CEL_SYSTEM_PAGE (Windows CE 5.0)

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This structure identifies beginning and ending values of a page fault event that occurred in the system.

typedef __CEL_SYSTEM_PAGE {DWORDdwAddress;DWORDfReadWrite:1;DWORDfEndPageIn:1;  DWORD fSuccess: 1
  DWORDdwReserved: 29


  • dwAddress
    The address where the page fault occurred.
  • fReadWrite
    The low bit of the DWORD is used to indicate whether the page is writeable. If fReadWrite is 0, this is a read-only page; otherwise, it is a writable page.
  • fEndPageIn
    The low bit of the DWORD is used to indicate the end of the page-in. If fEndPageIn is 0, this is the start of the page-in. If fEndPageIn is 1, this is the end of the page-in.
  • fSuccess
    Used only at the end of a page-in to indicate whether the page-in was a success. If fSuccess is 1, the page-in was successful. Otherwise, the page-in failed due to an error, such as an invalid address, incorrect permission, or low system memory.
  • dwReserved
    The remaining 29 bits are reserved for future use.


The fReadWrite, fEndPageIn, fSuccess, and dwReserved parameters are different fields of the same DWORD.


OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0 and later.
Header: Celog.h.

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