CAggDirectDraw Class (Windows CE 5.0)

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This class aggregates an IDirectDraw interface. Although DirectDraw interfaces (IDirectDraw and IDirectDrawSurface) potentially have the ability to be aggregated, this feature is not yet implemented.

Various parts of DirectShow require aggregation of the DirectDraw interfaces. In particular, the video renderer passes out media samples that expose IDirectDraw and IDirectDrawSurface.

This class and the CAggDrawSurface class republish the methods of the DirectDraw class so that they can be aggregated.

Each member function in this class, with the exception of the constructor, SetDirectDraw, and NonDelegatingQueryInterface, simply calls the corresponding method on the IDirectDraw interface with the parameters passed to it.

Protected Data Members

Member Description
m_pDirectDraw DirectDraw object.

Member Functions

Function Description
CAggDirectDraw Constructs a CAggDirectDraw object.
SetDirectDraw Sets the DirectDraw object to be aggregated by this class.

Overrideable Member Functions

Member function Description
NonDelegatingQueryInterface Retrieves an interface and increments the reference count.

Implemented IDirectDraw Methods

Method Description
IDirectDraw::CreateClipper Creates a DirectDrawClipper object.
IDirectDraw::CreateSurface Creates a DirectDrawSurface object for this DirectDraw object.
IDirectDraw::EnumDisplayModes Enumerates all display modes the hardware exposes through the DirectDraw object that are compatible with a provided surface description.
IDirectDraw::EnumSurfaces Enumerates all existing or possible surfaces that meet the search criterion specified.
IDirectDraw::FlipToGDISurface Makes the surface that GDI writes to the primary surface.
IDirectDraw::GetCaps Fills in the raw (not remaining) capabilities of the device driver (the hardware) and/or the Hardware Emulation Layer (HEL).
IDirectDraw::GetDisplayMode Retrieves the current display mode.
IDirectDraw::GetFourCCCodes Gets the FOURCC codes supported by the DirectDraw object.
IDirectDraw::GetGDISurface Retrieves the DirectDrawSurface object that currently represents the surface memory that GDI treats as the primary surface.
IDirectDraw::GetMonitorFrequency Points to a DirectDrawSurface pointer that will be made to point to the DirectDrawSurface object currently controlling GDI's primary surface memory.
IDirectDraw::GetScanLine Retrieves the scan line that the monitor is currently updating to the display.
IDirectDraw::GetVerticalBlankStatus Retrieves the status of the vertical blank.
IDirectDraw::RestoreDisplayMode Resets the mode of the display device hardware for the primary surface to what it was before the SetDisplayMode method was called.
IDirectDraw::SetCooperativeLevel Determines the top-level behavior of the application.
IDirectDraw::SetDisplayMode Sets the mode of the display device hardware.
IDirectDraw::WaitForVerticalBlank Helps the caller synchronize itself with the vertical blank interval.


DirectShow applications and DirectShow filters have different include file and link library requirements.

For more information, see Setting Up the Build Environment.

OS Versions: Windows CE 2.12 and later. Version 2.12 requires DXPAK 1.0 or later.

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