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This structure represents the capabilities of the hardware exposed through the DirectDraw object.

This structure contains a DDSCAPS structure used in this context to describe what kinds of DirectDrawSurface objects can be created. It may not be possible to simultaneously create all surfaces described by these capabilities.

This structure is used with the IDirectDraw::GetCaps method.

typedef struct _DDCAPS { 
  DWORD dwSize;
  DWORD dwCKeyCaps;
  DWORD dwPalCaps;
  DWORD dwBltCaps;
  DWORD dwAlphaCaps;
  DWORD dwOverlayCaps;
  DWORD dwVidMemTotal;
  DWORD dwVidMemFree;
  DWORD dwVidMemStride;
  DWORD dwMaxVisibleOverlays;
  DWORD dwCurrVisibleOverlays;
  DWORD dwNumFourCCCodes;
  DWORD dwAlignBoundarySrc;
  DWORD dwAlignSizeSrc;
  DWORD dwAlignBoundaryDest;
  DWORD dwAlignSizeDest;
  DWORD dwMinOverlayStretch;
  DWORD dwMaxOverlayStretch;
  DWORD dwMiscCaps;


  • dwSize
    Size of the structure, in bytes. This member must be initialized before the structure is used.

  • dwCKeyCaps
    Color-key capabilities. The following table shows the possible flags.

    Flag Description
    DDCKEYCAPS_BOTHBLT Supports transparent blitting with for both source and destination surfaces.
    DDCKEYCAPS_DESTBLT Supports transparent blitting with a color key that identifies the replaceable bits of the destination surface for RGB colors.
    DDCKEYCAPS_DESTBLTCLRSPACE Supports transparent blitting with a color space that identifies the replaceable bits of the destination surface for RGB colors.
    DDCKEYCAPS_DESTBLTCLRSPACEYUV Supports transparent blitting with a color space that identifies the replaceable bits of the destination surface for YUV colors.
    DDCKEYCAPS_SRCBLT Supports transparent blitting using the color key for the source with this surface for RGB colors.
    DDCKEYCAPS_SRCBLTCLRSPACE Supports transparent blitting using a color space for the source with this surface for RGB colors.
    DDCKEYCAPS_SRCBLTCLRSPACEYUV Supports transparent blitting using a color space for the source with this surface for YUV colors.
  • dwPalCaps
    Palette capabilities.

    The following table shows the possible flags.

    Flag Description
    DDPCAPS_ALPHA Supports palettes that include an alpha component.

    For alpha-capable palettes, the peFlags member of for each PALETTEENTRY structure the palette contains is to be interpreted as a single 8-bit alpha value (in addition to the color data in the peRed, peGreen, and peBlue members).

    A palette created with this flag can only be attached to a texture surface.

    DDPCAPS_PRIMARYSURFACE Indicates that the palette is attached to the primary surface.

    Changing the palette has an immediate effect on the display unless the DDPCAPS_VSYNC capability is specified and supported.

  • dwBltCaps
    Driver specific blitting capabilities.

    The following table shows the possible flags.

    Flag Description
    DDBLTCAPS_READSYSMEM Supports blitting from system memory.
    DDBLTCAPS_WRITESYSMEM Supports blitting to system memory.
    DDBLTCAPS_FOURCCTORGB Supports blitting from a surface with a FOURCC pixel format to a surface with an RGB pixel format.
    DDBLTCAPS_COPYFOURCC Supports blitting from a surface with a FOURCC pixel format to another surface with the same pixel format, or to the same surface.
    DDBLTCAPS_FILLFOURCC Supports color-fill blitting to a surface with a FOURCC pixel format.
  • dwAlphaCaps
    Alpha blitting capabilities.

    The following table shows the possible flags.

    Flag Description
    DDALPHACAPS_ALPHAPIXELS Supports per-pixel alpha values specified alongside with the RGB values in the pixel structure.
    DDALPHACAPS_PREMULT Supports pixel formats with premultiplied alpha values.
    DDALPHACAPS_NONPREMULT Supports pixel formats with non-premultiplied alpha values.
    DDALPHACAPS_ALPHAFILL Supports color-fill blitting using an alpha value.
    DDALPHACAPS_ALPHANEG Supports inverted-alpha pixel formats, where 0 indicates fully opaque and 255 indicates fully transparent.
  • dwOverlayCaps
    General overlay capabilities.

    The following table shows the possible flags.

    Flag Description
    DDOVERLAYCAPS_FLIP Supports surface flipping with overlays.
    DDOVERLAYCAPS_FOURCC Supports FOURCC pixel formats with overlays. Use IDirectDraw::GetFourCCCodes to determine which FOURCC formats are supported.
    DDOVERLAYCAPS_ZORDER Supports changing Z order of overlays.
    DDOVERLAYCAPS_MIRRORLEFTRIGHT Supports surface mirroring in the left-to-right direction for overlays.
    DDOVERLAYCAPS_MIRRORUPDOWN Supports surface mirroring in the up-to-down direction for overlays.
    DDOVERLAYCAPS_CKEYSRC Supports source color keying for overlays.
    DDOVERLAYCAPS_CKEYSRCCLRSPACE Supports source color-space keying for overlays.
    DDOVERLAYCAPS_CKEYSRCCLRSPACEYUV Supports source color-space keying for overlays with FOURCC pixel formats.
    DDOVERLAYCAPS_CKEYDEST Supports destination color keying for overlays.
    DDOVERLAYCAPS_CKEYDESTCLRSPACE Supports destination colo-space keying for overlays.
    DDOVERLAYCAPS_CKEYDESTCLRSPACEYUV Supports destination color-space keying for overlays with FOURCC pixel formats.
    DDOVERLAYCAPS_CKEYBOTH Supports simultaneous source and destination color keying for overlays.
    DDOVERLAYCAPS_ALPHADEST Supports destination alpha blending for overlays.
    DDOVERLAYCAPS_ALPHASRC Supports source alpha blending for overlays.
    DDOVERLAYCAPS_ALPHADESTNEG Supports inverted destination alpha blending for overlays.
    DDOVERLAYCAPS_ALPHASRCNEG Supports inverted source alpha blending for overlays.
    DDOVERLAYCAPS_ALPHACONSTANT Supports constant alpha blending for overlays (specified in the DDOVERLAYFX structure).
    DDOVERLAYCAPS_ALPHAPREMULT Supports premultiplied alpha pixel formats for overlay alpha blending.
    DDOVERLAYCAPS_ALPHANONPREMULT Supports non-premultiplied alpha pixel formats for overlay alpha blending.
    DDOVERLAYCAPS_ALPHAANDKEYDEST Supports simultaneous source alpha blending with a destination color key for overlays.
    DDOVERLAYCAPS_OVERLAYSUPPORT Supports overlay surfaces.
  • dwVidMemTotal
    Total amount of display memory on the device, in bytes, minus the memory reserved for the primary surface and any private data structures reserved by the driver.

    (This value is the same as the total video memory reported by the IDirectDraw::GetAvailableVidMem method.)

  • dwVidMemFree
    Free display memory.

    This value equals the value in dwVidMemTotal, minus any memory currently allocated by the application for surfaces.

    Unlike the GetAvailableVidMem method, which reports the memory available for a particular type of surface, such as a texture, this value reflects the memory available for any type of surface.

  • dwVidMemStride
    Video memory stride. This value is 0 if the stride is linear.

  • dwMaxVisibleOverlays
    Maximum number of visible overlays or overlay sprites.

  • dwCurrVisibleOverlays
    Current number of visible overlays or overlay sprites.

  • dwNumFourCCCodes
    Number of FourCC codes.

  • dwAlignBoundarySrc
    Source rectangle alignment, in pixels, for an overlay surface.

  • dwAlignSizeSrc
    Source rectangle size alignment, in pixels, for an overlay surface.

    Overlay source rectangles must have a pixel width that is a multiple of this value.

  • dwAlignBoundaryDest
    Destination rectangle alignment, in pixels, for an overlay surface.

  • dwAlignSizeDest
    Destination rectangle size alignment, in pixels, for an overlay surface.

    Overlay destination rectangles must have a pixel width that is a multiple of this value.

  • dwRops[DD_ROP_SPACE]
    Raster operations supported.

  • dwMinOverlayStretch and dwMaxOverlayStretch
    Minimum and maximum overlay stretch factors multiplied by 1000.

    For example, 1.3 x 1000 = 1300.

  • dwMiscCaps
    Miscellaneous video capabilities.

    The following table shows the possible flags.

    Flag Description
    DDMISCCAPS_READSCANLINE Supports reading the current scanline being drawn.
    DDMISCCAPS_READVBLANKSTATUS Supports reading the current V-Blank status of the hardware.
    DDMISCCAPS_FLIPINTERVAL Supports interval flipping.
    DDMISCCAPS_FLIPODDEVEN Supports Even/Odd flipping.
    DDMISCCAPS_FLIPVSYNCWITHVBI Supports V-Sync-coordinated flipping.
    DDMISCCAPS_COLORCONTROLOVERLAY Supports color controls on overlay surfaces.
    DDMISCCAPS_COLORCONTROLPRIMARY Supports color controls on primary surfaces.
    DDMISCCAPS_GAMMACONTROLOVERLAY Supports gamma controls on overlay surfaces.
    DDMISCCAPS_GAMMACONTROLPRIMARY Supports gamma controls on primary surfaces.


Pocket PC: Windows Mobile 5.0 and later
Smartphone: Windows Mobile 5.0 and later
OS Versions: Windows CE 5.01 and later
Header: Ddraw.h.

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