reply = MessageFactory.Text("This is an inline attachment.");
接下來,我們會查看附件的類型。 首先是內嵌附件:
var imagePath = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, @"Resources", "architecture-resize.png");
var imageData = Convert.ToBase64String(File.ReadAllBytes(imagePath));
return new Attachment
Name = @"Resources\architecture-resize.png",
ContentType = "image/png",
ContentUrl = $"data:image/png;base64,{imageData}",
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(serviceUrl))
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(serviceUrl));
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(conversationId))
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(conversationId));
var imagePath = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, @"Resources", "architecture-resize.png");
var connector = turnContext.TurnState.Get<IConnectorClient>() as ConnectorClient;
var attachments = new Attachments(connector);
var response = await attachments.Client.Conversations.UploadAttachmentAsync(
new AttachmentData
Name = @"Resources\architecture-resize.png",
OriginalBase64 = File.ReadAllBytes(imagePath),
Type = "image/png",
var attachmentUri = attachments.GetAttachmentUri(response.Id);
return new Attachment
Name = @"Resources\architecture-resize.png",
ContentType = "image/png",
ContentUrl = attachmentUri,
// ContentUrl must be HTTPS.
return new Attachment
Name = @"Resources\architecture-resize.png",
ContentType = "image/png",
ContentUrl = "https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/bot-framework/media/how-it-works/architecture-resize.png",
* Returns an attachment to be sent to the user from a HTTPS URL.
getInternetAttachment() {
// NOTE: The contentUrl must be HTTPS.
return {
name: 'architecture-resize.png',
contentType: 'image/png',
contentUrl: 'https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/bot-framework/media/how-it-works/architecture-resize.png'
result = getInlineAttachment()
.thenApply(attachment -> {
Activity reply = MessageFactory.text("This is an inline attachment.");
return reply;
接下來,我們會查看附件的類型。 首先是內嵌附件:
// Creates an inline attachment sent from the bot to the user using a base64 string.
// Using a base64 string to send an attachment will not work on all channels.
// Additionally, some channels will only allow certain file types to be sent this way.
// For example a .png file may work but a .pdf file may not on some channels.
// Please consult the channel documentation for specifics.
private CompletableFuture<Attachment> getInlineAttachment() {
return getEncodedFileData("architecture-resize.png")
.thenApply(encodedFileData -> {
Attachment attachment = new Attachment();
attachment.setContentUrl("data:image/png;base64," + encodedFileData);
return attachment;
// Creates an Attachment to be sent from the bot to the user from a HTTP URL.
private static Attachment getInternetAttachment() {
// ContentUrl must be HTTPS.
Attachment attachment = new Attachment();
return attachment;
reply.text = "This is an inline attachment."
reply.attachments = [self._get_inline_attachment()]
若要傳送單一內容,例如影像或視訊,您可以透過幾種不同的方式傳送媒體。 首先,作為內嵌附件:
def _get_inline_attachment(self) -> Attachment:
Creates an inline attachment sent from the bot to the user using a base64 string.
Using a base64 string to send an attachment will not work on all channels.
Additionally, some channels will only allow certain file types to be sent this way.
For example a .png file may work but a .pdf file may not on some channels.
Please consult the channel documentation for specifics.
:return: Attachment
file_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "resources/architecture-resize.png")
with open(file_path, "rb") as in_file:
base64_image = base64.b64encode(in_file.read()).decode()
return Attachment(
async def _get_upload_attachment(self, turn_context: TurnContext) -> Attachment:
Creates an "Attachment" to be sent from the bot to the user from an uploaded file.
:param turn_context:
:return: Attachment
with open(
os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "resources/architecture-resize.png"), "rb"
) as in_file:
image_data = in_file.read()
connector = await turn_context.adapter.create_connector_client(
conversation_id = turn_context.activity.conversation.id
response = await connector.conversations.upload_attachment(
base_uri: str = connector.config.base_url
attachment_uri = (
+ ("" if base_uri.endswith("/") else "/")
+ f"v3/attachments/{response.id}/views/original"
return Attachment(
最後,URL 中包含的因特網附件:
def _get_internet_attachment(self) -> Attachment:
Creates an Attachment to be sent from the bot to the user from a HTTP URL.
:return: Attachment
return Attachment(
private static async Task DisplayOptionsAsync(ITurnContext turnContext, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// Create a HeroCard with options for the user to interact with the bot.
var card = new HeroCard
Text = "You can upload an image or select one of the following choices",
Buttons = new List<CardAction>
// Note that some channels require different values to be used in order to get buttons to display text.
// In this code the emulator is accounted for with the 'title' parameter, but in other channels you may
// need to provide a value for other parameters like 'text' or 'displayText'.
new CardAction(ActionTypes.ImBack, title: "1. Inline Attachment", value: "1"),
new CardAction(ActionTypes.ImBack, title: "2. Internet Attachment", value: "2"),
new CardAction(ActionTypes.ImBack, title: "3. Uploaded Attachment", value: "3"),
var reply = MessageFactory.Attachment(card.ToAttachment());
await turnContext.SendActivityAsync(reply, cancellationToken);
* @param {Object} turnContext
async displayOptions(turnContext) {
const reply = { type: ActivityTypes.Message };
// Note that some channels require different values to be used in order to get buttons to display text.
// In this code the emulator is accounted for with the 'title' parameter, but in other channels you may
// need to provide a value for other parameters like 'text' or 'displayText'.
const buttons = [
{ type: ActionTypes.ImBack, title: '1. Inline Attachment', value: '1' },
{ type: ActionTypes.ImBack, title: '2. Internet Attachment', value: '2' },
{ type: ActionTypes.ImBack, title: '3. Uploaded Attachment', value: '3' }
const card = CardFactory.heroCard('', undefined,
buttons, { text: 'You can upload an image or select one of the following choices.' });
reply.attachments = [card];
private static CompletableFuture<Void> displayOptions(TurnContext turnContext) {
// Create a HeroCard with options for the user to interact with the bot.
HeroCard card = new HeroCard();
card.setText("You can upload an image or select one of the following choices");
// Note that some channels require different values to be used in order to get buttons to display text.
// In this code the emulator is accounted for with the 'title' parameter, but in other channels you may
// need to provide a value for other parameters like 'text' or 'displayText'.
new CardAction(ActionTypes.IM_BACK, "1. Inline Attachment", "1"),
new CardAction(ActionTypes.IM_BACK, "2. Internet Attachment", "2"),
new CardAction(ActionTypes.IM_BACK, "3. Uploaded Attachment", "3")
Activity reply = MessageFactory.attachment(card.toAttachment());
return turnContext.sendActivity(reply).thenApply(resourceResponse -> null);
async def _display_options(self, turn_context: TurnContext):
Create a HeroCard with options for the user to interact with the bot.
:param turn_context:
# Note that some channels require different values to be used in order to get buttons to display text.
# In this code the emulator is accounted for with the 'title' parameter, but in other channels you may
# need to provide a value for other parameters like 'text' or 'displayText'.
card = HeroCard(
text="You can upload an image or select one of the following choices",
type=ActionTypes.im_back, title="1. Inline Attachment", value="1"
type=ActionTypes.im_back, title="2. Internet Attachment", value="2"
type=ActionTypes.im_back, title="3. Uploaded Attachment", value="3"
public static HeroCard GetHeroCard()
var heroCard = new HeroCard
Title = "BotFramework Hero Card",
Subtitle = "Microsoft Bot Framework",
Text = "Build and connect intelligent bots to interact with your users naturally wherever they are," +
" from text/sms to Skype, Slack, Office 365 mail and other popular services.",
Images = new List<CardImage> { new CardImage("https://sec.ch9.ms/ch9/7ff5/e07cfef0-aa3b-40bb-9baa-7c9ef8ff7ff5/buildreactionbotframework_960.jpg") },
Buttons = new List<CardAction> { new CardAction(ActionTypes.OpenUrl, "Get Started", value: "https://docs.microsoft.com/bot-framework") },
return heroCard;
public static SigninCard GetSigninCard()
var signinCard = new SigninCard
Text = "BotFramework Sign-in Card",
Buttons = new List<CardAction> { new CardAction(ActionTypes.Signin, "Sign-in", value: "https://login.microsoftonline.com/") },
return signinCard;
createOAuthCard() {
return CardFactory.oauthCard(
'OAuth connection', // Replace with the name of your Azure AD connection
'Sign In',
'BotFramework OAuth Card'
public static HeroCard getHeroCard() {
HeroCard heroCard = new HeroCard();
heroCard.setTitle("BotFramework Hero Card");
heroCard.setSubtitle("Microsoft Bot Framework");
heroCard.setText("Build and connect intelligent bots to interact with your users naturally wherever they are," +
" from text/sms to Skype, Slack, Office 365 mail and other popular services.");
heroCard.setImages(new CardImage("https://sec.ch9.ms/ch9/7ff5/e07cfef0-aa3b-40bb-9baa-7c9ef8ff7ff5/buildreactionbotframework_960.jpg"));
heroCard.setButtons(new CardAction(ActionTypes.OPEN_URL, "Get Started", "https://docs.microsoft.com/bot-framework"));
return heroCard;
public static SigninCard getSigninCard() {
SigninCard signinCard = new SigninCard();
signinCard.setText("BotFramework Sign-in Card");
signinCard.setButtons(new CardAction(ActionTypes.SIGNIN, "Sign-in", "https://login.microsoftonline.com/"));
return signinCard;
def create_oauth_card(self) -> Attachment:
card = OAuthCard(
text="BotFramework OAuth Card",
connection_name="OAuth connection", # Replace it with the name of your Azure AD connection.
title="Sign in",
return CardFactory.oauth_card(card)
// Cards are sent as Attachments in the Bot Framework.
// So we need to create a list of attachments for the reply activity.
var attachments = new List<Attachment>();
// Reply to the activity we received with an activity.
var reply = MessageFactory.Attachment(attachments);
// Cards are sent as Attachments in the Bot Framework.
// So we need to create a list of attachments for the reply activity.
List<Attachment> attachments = new ArrayList<>();
// Reply to the activity we received with an activity.
Activity reply = MessageFactory.attachment(attachments);
// Display a carousel of all the rich card types.
// Send the card(s) to the user as an attachment to the activity
return stepContext.getContext().sendActivity(reply)
private async Task ChoiceValidator(
PromptValidatorContext promptContext,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// Retrieves Adaptive Card comment text as JObject.
// looks for JObject field "text" and converts that input into a trimmed text string.
var jobject = promptContext.Context.Activity.Value as JObject;
var jtoken = jobject?["text"];
var text = jtoken?.Value().Trim();
// Logic: 1. if succeeded = true, just return promptContext
// 2. if false, see if JObject contained Adaptive Card input.
// No = (bad input) return promptContext
// Yes = update Value field with JObject text string, return "true".
if (!promptContext.Recognized.Succeeded && text != null)
var choice = promptContext.Options.Choices.FirstOrDefault(
c => c.Value.Equals(text, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));
if (choice != null)
promptContext.Recognized.Value = new FoundChoice
Value = choice.Value,
return true;
return promptContext.Recognized.Succeeded;
現在,宣告中的 MainDialog 上方變更:
// Define the main dialog and its related components.
AddDialog(new ChoicePrompt(nameof(ChoicePrompt)));
// Define the main dialog and its related components.
AddDialog(new ChoicePrompt(nameof(ChoicePrompt), ChoiceValidator));
// The following check looks for a non-existent text input
// plus Adaptive Card input in _activity.value.text
// If both conditions exist, the Activity Card text
// is copied into the text input field.
if(turnContext._activity.text == null
&& turnContext._activity.value.text != null) {
this.logger.log('replacing null text with Activity Card text input');
turnContext._activity.text = turnContext._activity.value.text;
PromptValidator<FoundChoice> validator = (promptContext) -> {
// Retrieves Adaptive Card comment text as JObject.
// looks for JObject field "text" and converts that input into a trimmed text
// string.
JsonNode jsonNode = Serialization.getAs(promptContext.getContext().getActivity().getValue(), JsonNode.class);
JsonNode textNode = jsonNode != null ? jsonNode.get("text") : null;
String text = textNode != null ? textNode.textValue() : "";
// Logic: 1. if succeeded = true, just return promptContext
// 2. if false, see if JObject contained Adaptive Card input.
// No = (bad input) return promptContext
// Yes = update Value field with JObject text string, return "true".
if (!promptContext.getRecognized().getSucceeded() && text != null) {
Optional<Choice> choice = promptContext.getOptions()
.filter(c -> StringUtils.compareIgnoreCase(c.getValue(), text) == 0)
if (choice.isPresent()) {
promptContext.getRecognized().setValue(new FoundChoice() {
return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(true);
return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(promptContext.getRecognized().getSucceeded());
現在,宣告中的 MainDialog 上方變更:
// Define the main dialog and its related components.
addDialog(new ChoicePrompt("ChoicePrompt"));
// Define the main dialog and its related components.
addDialog(new ChoicePrompt("ChoicePrompt", validator, null));
這個 choice_validator 方法會放在 公開的封閉大括弧公開之後的 Using card 範例中,以宣告 MainDialog:
async def choice_validator(prompt_context: PromptValidatorContext) -> bool:
if prompt_context.context.activity.value:
text = prompt_context.context.activity.value["text"].lower()
if not prompt_context.recognized.succeeded and text:
matching_choices = [choice for choice in prompt_context.options.choices if choice.value.lower() == text]
if matching_choices:
choice = matching_choices[0]
prompt_context.recognized.value = FoundChoice(
return True
return prompt_context.recognized.succeeded