ImageList.ImageSize 属性



 property System::Drawing::Size ImageSize { System::Drawing::Size get(); void set(System::Drawing::Size value); };
public System.Drawing.Size ImageSize { get; set; }
member this.ImageSize : System.Drawing.Size with get, set
Public Property ImageSize As Size



定义列表中的图像高度和宽度(以像素为单位)的 Size。 默认大小是 16 x 16。 最大大小是 256 x 256。


所分配的值等于 IsEmpty

  • 或 - 高度或宽度值小于或等于零。

  • 或 - 高度或宽度值大于 256。

新大小有一个维度小于 0 或大于 256。


下面的代码示例演示如何构造一个 ImageList、向属性添加图像 Images 、设置 ImageSize 属性和使用 Draw 该方法。 若要运行此示例,请将其置于包含名为 Button1按钮的窗体中。 此示例假定存在 FeatherTexture.bmp Gone Fishing.bmp c:\Windows\。 如果系统上不存在位图或位于其他位置,请相应地更改示例。

   System::Windows::Forms::ImageList^ ImageList1;


   // Create an ImageList Object, populate it, and display
   // the images it contains.
   void Button1_Click( System::Object^ /*sender*/, System::EventArgs^ /*e*/ )
      // Construct the ImageList.
      ImageList1 = gcnew ImageList;
      // Set the ImageSize property to a larger size 
      // (the default is 16 x 16).
      ImageList1->ImageSize = System::Drawing::Size( 112, 112 );
      // Add two images to the list.
      ImageList1->Images->Add( Image::FromFile( "c:\\windows\\FeatherTexture.bmp" ) );
      ImageList1->Images->Add( Image::FromFile( "C:\\windows\\Gone Fishing.bmp" ) );
      // Get a Graphics object from the form's handle.
      Graphics^ theGraphics = Graphics::FromHwnd( this->Handle );
      // Loop through the images in the list, drawing each image.
      for ( int count = 0; count < ImageList1->Images->Count; count++ )
         ImageList1->Draw( theGraphics, Point(85,85), count );
         // Call Application.DoEvents to force a repaint of the form.
         // Call the Sleep method to allow the user to see the image.
         System::Threading::Thread::Sleep( 1000 );

internal System.Windows.Forms.ImageList ImageList1;

// Create an ImageList Object, populate it, and display
// the images it contains.
private void Button1_Click(System.Object sender, 
    System.EventArgs e)

    // Construct the ImageList.
    ImageList1 = new ImageList();

    // Set the ImageSize property to a larger size 
    // (the default is 16 x 16).
    ImageList1.ImageSize = new Size(112, 112);

    // Add two images to the list.
        Image.FromFile("C:\\windows\\Gone Fishing.bmp"));

    // Get a Graphics object from the form's handle.
    Graphics theGraphics = Graphics.FromHwnd(this.Handle);

    // Loop through the images in the list, drawing each image.
    for(int count = 0; count < ImageList1.Images.Count; count++)
        ImageList1.Draw(theGraphics, new Point(85, 85), count);

        // Call Application.DoEvents to force a repaint of the form.

        // Call the Sleep method to allow the user to see the image.
Friend WithEvents ImageList1 As System.Windows.Forms.ImageList

' Create an ImageList Object, populate it, and display
' the images it contains.
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
    ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

    ' Construct the ImageList.
    ImageList1 = New ImageList

    ' Set the ImageSize property to a larger size 
    ' (the default is 16 x 16).
    ImageList1.ImageSize = New Size(112, 112)

    ' Add two images to the list.
    ImageList1.Images.Add(Image.FromFile _
    ImageList1.Images.Add _
        (Image.FromFile("C:\windows\Gone Fishing.bmp"))

    Dim count As System.Int32

    ' Get a Graphics object from the form's handle.
    Dim theGraphics As Graphics = Graphics.FromHwnd(Me.Handle)

    ' Loop through the images in the list, drawing each image.
    For count = 0 To ImageList1.Images.Count - 1
        ImageList1.Draw(theGraphics, New Point(85, 85), count)

        ' Call Application.DoEvents to force a repaint of the form.

        ' Call the Sleep method to allow the user to see the image.
End Sub



将属性设置为 ImageSize 新值时, Handle 将重新创建图像列表。

由于设置属性ImageSize会导致重新创建句柄,因此应在设置属性之前进行设置ImageSizeImages。 创建句柄ImageList后,在设置Images属性后,在代码中设置ColorDepthImageSize属性将导致为该属性设置Images的图像集合被删除。
