Set to TRUE to construct a File Open dialog box or FALSE to construct a File Save As dialog box.
The default filename extension. If the user does not include an extension in the Filename edit box, the extension specified by lpszDefExt is automatically appended to the filename. If this parameter is NULL, no file extension is appended.
The initial filename that appears in the filename edit box. If NULL, no filename initially appears.
A combination of one or more flags that allow you to customize the dialog box. For a description of these flags, see the structure in the Win32 SDK documentation. If you modify the m_ofn.Flags structure member, use a bitwise-OR operator in your changes to keep the default behavior intact.
A series of string pairs that specify filters you can apply to the file. If you specify file filters, only selected files will appear in the Files list box. See the Remarks section for more information on how to work with file filters.
A pointer to the file dialog-box object’s parent or owner window.
Call this function to construct a standard Windows file dialog box-object. Either a File Open or File Save As dialog box is constructed, depending on the value of bOpenFileDialog.
To allow the user to select multiple files, set the OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT flag before calling DoModal. You need to supply your own filename buffer to accommodate the returned list of multiple filenames. Do this by replacing m_ofn.lpstrFile with a pointer to a buffer you have allocated, after constructing the CFileDialog, but before calling DoModal. Additionally, you must set m_ofn.nMaxFile with the number of characters in the buffer pointed to by m_ofn.lpstrFile.
To allow the user to resize an Explorer-style dialog box using either the mouse or keyboard, set the OFN_ENABLESIZING flag. Setting this flag is necessary only if you provide a hook procedure or custom template. The flag works only with an Explorer-style dialog box; old-style dialog boxes do not permit resizing.
The lpszFilter parameter is used to determine the type of filename a file must have to be displayed in the file list box. The first string in the string pair describes the filter; the second string indicates the file extension to use. Multiple extensions may be specified using ‘;’ as the delimiter. The string ends with two ‘|’ characters, followed by a NULL character. You can also use a CString object for this parameter.
For example, Microsoft Excel permits users to open files with extensions .XLC (chart) or .XLS (worksheet), among others. The filter for Excel could be written as:
static char BASED_CODE szFilter[] = "Chart Files (*.xlc)|*.xlc|Worksheet Files (*.xls)|*.xls|Data Files (*.xlc;*.xls)|*.xlc; *.xls|All Files (*.*)|*.*||";
CFileDialog Overview | Class Members | Hierarchy Chart
See Also CFileDialog::DoModal, , ,