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entities Package
Contains entities and SDK objects for Azure Machine Learning SDKv2.
Main areas include managing compute targets, creating/managing workspaces and jobs, and submitting/accessing model, runs and run output/logging etc.
APIKeyConnection |
Note This is an experimental class, and may change at any time. Please see https://aka.ms/azuremlexperimental for more information. A generic connection for any API key-based service. |
AadCredentialConfiguration |
Azure Active Directory Credential Configuration |
AccessKeyConfiguration |
Access Key Credentials. |
AccountKeyConfiguration | |
AlertNotification |
Alert notification configuration for monitoring jobs |
AmlCompute |
AzureML Compute resource. |
AmlComputeNodeInfo |
Compute node information related to AmlCompute. |
AmlComputeSshSettings |
SSH settings to access a AML compute target. |
AmlTokenConfiguration |
AzureML Token identity configuration. |
ApiKeyConfiguration |
Note This is an experimental class, and may change at any time. Please see https://aka.ms/azuremlexperimental for more information. Api Key Credentials. |
Asset |
Base class for asset. This class should not be instantiated directly. Instead, use one of its subclasses. |
AssignedUserConfiguration |
Settings to create a compute resource on behalf of another user. |
AutoPauseSettings |
Auto pause settings for Synapse Spark compute. |
AutoScaleSettings |
Auto-scale settings for Synapse Spark compute. |
AzureAISearchConfig |
Note This is an experimental class, and may change at any time. Please see https://aka.ms/azuremlexperimental for more information. Config class for creating an Azure AI Search index. |
AzureAISearchConnection |
A Connection that is specifically designed for handling connections to Azure AI Search. |
AzureAIServicesConnection |
Note This is an experimental class, and may change at any time. Please see https://aka.ms/azuremlexperimental for more information. A Connection geared towards Azure AI services. |
AzureBlobDatastore |
Azure blob storage that is linked to an Azure ML workspace. |
AzureBlobStoreConnection |
A connection to an Azure Blob Store. |
AzureContentSafetyConnection |
A Connection geared towards a Azure Content Safety service. |
AzureDataLakeGen1Datastore |
Azure Data Lake aka Gen 1 datastore that is linked to an Azure ML workspace. |
AzureDataLakeGen2Datastore |
Azure data lake gen 2 that is linked to an Azure ML workspace. |
AzureFileDatastore |
Azure file share that is linked to an Azure ML workspace. |
AzureMLBatchInferencingServer |
Note This is an experimental class, and may change at any time. Please see https://aka.ms/azuremlexperimental for more information. Azure ML batch inferencing configurations. |
AzureMLOnlineInferencingServer |
Note This is an experimental class, and may change at any time. Please see https://aka.ms/azuremlexperimental for more information. Azure ML online inferencing configurations. |
AzureOpenAIConnection |
Note This is an experimental class, and may change at any time. Please see https://aka.ms/azuremlexperimental for more information. A Connection that is specifically designed for handling connections to Azure Open AI. |
AzureOpenAIDeployment |
Note This is an experimental class, and may change at any time. Please see https://aka.ms/azuremlexperimental for more information.
Readonly variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. ivar name: The deployment name. vartype name: str ivar model_name: The name of the model to deploy. vartype model_name: str ivar model_version: The model version to deploy. vartype model_version: str ivar connection_name: The name of the connection to deploy to. vartype connection_name: str ivar target_url: The target URL of the AOAI resource for the deployment. vartype target_url: str ivar id: The ARM resource id of the deployment. vartype id: str ivar properties: Properties of the deployment. vartype properties: dict[str, str] ivar tags: Tags of the deployment. vartype tags: dict[str, str] ivar system_data: System data of the deployment. vartype system_data: ~azure.ai.ml.entities.SystemData |
AzureSpeechServicesConnection |
A Connection geared towards an Azure Speech service. |
BaseEnvironment |
Note This is an experimental class, and may change at any time. Please see https://aka.ms/azuremlexperimental for more information. Base environment type. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. |
BaselineDataRange |
Baseline data range for monitoring. This class is used when initializing a data_window for a ReferenceData object. For trailing input, set lookback_window_size and lookback_window_offset to a desired value. For static input, set window_start and window_end to a desired value. |
BatchDeployment |
Batch endpoint deployment entity. |
BatchEndpoint |
Batch endpoint entity. |
BatchJob |
Batch jobs that are created with batch deployments/endpoints invocation. This class shouldn't be instantiated directly. Instead, it is used as the return type of batch deployment/endpoint invocation and job listing. |
BatchRetrySettings |
Retry settings for batch deployment. |
BuildContext |
Docker build context for Environment. |
CapabilityHost |
Note This is an experimental class, and may change at any time. Please see https://aka.ms/azuremlexperimental for more information. Initialize a CapabilityHost instance. Capabilityhost management is controlled by MLClient's capabilityhosts operations. |
CategoricalDriftMetrics |
Categorical Drift Metrics |
CertificateConfiguration | |
CodeConfiguration |
Code configuration for a scoring job. |
Command |
Base class for command node, used for command component version consumption. You should not instantiate this class directly. Instead, you should create it using the builder function: command(). |
CommandComponent |
Command component version, used to define a Command Component or Job. |
CommandJob |
Command job. Note For sweep jobs, inputs, outputs, and parameters are accessible as environment variables using the prefix AZUREML_PARAMETER_. For example, if you have a parameter named "input_data", you can access it as AZUREML_PARAMETER_input_data. |
CommandJobLimits |
Limits for Command Jobs. |
Component |
Base class for component version, used to define a component. Can't be instantiated directly. |
Compute |
Base class for compute resources. This class should not be instantiated directly. Instead, use one of its subclasses. |
ComputeConfiguration |
Compute resource configuration |
ComputeInstance |
Compute Instance resource. |
ComputeInstanceSshSettings |
Credentials for an administrator user account to SSH into the compute node. Can only be configured if ssh_public_access_enabled is set to true on compute resource. |
ComputeRuntime |
Spark compute runtime configuration. |
ComputeSchedules |
Compute schedules. |
ComputeStartStopSchedule |
Schedules for compute start or stop scenario. |
ContainerRegistryCredential |
Key for ACR associated with given workspace. |
CronTrigger |
Cron Trigger for a job schedule. |
CustomApplications |
Specifies the custom service application configuration. |
CustomInferencingServer |
Note This is an experimental class, and may change at any time. Please see https://aka.ms/azuremlexperimental for more information. Custom inferencing configurations. |
CustomModelFineTuningJob |
Note This is an experimental class, and may change at any time. Please see https://aka.ms/azuremlexperimental for more information. |
CustomMonitoringMetricThreshold |
Note This is an experimental class, and may change at any time. Please see https://aka.ms/azuremlexperimental for more information. Feature attribution drift metric threshold |
CustomMonitoringSignal |
Note This is an experimental class, and may change at any time. Please see https://aka.ms/azuremlexperimental for more information. Custom monitoring signal. |
CustomerManagedKey |
Key vault details for encrypting data with customer-managed keys. |
Data |
Data for training and scoring. |
DataAsset |
Note This is an experimental class, and may change at any time. Please see https://aka.ms/azuremlexperimental for more information. Data Asset entity |
DataCollector |
Note This is an experimental class, and may change at any time. Please see https://aka.ms/azuremlexperimental for more information. Data Capture deployment entity. |
DataColumn |
A dataframe column |
DataDriftMetricThreshold |
Data drift metric threshold |
DataDriftSignal |
Data drift signal. |
DataImport |
Note This is an experimental class, and may change at any time. Please see https://aka.ms/azuremlexperimental for more information. Data asset with a creating data import job. |
DataQualityMetricThreshold |
Data quality metric threshold |
DataQualityMetricsCategorical |
Data Quality Categorical Metrics |
DataQualityMetricsNumerical |
Data Quality Numerical Metrics |
DataQualitySignal |
Data quality signal |
DataSegment |
Data segment for monitoring. |
Datastore |
Datastore of an Azure ML workspace, abstract class. |
DefaultActionType |
Specifies the default action when no IP rules are matched. |
DefaultScaleSettings |
Default scale settings. |
Deployment |
Endpoint Deployment base class. |
DeploymentCollection |
Note This is an experimental class, and may change at any time. Please see https://aka.ms/azuremlexperimental for more information. Collection entity |
DiagnoseRequestProperties |
DiagnoseRequestProperties. |
DiagnoseResponseResult |
DiagnoseResponseResult. |
DiagnoseResponseResultValue |
DiagnoseResponseResultValue. |
DiagnoseResult |
Result of Diagnose. |
DiagnoseWorkspaceParameters |
Parameters to diagnose a workspace. |
Endpoint |
Endpoint base class. Endpoint base class. Constructor for Endpoint base class. |
EndpointAadToken |
Endpoint aad token. Constructor for Endpoint aad token. |
EndpointAuthKeys |
Keys for endpoint authentication. Constructor for keys for endpoint authentication. |
EndpointAuthToken |
Endpoint authentication token. Constuctor for Endpoint authentication token. |
EndpointConnection |
Private Endpoint Connection related to a workspace private endpoint. |
EndpointsSettings |
Specifies an endpoint configuration for a Custom Application. |
Environment |
Environment for training. |
FADProductionData |
Note This is an experimental class, and may change at any time. Please see https://aka.ms/azuremlexperimental for more information. Feature Attribution Production Data |
Feature | |
FeatureAttributionDriftMetricThreshold |
Note This is an experimental class, and may change at any time. Please see https://aka.ms/azuremlexperimental for more information. Feature attribution drift metric threshold |
FeatureAttributionDriftSignal |
Note This is an experimental class, and may change at any time. Please see https://aka.ms/azuremlexperimental for more information. Feature attribution drift signal |
FeatureSet |
Feature Set |
FeatureSetBackfillMetadata |
Feature Set Backfill Metadata |
FeatureSetBackfillRequest |
Feature Set Backfill Request |
FeatureSetMaterializationMetadata |
Feature Set Materialization Metadata |
FeatureSetSpecification |
Feature Set Specification |
FeatureStore |
Feature Store |
FeatureStoreEntity |
Feature Store Entity |
FeatureStoreSettings |
Feature Store Settings |
FeatureWindow |
Feature window :keyword feature_window_end: Specifies the feature window end time. :paramtype feature_window_end: ~datetime.datetime :keyword feature_window_start: Specifies the feature window start time. :paramtype feature_window_start: ~datetime.datetime |
FixedInputData | |
FqdnDestination |
Class representing a FQDN outbound rule. Creating a FqdnDestination outbound rule object.
GenerationSafetyQualityMonitoringMetricThreshold |
Note This is an experimental class, and may change at any time. Please see https://aka.ms/azuremlexperimental for more information. Generation safety quality metric threshold |
GenerationSafetyQualitySignal |
Note This is an experimental class, and may change at any time. Please see https://aka.ms/azuremlexperimental for more information. Generation Safety Quality monitoring signal. |
GenerationTokenStatisticsMonitorMetricThreshold |
Note This is an experimental class, and may change at any time. Please see https://aka.ms/azuremlexperimental for more information. Generation token statistics metric threshold definition. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. |
GenerationTokenStatisticsSignal |
Note This is an experimental class, and may change at any time. Please see https://aka.ms/azuremlexperimental for more information. Generation token statistics signal definition. |
GitSource |
Note This is an experimental class, and may change at any time. Please see https://aka.ms/azuremlexperimental for more information. Config class for creating an ML index from files located in a git repository. |
Hub |
Note This is an experimental class, and may change at any time. Please see https://aka.ms/azuremlexperimental for more information. A Hub is a special type of workspace that acts as a parent and resource container for lightweight child workspaces called projects. Resources like the hub's storage account, key vault, and container registry are shared by all child projects. As a type of workspace, hub management is controlled by an MLClient's workspace operations. Creating a Hub object.
IPRule |
Represents an IP rule with a value. |
IdentityConfiguration |
Identity configuration used to represent identity property on compute, endpoint, and registry resources. |
ImageMetadata |
Metadata about the operating system image for the compute instance. |
ImageSettings |
Specifies an image configuration for a Custom Application. |
ImportDataSchedule |
Note This is an experimental class, and may change at any time. Please see https://aka.ms/azuremlexperimental for more information. ImportDataSchedule object. |
Index |
Note This is an experimental class, and may change at any time. Please see https://aka.ms/azuremlexperimental for more information. Index asset. |
IndexDataSource |
Note This is an experimental class, and may change at any time. Please see https://aka.ms/azuremlexperimental for more information. Base class for configs that define data that will be processed into an ML index. This class should not be instantiated directly. Use one of its child classes instead. |
InputPort | |
IntellectualProperty |
Note This is an experimental class, and may change at any time. Please see https://aka.ms/azuremlexperimental for more information. Intellectual property settings definition. |
IsolationMode |
IsolationMode for the workspace managed network. |
Job |
Base class for jobs. This class should not be instantiated directly. Instead, use one of its subclasses. |
JobResourceConfiguration |
Job resource configuration class, inherited and extended functionalities from ResourceConfiguration. |
JobResources |
Resource configuration for a job. This class should not be instantiated directly. Instead, use its subclasses. |
JobSchedule |
Class for managing job schedules. |
JobService |
Basic job service configuration for backward compatibility. This class is not intended to be used directly. Instead, use one of its subclasses specific to your job type. |
JupyterLabJobService |
JupyterLab job service configuration. |
KubernetesCompute |
Kubernetes Compute resource. |
KubernetesOnlineDeployment |
Kubernetes Online endpoint deployment entity. |
KubernetesOnlineEndpoint |
K8s Online endpoint entity. K8s Online endpoint entity. Constructor for K8s Online endpoint entity. |
LlmData |
Note This is an experimental class, and may change at any time. Please see https://aka.ms/azuremlexperimental for more information. LLM Request Response Data |
LocalSource |
Note This is an experimental class, and may change at any time. Please see https://aka.ms/azuremlexperimental for more information. Config class for creating an ML index from a collection of local files. |
ManagedIdentityConfiguration |
Managed Identity credential configuration. |
ManagedNetwork |
Managed Network settings for a workspace. Creating a ManagedNetwork object with one of each rule type.
ManagedNetworkProvisionStatus |
ManagedNetworkProvisionStatus. |
ManagedOnlineDeployment |
Managed Online endpoint deployment entity. |
ManagedOnlineEndpoint |
Managed Online endpoint entity. Managed Online endpoint entity. Constructor for Managed Online endpoint entity. |
MarketplacePlan |
Note This is an experimental class, and may change at any time. Please see https://aka.ms/azuremlexperimental for more information. |
MarketplaceSubscription |
Marketplace Subscription Definition. Readonly variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to server. |
MaterializationComputeResource |
Materialization Compute resource |
MaterializationSettings |
Defines materialization settings. |
MaterializationStore |
Materialization Store |
MicrosoftOneLakeConnection |
A connection to a Microsoft One Lake. Connections of this type are further specified by their artifact class type, although the number of artifact classes is currently limited. |
Model |
Model for training and scoring. |
ModelBatchDeployment |
Note This is an experimental class, and may change at any time. Please see https://aka.ms/azuremlexperimental for more information. Job Definition entity. |
ModelBatchDeploymentSettings |
Note This is an experimental class, and may change at any time. Please see https://aka.ms/azuremlexperimental for more information. Model Batch Deployment Settings entity. |
ModelConfiguration |
Note This is an experimental class, and may change at any time. Please see https://aka.ms/azuremlexperimental for more information. ModelConfiguration. |
ModelPackage |
Note This is an experimental class, and may change at any time. Please see https://aka.ms/azuremlexperimental for more information. Model package. |
ModelPackageInput |
Note This is an experimental class, and may change at any time. Please see https://aka.ms/azuremlexperimental for more information. Model package input. |
ModelPerformanceClassificationThresholds |
Note This is an experimental class, and may change at any time. Please see https://aka.ms/azuremlexperimental for more information. |
ModelPerformanceMetricThreshold |
Note This is an experimental class, and may change at any time. Please see https://aka.ms/azuremlexperimental for more information. |
ModelPerformanceRegressionThresholds |
Note This is an experimental class, and may change at any time. Please see https://aka.ms/azuremlexperimental for more information. |
ModelPerformanceSignal |
Note This is an experimental class, and may change at any time. Please see https://aka.ms/azuremlexperimental for more information. Model performance signal. |
MonitorDefinition |
Monitor definition |
MonitorFeatureFilter |
Monitor feature filter |
MonitorInputData |
Monitor input data. |
MonitorSchedule |
Monitor schedule. |
MonitoringTarget |
Monitoring target. |
NetworkAcls |
Network Access Setting for Workspace |
NetworkSettings |
Network settings for a compute resource. If the workspace and VNet are in different resource groups, please provide the full URI for subnet and leave vnet_name as None. |
NoneCredentialConfiguration |
None Credential Configuration. In many uses cases, the presence of this credential configuration indicates that the user's Entra ID will be implicitly used instead of any other form of authentication. |
NotebookAccessKeys |
Key for notebook resource associated with given workspace. |
Notification |
Configuration for notification. |
NumericalDriftMetrics |
Numerical Drift Metrics |
OneLakeArtifact |
Note This is an experimental class, and may change at any time. Please see https://aka.ms/azuremlexperimental for more information. OneLake artifact (data source) backing the OneLake workspace. |
OneLakeConnectionArtifact |
Note This is an experimental class, and may change at any time. Please see https://aka.ms/azuremlexperimental for more information. Artifact class used by the Connection subclass known as a MicrosoftOneLakeConnection. Supplying this class further specifies the connection as a Lake House connection. |
OneLakeDatastore |
Note This is an experimental class, and may change at any time. Please see https://aka.ms/azuremlexperimental for more information. OneLake datastore that is linked to an Azure ML workspace. |
OnlineDeployment |
Online endpoint deployment entity. |
OnlineEndpoint |
Online endpoint entity. Online endpoint entity. Constructor for an Online endpoint entity. |
OnlineRequestSettings |
Request Settings entity. |
OnlineScaleSettings |
Scale settings for online deployment. |
OpenAIConnection |
Note This is an experimental class, and may change at any time. Please see https://aka.ms/azuremlexperimental for more information. A connection geared towards direct connections to Open AI. Not to be confused with the AzureOpenAIWorkspaceConnection, which is for Azure's Open AI services. |
OutboundRule |
Base class for Outbound Rules, cannot be instantiated directly. Please see FqdnDestination, PrivateEndpointDestination, and ServiceTagDestination objects to create outbound rules. |
PackageInputPathId |
Note This is an experimental class, and may change at any time. Please see https://aka.ms/azuremlexperimental for more information. Package input path specified with a resource ID. |
PackageInputPathUrl |
Note This is an experimental class, and may change at any time. Please see https://aka.ms/azuremlexperimental for more information. Package input path specified with a url. |
PackageInputPathVersion |
Note This is an experimental class, and may change at any time. Please see https://aka.ms/azuremlexperimental for more information. Package input path specified with a resource name and version. |
Parallel |
Base class for parallel node, used for parallel component version consumption. You should not instantiate this class directly. Instead, you should create from builder function: parallel. |
ParallelComponent |
Parallel component version, used to define a parallel component. |
ParallelTask |
Parallel task. |
ParameterizedCommand |
Command component version that contains the command and supporting parameters for a Command component or job. This class should not be instantiated directly. Instead, use the child class ~azure.ai.ml.entities.CommandComponent. |
PatTokenConfiguration |
Personal access token credentials. |
Pipeline |
Base class for pipeline node, used for pipeline component version consumption. You should not instantiate this class directly. Instead, you should use @pipeline decorator to create a pipeline node. |
PipelineComponent |
Pipeline component, currently used to store components in an azure.ai.ml.dsl.pipeline. |
PipelineComponentBatchDeployment |
Note This is an experimental class, and may change at any time. Please see https://aka.ms/azuremlexperimental for more information. Pipeline Component Batch Deployment entity. |
PipelineJob |
Pipeline job. You should not instantiate this class directly. Instead, you should use the @pipeline decorator to create a PipelineJob. ] :param compute: Compute target name of the built pipeline. Defaults to None :type compute: str :param tags: Tag dictionary. Tags can be added, removed, and updated. Defaults to None :type tags: dict[str, str] :param kwargs: A dictionary of additional configuration parameters. Defaults to None :type kwargs: dict |
PipelineJobSettings |
Settings of PipelineJob. |
PredictionDriftMetricThreshold |
Prediction drift metric threshold |
PredictionDriftSignal |
Prediction drift signal. |
PrivateEndpoint |
Private Endpoint of a workspace. |
PrivateEndpointDestination |
Class representing a Private Endpoint outbound rule. Creating a PrivateEndpointDestination outbound rule object.
ProbeSettings |
Settings on how to probe an endpoint. |
ProductionData |
Production Data |
Project |
Note This is an experimental class, and may change at any time. Please see https://aka.ms/azuremlexperimental for more information. A Project is a lightweight object for orchestrating AI applications, and is parented by a hub. Unlike a standard workspace, a project does not have a variety of sub-resources directly associated with it. Instead, its parent hub managed these resources, which are then used by the project and its siblings. As a type of workspace, project management is controlled by an MLClient's workspace operations. |
QueueSettings |
Note This is an experimental class, and may change at any time. Please see https://aka.ms/azuremlexperimental for more information. Queue settings for a pipeline job. |
RecurrencePattern |
Recurrence pattern for a job schedule. |
RecurrenceTrigger |
Recurrence trigger for a job schedule. |
ReferenceData |
Reference Data |
Registry |
Azure ML registry. |
RegistryRegionDetails |
Details for each region a registry is in. |
RequestLogging |
Note This is an experimental class, and may change at any time. Please see https://aka.ms/azuremlexperimental for more information. Request Logging deployment entity. |
Resource |
Base class for entity classes. Resource is an abstract object that serves as a base for creating resources. It contains common properties and methods for all resources. This class should not be instantiated directly. Instead, use one of its subclasses. |
ResourceConfiguration |
Resource configuration for a job. This class should not be instantiated directly. Instead, use its subclasses. |
ResourceRequirementsSettings |
Resource requirements settings for a container. |
ResourceSettings |
Resource settings for a container. This class uses Kubernetes Resource unit formats. For more information, see https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/manage-resources-containers/. |
RetrySettings |
Parallel RetrySettings. |
Route |
Note This is an experimental class, and may change at any time. Please see https://aka.ms/azuremlexperimental for more information. Route. |
SasTokenConfiguration | |
Schedule |
Schedule object used to create and manage schedules. This class should not be instantiated directly. Instead, please use the subclasses. |
ScheduleTriggerResult |
Schedule trigger result returned by trigger an enabled schedule once. This class shouldn't be instantiated directly. Instead, it is used as the return type of schedule trigger. |
ScriptReference |
Script reference. |
SerpConnection |
Note This is an experimental class, and may change at any time. Please see https://aka.ms/azuremlexperimental for more information. A connection geared towards a Serp service (Open source search API Service) |
ServerlessComputeSettings |
Settings regarding serverless compute(s) in an Azure ML workspace. |
ServerlessConnection |
Note This is an experimental class, and may change at any time. Please see https://aka.ms/azuremlexperimental for more information. A connection geared towards a MaaS endpoint (Serverless). |
ServerlessEndpoint |
Note This is an experimental class, and may change at any time. Please see https://aka.ms/azuremlexperimental for more information.
Readonly variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to server. ivar name: The deployment name. Required. vartype name: str ivar auth_mode: Authentication mode of the endpoint. vartype auth_mode: str ivar model_id: The id of the model to deploy. Required. vartype model_id: str ivar location: Location in which to create endpoint. vartype location: str ivar provisioning_state: Provisioning state of the endpoint. Possible values are: "creating", "deleting", "succeeded", "failed", "updating", and "canceled". vartype provisioning_state: str ivar tags: Tags for the endpoint. vartype tags: dict[str, str] ivar properties: Properties of the endpoint. vartype properties: dict[str, str] ivar description: Descripton of the endpoint. vartype description: str ivar scoring_uri: Scoring uri of the endpoint. vartype scoring_uri: str ivar id: ARM resource id of the endpoint. vartype id: str ivar headers: Headers required to hit the endpoint. vartype id: dict[str, str] ivar system_data: System data of the endpoint. vartype system_data: ~azure.ai.ml.entities.SystemData |
ServerlessSparkCompute |
Serverless Spark compute. |
ServiceInstance |
Service Instance Result. |
ServicePrincipalConfiguration |
Service Principal credentials configuration. |
ServiceTagDestination |
Class representing a Service Tag outbound rule. Creating a ServiceTagDestination outbound rule object.
SetupScripts |
Customized setup scripts. |
Spark |
Base class for spark node, used for spark component version consumption. You should not instantiate this class directly. Instead, you should create it from the builder function: spark. ] ]] |
SparkComponent |
Spark component version, used to define a Spark Component or Job. |
SparkJob |
A standalone Spark job. |
SparkJobEntry |
Entry for Spark job. |
SparkJobEntryType |
Type of Spark job entry. Possibilities are Python file entry or Scala class entry. |
SparkResourceConfiguration |
Compute resource configuration for Spark component or job. |
SshJobService |
SSH job service configuration. |
StaticInputData | |
Sweep |
Base class for sweep node. This class should not be instantiated directly. Instead, it should be created via the builder function: sweep. ] ]] ]] ] |
SynapseSparkCompute |
Note This is an experimental class, and may change at any time. Please see https://aka.ms/azuremlexperimental for more information. SynapseSpark Compute resource. |
SystemCreatedAcrAccount |
Azure ML ACR account. |
SystemCreatedStorageAccount | |
SystemData |
Metadata related to the creation and most recent modification of a resource. |
TargetUtilizationScaleSettings |
Auto scale settings. |
TensorBoardJobService |
TensorBoard job service configuration. |
TrailingInputData | |
TritonInferencingServer |
Note This is an experimental class, and may change at any time. Please see https://aka.ms/azuremlexperimental for more information. Azure ML triton inferencing configurations. |
UnsupportedCompute |
Unsupported compute resource. Only used for displaying compute properties for resources not fully supported in the SDK. |
Usage |
AzureML resource usage. |
UsageName |
The usage name. |
UserIdentityConfiguration |
User identity configuration. |
UsernamePasswordConfiguration |
Username and password credentials. |
ValidationResult |
Represents the result of job/asset validation. This class is used to organize and parse diagnostics from both client & server side before expose them. The result is immutable. |
VirtualMachineCompute |
Virtual Machine Compute resource. |
VirtualMachineSshSettings |
SSH settings for a virtual machine. |
VmSize |
Virtual Machine Size. |
VolumeSettings |
Specifies the Bind Mount settings for a Custom Application. |
VsCodeJobService |
VS Code job service configuration. |
Workspace |
Azure ML workspace. Creating a Workspace object.
WorkspaceConnection |
Azure ML connection provides a secure way to store authentication and configuration information needed to connect and interact with the external resources. Note: For connections to OpenAI, Cognitive Search, and Cognitive Services, use the respective subclasses (ex: ~azure.ai.ml.entities.OpenAIConnection) instead of instantiating this class directly. |
WorkspaceKeys |
Workspace Keys. |
CapabilityHostKind |
Note This is an experimental class, and may change at any time. Please see https://aka.ms/azuremlexperimental for more information. Capabilityhost kind. |
ComputePowerAction |
[Required] The compute power action. |
CreatedByType |
The type of identity that created the resource. |
DataAvailabilityStatus |
DataAvailabilityStatus. |
DataColumnType |
Dataframe Column Type Enum |
MaterializationType |
Materialization Type Enum |
UsageUnit |
An enum describing the unit of usage measurement. |