ServerVersion (POX)

ServerVersion 元素表示运行Microsoft Exchange Server的计算机的版本号。









元素 说明
Protocol (POX)
包含用于将客户端连接到运行安装了客户端访问服务器角色的 Microsoft Exchange 的计算机的规范。


文本值表示 Exchange 服务器版本号。


仅当 TYPE (POX) 元素等于 EXCH 或 EXPR 时,ServerVersion 值才有效。 ServerVersion 值是包含服务器的 MajorVersion、MinorVersion 和 MajorBuildNumber 的十六进制数。


以下示例覆盖自动发现响应中返回的 ServerVersion 值,以获取并显示 MajorVersion、MinorVersion 和 MajorBuildNumber。 此示例允许你为 ServerVersion 值输入十六进制值。 如果未输入 ServerVersion 值,则使用默认 的 ServerVersion 值 738180DA。

static void Main(string[] args)
    // Convert a ServerVersion value that is returned from an Autodiscover request.
    // The value is a hex value and can be converted to the MajorVersion, MinorVersion,
    // and MajorBuildNumber.
    Console.WriteLine("Enter ServerVersion returned from the Autodiscover (eg. 738180DA) and Enter.");
    Console.WriteLine("To use the default ServerVersion of 738180DA, just hit Enter.");
    // Get the hexadecimal ServerVersion value.
    string serverversionhex = Console.ReadLine();
    // If nothing is entered, use the default server version of "738180DA"
    if (serverversionhex == "")
        serverversionhex = "738180DA";
    Console.WriteLine("ServerVersion (Hex) = " + serverversionhex);
    string serverversionbinary = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt32(serverversionhex, 16), 2);
    // The ServerVersion (binary) should be 32 bits in length. If the 
    // server version in binary is a length of 31 characters, the leading
    // zero has been removed in the conversion process. Put the missing zero back.
    if (serverversionbinary.Length == 31)
        serverversionbinary = String.Concat("0", serverversionbinary);
    Console.WriteLine("ServerVersion (bin) = " + serverversionbinary);
    // The first 4 bits represent a number used for comparison against  
    // older version number structures. You can ignore this.
    // The next 6 bits represent the major version number.
    int majorversion = Convert.ToInt32(serverversionbinary.Substring(4, 6), 2);
    Console.WriteLine("MajorVersion: " + majorversion);
    // The next 6 bits represent the minor version number.
    int minorversion = Convert.ToInt32(serverversionbinary.Substring(10, 6), 2);
    Console.WriteLine("MinorVersion: " + minorversion);
    // The next bit represent a flag - you can ignore this.
    // The next 15 bits represent the major build number.
    int majorbuild = Convert.ToInt32(serverversionbinary.Substring(17, 15), 2);
    Console.WriteLine("MajorBuildVersion: " + majorbuild);
    Console.WriteLine("\n\nPress any key to continue");
