HttpContext.IsPostNotification 属性


HttpApplication 事件完成处理之后获取 ASP.NET 管道的当前进程点的值。

 property bool IsPostNotification { bool get(); };
public bool IsPostNotification { get; }
member this.IsPostNotification : bool
Public ReadOnly Property IsPostNotification As Boolean



如果启用了自定义错误,则为 true;否则,为 false


此操作要求 IIS 7.0 中的集成管道模式和至少.NET Framework 3.0。


下面的示例演示如何使用 IsPostNotification 属性来确定对象事件 HttpApplication 何时完成处理所有关联的事件处理程序。 此示例中的自定义事件处理程序处理对象的多个事件 HttpApplication ,该 IsPostNotification 属性用于确定处理特定事件后调用的代码。

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Web.UI;

// Module that demonstrates one event handler for several events.
namespace Samples
    public class ModuleExampleTestCS : IHttpModule
        public ModuleExampleTestCS()
            // Constructor
        public void Init(HttpApplication app)
            app.AuthenticateRequest += new EventHandler(App_Handler);
            app.PostAuthenticateRequest += new EventHandler(App_Handler);
            app.LogRequest += new EventHandler(App_Handler);
            app.PostLogRequest += new EventHandler(App_Handler);
        public void Dispose()
        // One handler for AuthenticationRequest, PostAuthenticateRequest,
    // LogRequest, and PostLogRequest events
        public void App_Handler(object source, EventArgs e)
            HttpApplication app = (HttpApplication)source;
            HttpContext context = app.Context;

            if (context.CurrentNotification == RequestNotification.AuthenticateRequest)

                if (!context.IsPostNotification)
                    // Put code here that is invoked when the AuthenticateRequest event is raised.
                    // PostAuthenticateRequest 
                    // Put code here that runs after the AuthenticateRequest event completes.
            if (context.CurrentNotification == RequestNotification.LogRequest)
                if (!context.IsPostNotification)
                    // Put code here that is invoked when the LogRequest event is raised.
                    // PostLogRequest
                    // Put code here that runs after the LogRequest event completes.
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Web
Imports System.Web.Security
Imports System.Web.UI

' Module that demonstrates one event handler for several events.
Namespace Samples

    Public Class ModuleExampleTestVB
        Implements IHttpModule

        Public Sub New()
            ' Constructor
        End Sub

        Public Sub Init(ByVal app As HttpApplication) Implements IHttpModule.Init
            AddHandler app.AuthenticateRequest, AddressOf Me.App_Handler
            AddHandler app.PostAuthenticateRequest, AddressOf Me.App_Handler
            AddHandler app.LogRequest, AddressOf Me.App_Handler
            AddHandler app.PostLogRequest, AddressOf Me.App_Handler
        End Sub

        Public Sub Dispose() Implements IHttpModule.Dispose
        End Sub

        ' One handler for AuthenticationRequest, PostAuthenticateRequest,
    ' LogRequest, and PostLogRequest events
        Public Sub App_Handler(ByVal source As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
            Dim app As HttpApplication = CType(source, HttpApplication)
            Dim context As HttpContext = app.Context

            If (context.CurrentNotification = RequestNotification.AuthenticateRequest) Then

                If Not (context.IsPostNotification) Then

                    ' Put code here that is invoked when the AuthenticateRequest event is raised.

                    ' PostAuthenticateRequest 
                    ' Put code here that runs after the AuthenticateRequest event completes.

                End If
            End If

            If (context.CurrentNotification = RequestNotification.LogRequest) Then

                If Not (context.IsPostNotification) Then

                    ' Put code here that is invoked when the LogRequest event is raised.

                    ' PostLogRequest
                    ' Put code here that runs after the LogRequest event completes.

                End If
            End If
        End Sub
    End Class

End Namespace


IsPostNotification属性仅在 IIS 7.0 中的集成模式和至少.NET Framework 3.0 中受支持。 当可用时,该属性返回一个布尔值,该值指示对象中的 HttpApplication 事件是否已完成处理。

IsPostNotification 属性不打算设置。 而是由 IIS 7.0 提供给每个通知的 ASP.NET 运行时。 IsPostNotification设置属性将导致编译错误。

在对象多个事件 HttpApplication 由一个事件处理程序处理的情况下,可以将 IsPostNotification 该属性与枚举结合使用 RequestNotification ,以精确确定当前请求在应用程序生命周期中的位置。

IsPostNotification在 .NET Framework 版本 3.5 中引入。 有关详细信息,请参见版本和依赖关系

