Console.Beep 方法






Beep(Int32, Int32)





 static void Beep();
public static void Beep();
public static void Beep();
public static void Beep();
static member Beep : unit -> unit
static member Beep : unit -> unit
static member Beep : unit -> unit
Public Shared Sub Beep ()


在不允许访问用户界面的服务器(例如 SQL Server)上执行此方法。


下面的示例演示 Beep 方法。 该示例接受从 1 到 9 的数字作为命令行参数,并播放该次数的蜂鸣声。

// This example demonstrates the Console.Beep() method.
using namespace System;
int main()
   array<String^>^args = Environment::GetCommandLineArgs();
   int x = 0;
   if ( (args->Length == 2) && (Int32::TryParse( args[ 1 ],  x )) && ((x >= 1) && (x <= 9)) )
      for ( int i = 1; i <= x; i++ )
         Console::WriteLine( "Beep number {0}.", i );

      Console::WriteLine( "Usage: Enter the number of times (between 1 and 9) to beep." );

This example produces the following results:

Usage: Enter the number of times (between 1 and 9) to beep

>beep 9
Beep number 1.
Beep number 2.
Beep number 3.
Beep number 4.
Beep number 5.
Beep number 6.
Beep number 7.
Beep number 8.
Beep number 9.

// This example demonstrates the Console.Beep() method.
using System;

class Sample
    public static void Main(String[] args)
    int x = 0;
    if ((args.Length == 1) &&
        (Int32.TryParse(args[0], out x)) &&
        ((x >= 1) && (x <= 9)))
        for (int i = 1; i <= x; i++)
            Console.WriteLine("Beep number {0}.", i);
            Console.WriteLine("Usage: Enter the number of times (between 1 and 9) to beep.");
This example produces the following results:

Usage: Enter the number of times (between 1 and 9) to beep

>beep 9
Beep number 1.
Beep number 2.
Beep number 3.
Beep number 4.
Beep number 5.
Beep number 6.
Beep number 7.
Beep number 8.
Beep number 9.

// This example demonstrates the Console.Beep() method.
open System

let main args =
    if args.Length = 1 then
        match Int32.TryParse args[0] with
        | true, x when x >= 1 && x <= 9 ->
            for i = 1 to x do
                Console.WriteLine $"Beep number {i}."
        | _ ->
            Console.WriteLine "Usage: Enter the number of times (between 1 and 9) to beep." 
        Console.WriteLine "Usage: Enter the number of times (between 1 and 9) to beep."


// This example produces the following results:

// >beep
// Usage: Enter the number of times (between 1 and 9) to beep

// >beep 9
// Beep number 1.
// Beep number 2.
// Beep number 3.
// Beep number 4.
// Beep number 5.
// Beep number 6.
// Beep number 7.
// Beep number 8.
// Beep number 9.
' This example demonstrates the Console.Beep() method.
Class Sample
   Public Shared Sub Main(args() As String)
      Dim x As Integer = 0
      Dim i As Integer
      If      (args.Length = 1) _
      AndAlso (Int32.TryParse(args(0), x) = True) _
      AndAlso ((x >= 1) AndAlso (x <= 9)) Then
         For i = 1 To x
            Console.WriteLine("Beep number {0}.", i)
         Next i
         Console.WriteLine("Usage: Enter the number of times (between 1 and 9) to beep.")
      End If
   End Sub
End Class
'This example produces the following results:
'Usage: Enter the number of times (between 1 and 9) to beep
'>beep 9
'Beep number 1.
'Beep number 2.
'Beep number 3.
'Beep number 4.
'Beep number 5.
'Beep number 6.
'Beep number 7.
'Beep number 8.
'Beep number 9.


默认情况下,蜂鸣声以 800 赫的频率播放,持续时间为 200 毫秒。

Beep 包装对 Windows Beep 函数的调用。 是否 Beep 在 Windows 7 之前的 Windows 版本上生成声音取决于是否存在 8254 可编程间隔计时器芯片。 从 Windows 7 开始,这取决于默认声音设备。


Beep(Int32, Int32)



 static void Beep(int frequency, int duration);
public static void Beep(int frequency, int duration);
public static void Beep(int frequency, int duration);
static member Beep : int * int -> unit
static member Beep : int * int -> unit
Public Shared Sub Beep (frequency As Integer, duration As Integer)



提示音的频率,介于 37 到 32767 赫兹之间。





frequency 小于 37 或大于 32767 赫兹。

duration 小于或等于零。

在不允许访问控制台的服务器(例如 SQL Server)上执行此方法。

当前操作系统不是 Windows。


此示例通过控制台扬声器播放歌曲的前几个音符来演示 Beep 方法。

// This example demonstrates the Console.Beep(Int32, Int32) method
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Threading;
ref class Sample

   // Define the frequencies of notes in an octave, as well as 
   // silence (rest).
   enum class Tone
      REST = 0,
      GbelowC = 196,
      A = 220,
      Asharp = 233,
      B = 247,
      C = 262,
      Csharp = 277,
      D = 294,
      Dsharp = 311,
      E = 330,
      F = 349,
      Fsharp = 370,
      G = 392,
      Gsharp = 415

   // Define the duration of a note in units of milliseconds.
   enum class Duration
      WHOLE = 1600,
      HALF = Duration::WHOLE / 2,
      QUARTER = Duration::HALF / 2,
      EIGHTH = Duration::QUARTER / 2,
      SIXTEENTH = Duration::EIGHTH / 2


   // Define a note as a frequency (tone) and the amount of 
   // time (duration) the note plays.
   value struct Note
      Tone toneVal;
      Duration durVal;

      // Define a constructor to create a specific note.
      Note( Tone frequency, Duration time )
         toneVal = frequency;
         durVal = time;

      property Tone NoteTone 

         // Define properties to return the note's tone and duration.
         Tone get()
            return toneVal;


      property Duration NoteDuration 
         Duration get()
            return durVal;




   // Play the notes in a song.
   static void Play( array<Note>^ tune )
      System::Collections::IEnumerator^ myEnum = tune->GetEnumerator();
      while ( myEnum->MoveNext() )
         Note n =  *safe_cast<Note ^>(myEnum->Current);
         if ( n.NoteTone == Tone::REST )
                  Thread::Sleep( (int)n.NoteDuration );
                  Console::Beep( (int)n.NoteTone, (int)n.NoteDuration );

   static void Main()
      // Declare the first few notes of the song, "Mary Had A Little Lamb".
      array<Note>^ Mary = {Note( Tone::B, Duration::QUARTER ),Note( Tone::A, Duration::QUARTER ),Note( Tone::GbelowC, Duration::QUARTER ),Note( Tone::A, Duration::QUARTER ),Note( Tone::B, Duration::QUARTER ),Note( Tone::B, Duration::QUARTER ),Note( Tone::B, Duration::HALF ),Note( Tone::A, Duration::QUARTER ),Note( Tone::A, Duration::QUARTER ),Note( Tone::A, Duration::HALF ),Note( Tone::B, Duration::QUARTER ),Note( Tone::D, Duration::QUARTER ),Note( Tone::D, Duration::HALF )};
      // Play the song
      Play( Mary );


int main()

This example produces the following results:

This example plays the first few notes of "Mary Had A Little Lamb" 
through the console speaker.
// This example demonstrates the Console.Beep(Int32, Int32) method
using System;
using System.Threading;

class Sample
    public static void Main()
// Declare the first few notes of the song, "Mary Had A Little Lamb".
    Note[] Mary =
        new Note(Tone.B, Duration.QUARTER),
        new Note(Tone.A, Duration.QUARTER),
        new Note(Tone.GbelowC, Duration.QUARTER),
        new Note(Tone.A, Duration.QUARTER),
        new Note(Tone.B, Duration.QUARTER),
        new Note(Tone.B, Duration.QUARTER),
        new Note(Tone.B, Duration.HALF),
        new Note(Tone.A, Duration.QUARTER),
        new Note(Tone.A, Duration.QUARTER),
        new Note(Tone.A, Duration.HALF),
        new Note(Tone.B, Duration.QUARTER),
        new Note(Tone.D, Duration.QUARTER),
        new Note(Tone.D, Duration.HALF)
// Play the song

// Play the notes in a song.
    protected static void Play(Note[] tune)
    foreach (Note n in tune)
        if (n.NoteTone == Tone.REST)
            Console.Beep((int)n.NoteTone, (int)n.NoteDuration);

// Define the frequencies of notes in an octave, as well as
// silence (rest).
    protected enum Tone
    REST   = 0,
    GbelowC = 196,
    A      = 220,
    Asharp = 233,
    B      = 247,
    C      = 262,
    Csharp = 277,
    D      = 294,
    Dsharp = 311,
    E      = 330,
    F      = 349,
    Fsharp = 370,
    G      = 392,
    Gsharp = 415,

// Define the duration of a note in units of milliseconds.
    protected enum Duration
    WHOLE     = 1600,
    HALF      = WHOLE/2,
    QUARTER   = HALF/2,
    EIGHTH    = QUARTER/2,

// Define a note as a frequency (tone) and the amount of
// time (duration) the note plays.
    protected struct Note
    Tone     toneVal;
    Duration durVal;

// Define a constructor to create a specific note.
    public Note(Tone frequency, Duration time)
        toneVal = frequency;
        durVal  = time;

// Define properties to return the note's tone and duration.
    public Tone NoteTone { get{ return toneVal; } }
    public Duration NoteDuration { get{ return durVal; } }
This example produces the following results:

This example plays the first few notes of "Mary Had A Little Lamb"
through the console speaker.
// This example demonstrates the Console.Beep(Int32, Int32) method
open System
open System.Threading

// Define the frequencies of notes in an octave, as well as
// silence (rest).
type Tone =
    | REST    = 0
    | GbelowC = 196
    | A       = 220
    | Asharp  = 233
    | B       = 247
    | C       = 262
    | Csharp  = 277
    | D       = 294
    | Dsharp  = 311
    | E       = 330
    | F       = 349
    | Fsharp  = 370
    | G       = 392
    | Gsharp  = 415

// Define the duration of a note in units of milliseconds.
type Duration =
    | WHOLE     = 1600
    | HALF      = 800
    | QUARTER   = 400
    | EIGHTH    = 200
    | SIXTEENTH = 100

// Define a note as a frequency (tone) and the amount of
// time (duration) the note plays.
type Note =
    { Tone: Tone
      Duration: Duration }

// Play the notes in a song.
let play tune =
    for n in tune do
        if n.Tone = Tone.REST then
            Thread.Sleep(int n.Duration)
            Console.Beep(int n.Tone, int n.Duration)

// Declare the first few notes of the song, "Mary Had A Little Lamb".
let mary =
    [ { Tone = Tone.B; Duration = Duration.QUARTER }
      { Tone = Tone.A; Duration = Duration.QUARTER }
      { Tone = Tone.GbelowC; Duration = Duration.QUARTER }
      { Tone = Tone.A; Duration = Duration.QUARTER }
      { Tone = Tone.B; Duration = Duration.QUARTER }
      { Tone = Tone.B; Duration = Duration.QUARTER }
      { Tone = Tone.B; Duration = Duration.HALF }
      { Tone = Tone.A; Duration = Duration.QUARTER }
      { Tone = Tone.A; Duration = Duration.QUARTER }
      { Tone = Tone.A; Duration = Duration.HALF }
      { Tone = Tone.B; Duration = Duration.QUARTER }
      { Tone = Tone.D; Duration = Duration.QUARTER }
      { Tone = Tone.D; Duration = Duration.HALF } ]

// Play the song
play mary

// This example plays the first few notes of "Mary Had A Little Lamb"
// through the console speaker.
' This example demonstrates the Console.Beep(Int32, Int32) method
Imports System.Threading

Class Sample
   Public Shared Sub Main()
      ' Declare the first few notes of the song, "Mary Had A Little Lamb".
      Dim Mary As Note() =  { _
            New Note(Tone.B, Duration.QUARTER), _
            New Note(Tone.A, Duration.QUARTER), _
            New Note(Tone.GbelowC, Duration.QUARTER), _
            New Note(Tone.A, Duration.QUARTER), _
            New Note(Tone.B, Duration.QUARTER), _
            New Note(Tone.B, Duration.QUARTER), _
            New Note(Tone.B, Duration.HALF), _
            New Note(Tone.A, Duration.QUARTER), _
            New Note(Tone.A, Duration.QUARTER), _
            New Note(Tone.A, Duration.HALF), _
            New Note(Tone.B, Duration.QUARTER), _
            New Note(Tone.D, Duration.QUARTER), _
            New Note(Tone.D, Duration.HALF)}
      ' Play the song
   End Sub
   ' Play the notes in a song.
   Protected Shared Sub Play(tune() As Note)
      Dim n As Note
      For Each n In  tune
         If n.NoteTone = Tone.REST Then
            Console.Beep(CInt(n.NoteTone), CInt(n.NoteDuration))
         End If
      Next n
   End Sub
   ' Define the frequencies of notes in an octave, as well as 
   ' silence (rest).
   Protected Enum Tone
      REST = 0
      GbelowC = 196
      A = 220
      Asharp = 233
      B = 247
      C = 262
      Csharp = 277
      D = 294
      Dsharp = 311
      E = 330
      F = 349
      Fsharp = 370
      G = 392
      Gsharp = 415
   End Enum 'Tone
   ' Define the duration of a note in units of milliseconds.
   Protected Enum Duration
      WHOLE = 1600
      HALF = WHOLE / 2
      QUARTER = HALF / 2
      EIGHTH = QUARTER / 2
   End Enum 'Duration
   ' Define a note as a frequency (tone) and the amount of 
   ' time (duration) the note plays.
   Protected Structure Note
      Private toneVal As Tone
      Private durVal As Duration
      ' Define a constructor to create a specific note.
      Public Sub New(frequency As Tone, time As Duration)
         toneVal = frequency
         durVal = time
      End Sub
      ' Define properties to return the note's tone and duration.
      Public ReadOnly Property NoteTone() As Tone
            Return toneVal
         End Get
      End Property
      Public ReadOnly Property NoteDuration() As Duration
            Return durVal
         End Get
      End Property
   End Structure 'Note '
'This example produces the following results:
'This example plays the first few notes of "Mary Had A Little Lamb" 
'through the console speaker.
End Class


Beep 包装对 Windows Beep 函数的调用。 是否 Beep 在 Windows 7 之前的 Windows 版本上生成声音取决于是否存在 8254 可编程间隔计时器芯片。 从 Windows 7 开始,这取决于默认声音设备。
