DateTimeFormatInfo.Calendar 屬性
部分資訊涉及發行前產品,在發行之前可能會有大幅修改。 Microsoft 對此處提供的資訊,不做任何明確或隱含的瑕疵擔保。
property System::Globalization::Calendar ^ Calendar { System::Globalization::Calendar ^ get(); void set(System::Globalization::Calendar ^ value); };
public System.Globalization.Calendar Calendar { get; set; }
member this.Calendar : System.Globalization.Calendar with get, set
Public Property Calendar As Calendar
目前文化特性所使用的曆法。 InvariantInfo 的預設值是 GregorianCalendar 物件。
此屬性設定為 null
屬性正被設定為對目前文化特性而言並非有效的 Calendar 物件。
正在設定屬性,而且 DateTimeFormatInfo 物件為唯讀。
下列範例會 ChangeCalendar
定義方法,除非文化特性已經是目前行事曆,或文化特性不支援,否則會將文化特性的目前行事曆變更為指定的行事曆。 呼叫 方法的程式代碼會具現化 CultureInfo 代表阿拉伯文 (希臘) 文化特性的物件,並先嘗試將其行事曆變更為日曆。 因為不支持日曆,所以方法不會變更文化特性的行事曆。 不過,因為 um al-Qura 行事曆是集合的成員 CultureInfo.OptionalCalendars ,所以方法會成功讓它成為 ar-EG 文化特性的目前行事曆。
using System;
using System.Globalization;
public class Example
public static void Main()
CultureInfo ci = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("ar-EG");
Console.WriteLine("The current calendar for the {0} culture is {1}",
CalendarUtilities.ChangeCalendar(ci, new JapaneseCalendar());
Console.WriteLine("The current calendar for the {0} culture is {1}",
CalendarUtilities.ChangeCalendar(ci, new UmAlQuraCalendar());
Console.WriteLine("The current calendar for the {0} culture is {1}",
public class CalendarUtilities
private Calendar newCal;
private bool isGregorian;
public static void ChangeCalendar(CultureInfo ci, Calendar cal)
CalendarUtilities util = new CalendarUtilities(cal);
// Is the new calendar already the current calendar?
if (util.CalendarExists(ci.DateTimeFormat.Calendar))
// Is the new calendar supported?
if (Array.Exists(ci.OptionalCalendars, util.CalendarExists))
ci.DateTimeFormat.Calendar = cal;
private CalendarUtilities(Calendar cal)
newCal = cal;
// Is the new calendar a Gregorian calendar?
isGregorian = cal.GetType().Name.Contains("Gregorian");
private bool CalendarExists(Calendar cal)
if (cal.ToString() == newCal.ToString()) {
if (isGregorian) {
if (((GregorianCalendar) cal).CalendarType ==
((GregorianCalendar) newCal).CalendarType)
return true;
else {
return true;
return false;
public static string ShowCalendarName(Calendar cal)
string calName = cal.ToString().Replace("System.Globalization.", "");
if (cal is GregorianCalendar)
calName += ", Type " + ((GregorianCalendar) cal).CalendarType.ToString();
return calName;
// The example displays the following output:
// The current calendar for the ar-EG culture is GregorianCalendar, Type Localized
// The current calendar for the ar-EG culture is GregorianCalendar, Type Localized
// The current calendar for the ar-EG culture is UmAlQuraCalendar
Imports System.Globalization
Module Example
Public Sub Main()
Dim ci As CultureInfo = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("ar-EG")
Console.WriteLine("The current calendar for the {0} culture is {1}",
CalendarUtilities.ChangeCalendar(ci, New JapaneseCalendar())
Console.WriteLine("The current calendar for the {0} culture is {1}",
CalendarUtilities.ChangeCalendar(ci, New UmAlQuraCalendar())
Console.WriteLine("The current calendar for the {0} culture is {1}",
End Sub
End Module
Public Class CalendarUtilities
Private newCal As Calendar
Private isGregorian As Boolean
Public Shared Sub ChangeCalendar(ci As CultureInfo, cal As Calendar)
Dim util As New CalendarUtilities(cal)
' Is the new calendar already the current calendar?
If util.CalendarExists(ci.DateTimeFormat.Calendar) Then
Exit Sub
End If
' Is the new calendar supported?
If Array.Exists(ci.OptionalCalendars, AddressOf util.CalendarExists) Then
ci.DateTimeFormat.Calendar = cal
End If
End Sub
Private Sub New(cal As Calendar)
newCal = cal
' Is the new calendar a Gregorian calendar?
isGregorian = cal.GetType().Name.Contains("Gregorian")
End Sub
Private Function CalendarExists(cal As Calendar) As Boolean
If cal.ToString() = newCal.ToString Then
If isGregorian Then
If CType(cal, GregorianCalendar).CalendarType =
CType(newCal, GregorianCalendar).CalendarType Then
Return True
End If
Return True
End If
End If
Return False
End Function
Public Shared Function ShowCalendarName(cal As Calendar) As String
Dim calName As String = cal.ToString().Replace("System.Globalization.", "")
If TypeOf cal Is GregorianCalendar Then
calName += ", Type " + CType(cal, GregorianCalendar).CalendarType.ToString()
End If
Return calName
End Function
End Class
' The example displays the following output:
' The current calendar for the ar-EG culture is GregorianCalendar, Type Localized
' The current calendar for the ar-EG culture is GregorianCalendar, Type Localized
' The current calendar for the ar-EG culture is UmAlQuraCalendar
屬性 Calendar 只接受對與 DateTimeFormatInfo 對象相關聯之文化特性有效的行事曆。 屬性 CultureInfo.OptionalCalendars 會指定特定文化特性可以使用的行事曆,而 CultureInfo.Calendar 屬性會指定文化特性的預設行事曆。
日本曆法的紀元是以天皇的統治為基礎,因此有變更是正常的。 例如,2019 年 5 月 1 日之後,JapaneseCalendar 與 JapaneseLunisolarCalendar 中將開始使用「令和」。 此變更對使用這些日曆的所有應用程式都有影響。 如需詳細資訊,以及判斷您的應用程式是否受到影響,請參閱 在 .NET 的日曆中處理新紀元。 如需在 Windows 系統上測試應用程式以確保其整備時間變更的相關信息,請參閱 準備您的應用程式以進行日文紀元變更。 如需 .NET 中支援多個紀元的行事曆功能,以及使用支援多個紀元的行事歷時的最佳做法,請參閱 使用紀元。
變更此屬性的值也會影響下列屬性:MonthNames、、、DayNamesAbbreviatedDayNames、、CalendarWeekRuleFirstDayOfWeek、FullDateTimePatternLongDatePatternYearMonthPatternShortDatePattern 和 。MonthDayPatternAbbreviatedMonthNames
例如,如果目前線程的文化特性是日文,這個屬性會接受 JapaneseCalendar、 LocalizedGregorianCalendar或 USEnglishGregorianCalendar。 JapaneseCalendar使用 時,預設的長日期規範為 “gg y'\x5e74'M'\x6708'd'\x65e5'”。 Localized GregorianCalendar使用 時,預設的長日期規範為 “yyyy'\x5e74'M'\x6708'd'\x65e5'”。