CeLogData (Windows CE 5.0)

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This function is called by the kernel whenever an event occurs that can be logged.

void CeLogData(BOOLfTimeStamp,WORDwID,PVOIDpData,WORDwLen,DWORDdwZoneUser,DWORDdwZoneCE,WORD wFlag,BOOL fFlagged );


  • fTimeStamp
    [in] Identifies whether a time stamp is needed. When set to TRUE, a time stamp is needed to coincide with the logged event.

  • wID
    [in] Identifier of the event that has occurred.

    For more information about events, see CeLog Event Identifiers.

  • pData
    [in] Pointer to a buffer that contains the data of the logged event.

  • wLen
    [in] Length of data pointed to by pData. Each event can have a differently sized structure.

  • dwZoneUser
    [in] User-defined zone. OEMs can create their own zones to track events.

  • dwZoneCE
    [in] Zone of the event that was logged and identified by wID.

    For more information about zones, see CeLog Zones.

  • wFlag
    [in] User-defined flag.

  • fFlagged
    [in] Indicates whether to use the user-defined flag, wFlag. If set to TRUE, wFlag has been specified. If set to FALSE, wFlag is ignored.

Return Values



OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0 and later.
Header: Celog.h.
Link Library: Coredll.lib.

See Also

Process and Thread Functions

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