SecurityTokenProvider.GetTokenCore(TimeSpan) 方法



 abstract System::IdentityModel::Tokens::SecurityToken ^ GetTokenCore(TimeSpan timeout);
protected abstract System.IdentityModel.Tokens.SecurityToken GetTokenCore (TimeSpan timeout);
abstract member GetTokenCore : TimeSpan -> System.IdentityModel.Tokens.SecurityToken
Protected MustOverride Function GetTokenCore (timeout As TimeSpan) As SecurityToken



一个 TimeSpan,它为获取安全令牌的消息指定超时值。


表示要获取的安全令牌的 SecurityToken


protected override SecurityToken GetTokenCore(TimeSpan timeout)
    // Create a SamlSecurityToken from the provided assertion
    SamlSecurityToken samlToken = new SamlSecurityToken(assertion);

    // Create a SecurityTokenSerializer that will be used to serialize the SamlSecurityToken
    WSSecurityTokenSerializer ser = new WSSecurityTokenSerializer();

    // Create a memory stream to write the serialized token into
    // Use an initial size of 64Kb
    MemoryStream s = new MemoryStream(UInt16.MaxValue);

    // Create an XmlWriter over the stream
    XmlWriter xw = XmlWriter.Create(s);

    // Write the SamlSecurityToken into the stream
    ser.WriteToken(xw, samlToken);

    // Seek back to the beginning of the stream
    s.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

    // Load the serialized token into a DOM
    XmlDocument dom = new XmlDocument();

    // Create a KeyIdentifierClause for the SamlSecurityToken
    SamlAssertionKeyIdentifierClause samlKeyIdentifierClause = samlToken.CreateKeyIdentifierClause<SamlAssertionKeyIdentifierClause>();

    // Return a GenericXmlToken from the XML for the SamlSecurityToken, the proof token, the valid from
    // and valid until times from the assertion and the key identifier clause created above
    return new GenericXmlSecurityToken(dom.DocumentElement, proofToken, assertion.Conditions.NotBefore, assertion.Conditions.NotOnOrAfter, samlKeyIdentifierClause, samlKeyIdentifierClause, null);
    Protected Overrides Function GetTokenCore(ByVal timeout As TimeSpan) As SecurityToken
        ' Create a SamlSecurityToken from the provided assertion
        Dim samlToken As New SamlSecurityToken(assertion)

        ' Create a SecurityTokenSerializer that will be used to serialize the SamlSecurityToken
        Dim ser As New WSSecurityTokenSerializer()

        ' Create a memory stream to write the serialized token into
        ' Use an initial size of 64Kb
        Dim s As New MemoryStream(UInt16.MaxValue)

        ' Create an XmlWriter over the stream
        Dim xw As XmlWriter = XmlWriter.Create(s)

        ' Write the SamlSecurityToken into the stream
        ser.WriteToken(xw, samlToken)

        ' Seek back to the beginning of the stream
        s.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin)

        ' Load the serialized token into a DOM
        Dim dom As New XmlDocument()

        ' Create a KeyIdentifierClause for the SamlSecurityToken
        Dim samlKeyIdentifierClause As SamlAssertionKeyIdentifierClause = samlToken.CreateKeyIdentifierClause(Of SamlAssertionKeyIdentifierClause)()
        ' Return a GenericXmlToken from the XML for the SamlSecurityToken, the proof token, the valid from 
        ' and valid until times from the assertion and the key identifier clause created above            
        Return New GenericXmlSecurityToken(dom.DocumentElement, proofToken, assertion.Conditions.NotBefore, assertion.Conditions.NotOnOrAfter, samlKeyIdentifierClause, samlKeyIdentifierClause, Nothing)

    End Function 'GetTokenCore
End Class


GetTokenCore 方法被重写且无法获取传递到令牌参数中的安全令牌时,将引发 SecurityTokenException 异常。

当客户端发送 SOAP 消息并且需要安全令牌时,GetToken 类会调用 ClientCredentials 方法。

GetToken 方法调用 GetTokenCore 方法。
