
Sequence.SetExpression(String, String) Method


Assigns the specified expression to the property. Specify null to remove an existing expression from the property.

 virtual void SetExpression(System::String ^ propertyName, System::String ^ expression);
public void SetExpression (string propertyName, string expression);
abstract member SetExpression : string * string -> unit
override this.SetExpression : string * string -> unit
Public Sub SetExpression (propertyName As String, expression As String)



The name of the property to which to assign the expression.


The expression.



The following code example uses SetExpression to modify the value of the Description on a Sequence container. Then GetExpression is used to retrieve the expression.

using System;  
using System.Collections.Generic;  
using System.Text;  
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime;  

namespace Microsoft.SqlServer.SSIS.Sample  
    class Program  
        static void Main(string[] args)  
            const String containerName = "Sequence";  
            Package pkg = new Package();  
            Sequence sequence = (Sequence)pkg.Executables.Add("STOCK:Sequence");  
            DtsProperties seqProps = sequence.Properties;  

            // View information about the Description property  
            // before setting it using the SetExpression method.  
            String desc = sequence.Description;  
            Console.WriteLine("Original value of Description: {0}", desc);  

            // Use SetExpression to give the Sequence a description.  
            String myExpression = "\"Testing " + containerName + "\"";   
            sequence.SetExpression("Description", myExpression);  
            // Note that I've tried using the Properties bag instead, with no change to the results.  
            //seqProps["Description"].SetExpression(sequence, myExpression);   

            //Validate the package to set the expression onto the property.  
            DTSExecResult valResult = pkg.Validate(null, null, null, null);  

            // Retrieve the new value and the expression.  
            String myNewDesc = sequence.Description;  
            String myNewExpression = sequence.GetExpression("Description");  
            Console.WriteLine("New value of Description: {0}", myNewDesc);  
            Console.WriteLine("Expression for Description: {0}", myNewExpression);  

Sample Output:

Original value of Description:

New value of Description: Testing Sequence

Expression for Description: "Testing Sequence"


The propertyName can be any property available on the object.

Applies to