IDataSource 接口



public interface class IDataSource
public interface IDataSource
type IDataSource = interface
Public Interface IDataSource


下面的代码示例演示类如何实现 接口 IDataSource 定义的方法,以便向数据绑定控件提供数据。 此示例中的数据源控件充当逗号分隔值文件中的数据源,可由任何数据绑定控件用来显示逗号分隔的文件数据。 此代码示例是为 DataSourceControl 类提供的一个更大示例的一部分。

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Data;
using System.IO;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;

// The CsvDataSource is a data source control that retrieves its
// data from a comma-separated value file.
[AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Level=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)]
public class CsvDataSource : DataSourceControl
    public CsvDataSource() : base() {}

    // The comma-separated value file to retrieve data from.
    public string FileName {
        get {
            return ((CsvDataSourceView)this.GetView(String.Empty)).SourceFile;
        set {
            // Only set if it is different.
            if ( ((CsvDataSourceView)this.GetView(String.Empty)).SourceFile != value) {
                ((CsvDataSourceView)this.GetView(String.Empty)).SourceFile = value;

    // Do not add the column names as a data row. Infer columns if the CSV file does
    // not include column names.
    public bool IncludesColumnNames {
        get {
            return ((CsvDataSourceView)this.GetView(String.Empty)).IncludesColumnNames;
        set {
            // Only set if it is different.
            if ( ((CsvDataSourceView)this.GetView(String.Empty)).IncludesColumnNames != value) {
                ((CsvDataSourceView)this.GetView(String.Empty)).IncludesColumnNames = value;

    // Return a strongly typed view for the current data source control.
    private CsvDataSourceView view = null;
    protected override DataSourceView GetView(string viewName) {
        if (null == view) {
            view = new CsvDataSourceView(this, String.Empty);
        return view;
    // The ListSourceHelper class calls GetList, which
    // calls the DataSourceControl.GetViewNames method.
    // Override the original implementation to return
    // a collection of one element, the default view name.
    protected override ICollection GetViewNames() {
        ArrayList al = new ArrayList(1);
        return al as ICollection;

// The CsvDataSourceView class encapsulates the
// capabilities of the CsvDataSource data source control.
public class CsvDataSourceView : DataSourceView

    public CsvDataSourceView(IDataSource owner, string name) :base(owner, DefaultViewName) {

    // The data source view is named. However, the CsvDataSource
    // only supports one view, so the name is ignored, and the
    // default name used instead.
    public static string DefaultViewName = "CommaSeparatedView";

    // The location of the .csv file.
    private string sourceFile = String.Empty;
    internal string SourceFile {
        get {
            return sourceFile;
        set {
            // Use MapPath when the SourceFile is set, so that files local to the
            // current directory can be easily used.
            string mappedFileName = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(value);
            sourceFile = mappedFileName;

    // Do not add the column names as a data row. Infer columns if the CSV file does
    // not include column names.
    private bool columns = false;
    internal bool IncludesColumnNames {
        get {
            return columns;
        set {
            columns = value;

    // Get data from the underlying data source.
    // Build and return a DataView, regardless of mode.
    protected override IEnumerable ExecuteSelect(DataSourceSelectArguments selectArgs) {
        IEnumerable dataList = null;
        // Open the .csv file.
        if (File.Exists(this.SourceFile)) {
            DataTable data = new DataTable();

            // Open the file to read from.
            using (StreamReader sr = File.OpenText(this.SourceFile)) {
                // Parse the line
                string s = "";
                string[] dataValues;
                DataColumn col;

                // Do the following to add schema.
                dataValues = sr.ReadLine().Split(',');
                // For each token in the comma-delimited string, add a column
                // to the DataTable schema.
                foreach (string token in dataValues) {
                    col = new DataColumn(token,typeof(string));

                // Do not add the first row as data if the CSV file includes column names.
                if (!IncludesColumnNames)
                    data.Rows.Add(CopyRowData(dataValues, data.NewRow()));

                // Do the following to add data.
                while ((s = sr.ReadLine()) != null) {
                    dataValues = s.Split(',');
                    data.Rows.Add(CopyRowData(dataValues, data.NewRow()));
            DataView dataView = new DataView(data);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(selectArgs.SortExpression)) {
                dataView.Sort = selectArgs.SortExpression;
            dataList = dataView;
        else {
            throw new System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException("File not found, " + this.SourceFile);

        if (null == dataList) {
            throw new InvalidOperationException("No data loaded from data source.");

        return dataList;

    private DataRow CopyRowData(string[] source, DataRow target) {
        try {
            for (int i = 0;i < source.Length;i++) {
                target[i] = source[i];
        catch (System.IndexOutOfRangeException) {
            // There are more columns in this row than
            // the original schema allows.  Stop copying
            // and return the DataRow.
            return target;
        return target;
    // The CsvDataSourceView does not currently
    // permit deletion. You can modify or extend
    // this sample to do so.
    public override bool CanDelete {
        get {
            return false;
    protected override int ExecuteDelete(IDictionary keys, IDictionary values)
        throw new NotSupportedException();
    // The CsvDataSourceView does not currently
    // permit insertion of a new record. You can
    // modify or extend this sample to do so.
    public override bool CanInsert {
        get {
            return false;
    protected override int ExecuteInsert(IDictionary values)
        throw new NotSupportedException();
    // The CsvDataSourceView does not currently
    // permit update operations. You can modify or
    // extend this sample to do so.
    public override bool CanUpdate {
        get {
            return false;
    protected override int ExecuteUpdate(IDictionary keys, IDictionary values, IDictionary oldValues)
        throw new NotSupportedException();
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Data
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Security.Permissions
Imports System.Web
Imports System.Web.UI
Imports System.Web.UI.WebControls

Namespace Samples.AspNet.VB.Controls

' The CsvDataSource is a data source control that retrieves its
' data from a comma-separated value file.
<AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Level:=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)> _
Public Class CsvDataSource
   Inherits DataSourceControl

   Public Sub New()
   End Sub

   ' The comma-separated value file to retrieve data from.
   Public Property FileName() As String
         Return CType(Me.GetView([String].Empty), CsvDataSourceView).SourceFile
      End Get
         ' Only set if it is different.
         If CType(Me.GetView([String].Empty), CsvDataSourceView).SourceFile <> value Then
            CType(Me.GetView([String].Empty), CsvDataSourceView).SourceFile = value
         End If
      End Set
   End Property

   ' Do not add the column names as a data row. Infer columns if the CSV file does
   ' not include column names.

   Public Property IncludesColumnNames() As Boolean
         Return CType(Me.GetView([String].Empty), CsvDataSourceView).IncludesColumnNames
      End Get
         ' Only set if it is different.
         If CType(Me.GetView([String].Empty), CsvDataSourceView).IncludesColumnNames <> value Then
            CType(Me.GetView([String].Empty), CsvDataSourceView).IncludesColumnNames = value
         End If
      End Set
   End Property

   ' Return a strongly typed view for the current data source control.
   Private view As CsvDataSourceView = Nothing

   Protected Overrides Function GetView(viewName As String) As DataSourceView
      If view Is Nothing Then
         view = New CsvDataSourceView(Me, String.Empty)
      End If
      Return view
   End Function 'GetView

   ' The ListSourceHelper class calls GetList, which
   ' calls the DataSourceControl.GetViewNames method.
   ' Override the original implementation to return
   ' a collection of one element, the default view name.
   Protected Overrides Function GetViewNames() As ICollection
      Dim al As New ArrayList(1)
      Return CType(al, ICollection)
   End Function 'GetViewNames

End Class

' The CsvDataSourceView class encapsulates the
' capabilities of the CsvDataSource data source control.

Public Class CsvDataSourceView
   Inherits DataSourceView

   Public Sub New(owner As IDataSource, name As String)
       MyBase.New(owner, DefaultViewName)
   End Sub

   ' The data source view is named. However, the CsvDataSource
   ' only supports one view, so the name is ignored, and the
   ' default name used instead.
   Public Shared DefaultViewName As String = "CommaSeparatedView"

   ' The location of the .csv file.
   Private aSourceFile As String = [String].Empty

   Friend Property SourceFile() As String
         Return aSourceFile
      End Get
         ' Use MapPath when the SourceFile is set, so that files local to the
         ' current directory can be easily used.
         Dim mappedFileName As String
         mappedFileName = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(value)
         aSourceFile = mappedFileName
      End Set
   End Property

   ' Do not add the column names as a data row. Infer columns if the CSV file does
   ' not include column names.
   Private columns As Boolean = False

   Friend Property IncludesColumnNames() As Boolean
         Return columns
      End Get
         columns = value
      End Set
   End Property

   ' Get data from the underlying data source.
   ' Build and return a DataView, regardless of mode.
   Protected Overrides Function ExecuteSelect(selectArgs As DataSourceSelectArguments) _
    As System.Collections.IEnumerable
      Dim dataList As IEnumerable = Nothing
      ' Open the .csv file.
      If File.Exists(Me.SourceFile) Then
         Dim data As New DataTable()

         ' Open the file to read from.
         Dim sr As StreamReader = File.OpenText(Me.SourceFile)

            ' Parse the line
            Dim dataValues() As String
            Dim col As DataColumn

            ' Do the following to add schema.
            dataValues = sr.ReadLine().Split(","c)
            ' For each token in the comma-delimited string, add a column
            ' to the DataTable schema.
            Dim token As String
            For Each token In dataValues
               col = New DataColumn(token, System.Type.GetType("System.String"))
            Next token

            ' Do not add the first row as data if the CSV file includes column names.
            If Not IncludesColumnNames Then
               data.Rows.Add(CopyRowData(dataValues, data.NewRow()))
            End If

            ' Do the following to add data.
            Dim s As String
               s = sr.ReadLine()
               If Not s Is Nothing Then
                   dataValues = s.Split(","c)
                   data.Rows.Add(CopyRowData(dataValues, data.NewRow()))
               End If
            Loop Until s Is Nothing

         End Try

         Dim dataView As New DataView(data)
         If Not selectArgs.SortExpression Is String.Empty Then
             dataView.Sort = selectArgs.SortExpression
         End If
         dataList = dataView
         Throw New System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException("File not found, " + Me.SourceFile)
      End If

      If dataList is Nothing Then
         Throw New InvalidOperationException("No data loaded from data source.")
      End If

      Return dataList
   End Function 'ExecuteSelect

   Private Function CopyRowData([source]() As String, target As DataRow) As DataRow
         Dim i As Integer
         For i = 0 To [source].Length - 1
            target(i) = [source](i)
         Next i
      Catch iore As IndexOutOfRangeException
         ' There are more columns in this row than
         ' the original schema allows.  Stop copying
         ' and return the DataRow.
         Return target
      End Try
      Return target
   End Function 'CopyRowData

   ' The CsvDataSourceView does not currently
   ' permit deletion. You can modify or extend
   ' this sample to do so.
   Public Overrides ReadOnly Property CanDelete() As Boolean
         Return False
      End Get
   End Property

   Protected Overrides Function ExecuteDelete(keys As IDictionary, values As IDictionary) As Integer
      Throw New NotSupportedException()
   End Function 'ExecuteDelete

   ' The CsvDataSourceView does not currently
   ' permit insertion of a new record. You can
   ' modify or extend this sample to do so.
   Public Overrides ReadOnly Property CanInsert() As Boolean
         Return False
      End Get
   End Property

   Protected Overrides Function ExecuteInsert(values As IDictionary) As Integer
      Throw New NotSupportedException()
   End Function 'ExecuteInsert

   ' The CsvDataSourceView does not currently
   ' permit update operations. You can modify or
   ' extend this sample to do so.
   Public Overrides ReadOnly Property CanUpdate() As Boolean
         Return False
      End Get
   End Property

   Protected Overrides Function ExecuteUpdate(keys As IDictionary, _
                                              values As IDictionary, _
                                              oldValues As IDictionary) As Integer
      Throw New NotSupportedException()
   End Function 'ExecuteUpdate

End Class
End Namespace


ASP.NET 支持控件数据绑定体系结构,该体系结构使 Web 服务器控件能够以一致的方式绑定到数据。 绑定到数据的 Web 服务器控件称为数据绑定控件,促进该绑定的类称为数据源控件。 数据源控件可以表示任何数据源:关系数据库、文件、流、业务对象等。 无论基础数据的源或格式如何,数据源控件都以一致的方式向数据绑定控件呈现数据。

如果要实现 IDataSource 自己的自定义 ASP.NET 数据源控件,则可以实现 接口。

实现 IDataSource 接口的任何类都是数据源控件。 接口 IDataSource 充当所有 ASP.NET 数据源控件的基础,并使用其两种方法定义一个基本的数据绑定体系结构概念: GetView 方法和 GetViewNames 方法。 此概念是,所有数据源控件都支持对其数据使用一个或多个命名视图。 数据源视图对象类似于 DataView 命名空间中的 System.Data 抽象:一个数据可绑定的自定义数据视图,用于对视图定义的排序、筛选和其他数据操作。 数据源控件的核心只是检索数据视图。

数据源控件可以具有一个或多个关联的数据源视图对象。 某些数据源控件(包括表示关系数据库(如 和 AccessDataSourceSqlDataSource的控件仅支持一个视图。 其他数据源控件(包括分层数据源控件,如 SiteMapDataSource)支持许多视图。 数据源视图定义数据源的功能及其支持的操作。

总之,数据源控件实现 IDataSource 接口,支持对它们表示的数据使用一个或多个命名视图,并且始终支持从它们表示的数据源检索数据。 数据源控件始终按需检索数据,例如在数据绑定控件上调用 时 DataBind





获取名称的集合,表示与 IDataSource 接口关联的视图对象的列表。









TryGetMetaTable(IDataSource, MetaTable)


