CFileDialog Class Members
Data Members
m_ofn | The Windows OPENFILENAME structure. Provides access to basic file dialog box parameters. |
CFileDialog | Constructs a CFileDialog object. |
DoModal | Displays the dialog box and allows the user to make a selection. |
GetPathName | Returns the full path of the selected file. |
GetFileName | Returns the filename of the selected file. |
GetFileExt | Returns the file extension of the selected file. |
GetFileTitle | Returns the title of the selected file. |
GetNextPathName | Returns the full path of the next selected file. |
GetReadOnlyPref | Returns the read-only status of the selected file. |
GetStartPosition | Returns the position of the first element of the filename list. |
OnShareViolation | Called when a share violation occurs. |
OnFileNameOK | Called to validate the filename entered in the dialog box. |
OnLBSelChangedNotify | Called when the list box selection changes. |
OnInitDone | Called to handle the WM_NOTIFYCDN_INITDONE message. |
OnFileNameChange | Called to handle the WM_NOTIFYCDN_SELCHANGE message. |
OnFolderChange | Called to handle the WM_NOTIFYCDN_FOLDERCHANGE message. |
OnTypeChange | Called to handle the WM_NOTIFYCDN_TYPECHANGE message. |