the following output:
// 124 (binary: 01111100) (hex: 7c)
// 23045 (binary: 00000000 00000000 01011010 00000101) (hex: 00 00 5a 05)
// 31906574882
// (binary: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000111 01101101 11000111 10110010 00100010)
// (hex: 00 00 00 07 6d c7 b2 22)
// 18446744073709551614
// (binary: 00000000 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111110)
// (hex: 00 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff fe)
Console.WindowWidth <- 100
let byteValue = 124uy
String.Format(MyFormatter(), "{0} (binary: {0:B}) (hex: {0:H})", byteValue)
|> printfn "%s"
let intValue = 23045
String.Format(MyFormatter(), "{0} (binary: {0:B}) (hex: {0:H})", intValue)
|> printfn "%s"
let ulngValue = 31906574882uL
String.Format(MyFormatter(), "{0}\n (binary: {0:B})\n (hex: {0:H})", ulngValue)
|> printfn "%s"
let bigIntValue = BigInteger.Multiply(Int64.MaxValue, 2)
String.Format(MyFormatter(), "{0}\n (binary: {0:B})\n (hex: {0:H})", bigIntValue)
|> printfn "%s"
// The example displays the following output:
// 124 (binary: 01111100) (hex: 7c)
// 23045 (binary: 00000000 00000000 01011010 00000101) (hex: 00 00 5a 05)
// 31906574882
// (binary: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000111 01101101 11000111 10110010 00100010)
// (hex: 00 00 00 07 6d c7 b2 22)
// 18446744073709551614
// (binary: 00000000 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111110)
// (hex: 00 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff fe)
Public Module Example
Public Sub Main
Console.WindowWidth = 100
Dim byteValue As Byte = 124
Console.WriteLine(String.Format(New MyFormatter(), _
"{0} (binary: {0:B}) (hex: {0:H})", byteValue))
Dim intValue As Integer = 23045
Console.WriteLine(String.Format(New MyFormatter(), _
"{0} (binary: {0:B}) (hex: {0:H})", intValue))
Dim ulngValue As ULong = 31906574882
Console.WriteLine(String.Format(New MyFormatter(), _
"{0} {1} (binary: {0:B}) {1} (hex: {0:H})", _
ulngValue, vbCrLf))
Dim bigIntValue As BigInteger = BigInteger.Multiply(Int64.MaxValue, 2)
Console.WriteLine(String.Format(New MyFormatter(), _
"{0} {1} (binary: {0:B}) {1} (hex: {0:H})", _
bigIntValue, vbCrLf))
End Sub
End Module
' The example displays the following output:
' 124 (binary: 01111100) (hex: 7c)
' 23045 (binary: 00000000 00000000 01011010 00000101) (hex: 00 00 5a 05)
' 31906574882
' (binary: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000111 01101101 11000111 10110010 00100010)
' (hex: 00 00 00 07 6d c7 b2 22)
' 18446744073709551614
' (binary: 00000000 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111110)
' (hex: 00 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff fe)
ICustomFormatter.Format 是一種回呼方法。 由支援自訂格式的方法呼叫,例如 String.Format(IFormatProvider, String, Object[]) 或 StringBuilder.AppendFormat(IFormatProvider, String, Object[]) 。 此實作會針對 複合格式字串中的每個格式專案呼叫一次。 例如,在下列語句中, ICustomFormatter.Format 方法會呼叫三次。
Console.WriteLine(String.Format(new MyFormatter(),
"{0} (binary: {0:B}) (hex: {0:H})", byteValue));
String.Format(MyFormatter(), "{0} (binary: {0:B}) (hex: {0:H})", byteValue)
|> printfn "%s"
Console.WriteLine(String.Format(New MyFormatter(), _
"{0} (binary: {0:B}) (hex: {0:H})", byteValue))
參數 arg
是物件清單中的 物件,其以零起始的位置會對應至特定格式專案的索引。
參數 format
包含格式字串,這是 formatString
格式專案的元件。 如果格式專案沒有 formatString
元件,則 format
的值為 null
。 如果 format
是 null
,視 的類型 arg
參數 formatProvider
是提供 IFormatProvider 格式設定的實作 arg
。 一般而言,它是實 ICustomFormatter 作的實例。 如果 formatProvider
為 null
方法的實作 Format 必須包含下列功能,讓.NET Framework可以提供您不支援的格式設定。 如果您的格式方法不支援格式,請判斷所格式化的物件是否實作 IFormattable 介面。 如果這樣做,請叫用 IFormattable.ToString 該介面的 方法。 否則,請叫用基礎物件的預設 Object.ToString 方法。 下列程式碼說明此模式。
if (arg is IFormattable)
return ((IFormattable)arg).ToString(format, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
else if (arg != null)
return arg.ToString();
match arg with
| :? IFormattable as arg ->
arg.ToString(format, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)
| null ->
| _ ->
string arg
If TypeOf arg Is IFormattable Then
Return DirectCast(arg, IFormattable).ToString(fmt, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)
ElseIf arg IsNot Nothing Then
Return arg.ToString()