
XNA Chief - We need interesting curriculi

Andy and Ed were down at Games:Edu yesterday with Chris Satchell talking about the academic programs and in particular the work we are doing to promote XNA as a platform for games curriculum. 


Chris took it a step further and  hit the nail on the head for many students out there who are starting out on their Computer Science (and related) degrees - students aren't inspired enough by a lot of current courses and want more challenging and fresh content.

“I'm passionate about getting people interested in computer science, but admissions are falling 40 per cent each year,”

“People think 'I want to learn programming to make cool things' and then when they walk through the door they're given a book on database design.”

Read the full article over on Develop magazine's site

We have loads of programs and support that enables students to go beyond their course and for educators to integrate exciting new technologies like XNA into their course like the Imagine Cup or Academic Connection.


Technorati Tags: game:edu, gamesedu, chris satchel, xna