DirectDraw Structures (SDK)

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The following topics contain information about the following structures used with DirectDraw.

Programming element PPC SP Description
DDALPHABLTFX X X This structure passed details about blit operations to the IDirectDrawSurface::AlphaBlt method.
DDARGB X X This structure contains a color representation with four channels.
DDBLTFX X X This structure passes raster operations, effects, and override information to the IDirectDrawSurface::Blt method.
DDCAPS X X This structure represents the capabilities of the hardware exposed through the DirectDraw object.
DDCOLORCONTROL X X This structure defines the color controls associated with a DirectDrawVideoPort object, an overlay surface, or a primary surface.
DDCOLORKEY X X This structure describes a source color key, destination color key, or color space.
DDDEVICEIDENTIFIER X X This structure contains information identifying the DirectDraw device.
DDGAMMARAMP X X This structure describes a gamma ramp with red, green, and blue data.
DDOVERLAYFX X X This structure passes override information to the IDirectDrawSurface::UpdateOverlay method.
DDPIXELFORMAT X X This structure describes the pixel format of a DirectDrawSurface object for the IDirectDrawSurface::GetPixelFormat method.
DDSCAPS X X This structure defines the capabilities of a DirectDrawSurface object.
DDSURFACEDESC X X This structure contains a description of a surface. This structure is used to pass surface parameters to the IDirectDraw::CreateSurface and IDirectDrawSurface::SetSurfaceDesc methods.

Note The memory for all DirectX structures should be initialized to zero before use. In addition, all structures that contain a dwSize member should set the member to the size of the structure, in bytes, before use.

The following example performs these tasks on a common structure, DDCAPS.

DDCAPS ddcaps; // Cannot use this yet.
ZeroMemory(&ddcaps, sizeof(DDCAPS));
ddcaps.dwSize = sizeof(DDCAPS);
// Now the structure can be used.

See Also

DirectDraw Reference

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