TimeSeriesCatalog.DetectEntireAnomalyBySrCnn 方法



DetectEntireAnomalyBySrCnn(AnomalyDetectionCatalog, IDataView, String, String, SrCnnEntireAnomalyDetectorOptions)

创建 Microsoft.ML.TimeSeries.SrCnnEntireAnomalyDetector,它使用 SRCNN 算法检测整个输入的超时异常。

DetectEntireAnomalyBySrCnn(AnomalyDetectionCatalog, IDataView, String, String, Double, Int32, Double, SrCnnDetectMode)

创建 Microsoft.ML.TimeSeries.SrCnnEntireAnomalyDetector,它使用 SRCNN 算法检测整个输入的超时异常。

DetectEntireAnomalyBySrCnn(AnomalyDetectionCatalog, IDataView, String, String, SrCnnEntireAnomalyDetectorOptions)

创建 Microsoft.ML.TimeSeries.SrCnnEntireAnomalyDetector,它使用 SRCNN 算法检测整个输入的超时异常。

public static Microsoft.ML.IDataView DetectEntireAnomalyBySrCnn (this Microsoft.ML.AnomalyDetectionCatalog catalog, Microsoft.ML.IDataView input, string outputColumnName, string inputColumnName, Microsoft.ML.TimeSeries.SrCnnEntireAnomalyDetectorOptions options);
static member DetectEntireAnomalyBySrCnn : Microsoft.ML.AnomalyDetectionCatalog * Microsoft.ML.IDataView * string * string * Microsoft.ML.TimeSeries.SrCnnEntireAnomalyDetectorOptions -> Microsoft.ML.IDataView
Public Function DetectEntireAnomalyBySrCnn (catalog As AnomalyDetectionCatalog, input As IDataView, outputColumnName As String, inputColumnName As String, options As SrCnnEntireAnomalyDetectorOptions) As IDataView





输入 DataView。


由数据处理 inputColumnName生成的列的名称。 列数据是一个向量 Double。 此向量长度因数 options.DetectMode.DetectMode而异。


要处理的列的名称。 列数据必须是 Double





using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.ML;
using Microsoft.ML.Data;
using Microsoft.ML.TimeSeries;

namespace Samples.Dynamic
    public static class DetectEntireAnomalyBySrCnn
        public static void Example()
            // Create a new ML context, for ML.NET operations. It can be used for
            // exception tracking and logging, 
            // as well as the source of randomness.
            var ml = new MLContext();

            // Generate sample series data with an anomaly
            var data = new List<TimeSeriesData>();
            for (int index = 0; index < 20; index++)
                data.Add(new TimeSeriesData { Value = 5 });
            data.Add(new TimeSeriesData { Value = 10 });
            for (int index = 0; index < 5; index++)
                data.Add(new TimeSeriesData { Value = 5 });

            // Convert data to IDataView.
            var dataView = ml.Data.LoadFromEnumerable(data);

            // Setup the detection arguments
            string outputColumnName = nameof(SrCnnAnomalyDetection.Prediction);
            string inputColumnName = nameof(TimeSeriesData.Value);

            // Do batch anomaly detection
            var outputDataView = ml.AnomalyDetection.DetectEntireAnomalyBySrCnn(dataView, outputColumnName, inputColumnName,
                threshold: 0.35, batchSize: 512, sensitivity: 90.0, detectMode: SrCnnDetectMode.AnomalyAndMargin);

            // Getting the data of the newly created column as an IEnumerable of
            // SrCnnAnomalyDetection.
            var predictionColumn = ml.Data.CreateEnumerable<SrCnnAnomalyDetection>(
                outputDataView, reuseRowObject: false);


            int k = 0;
            foreach (var prediction in predictionColumn)
                PrintPrediction(k, data[k].Value, prediction);
            //Index Data    Anomaly AnomalyScore    Mag ExpectedValue   BoundaryUnit UpperBoundary   LowerBoundary
            //0       5.00    0               0.00    0.21            5.00            5.00            5.01            4.99
            //1       5.00    0               0.00    0.11            5.00            5.00            5.01            4.99
            //2       5.00    0               0.00    0.03            5.00            5.00            5.01            4.99
            //3       5.00    0               0.00    0.01            5.00            5.00            5.01            4.99
            //4       5.00    0               0.00    0.03            5.00            5.00            5.01            4.99
            //5       5.00    0               0.00    0.06            5.00            5.00            5.01            4.99
            //6       5.00    0               0.00    0.02            5.00            5.00            5.01            4.99
            //7       5.00    0               0.00    0.01            5.00            5.00            5.01            4.99
            //8       5.00    0               0.00    0.01            5.00            5.00            5.01            4.99
            //9       5.00    0               0.00    0.01            5.00            5.00            5.01            4.99
            //10      5.00    0               0.00    0.00            5.00            5.00            5.01            4.99
            //11      5.00    0               0.00    0.01            5.00            5.00            5.01            4.99
            //12      5.00    0               0.00    0.01            5.00            5.00            5.01            4.99
            //13      5.00    0               0.00    0.02            5.00            5.00            5.01            4.99
            //14      5.00    0               0.00    0.07            5.00            5.00            5.01            4.99
            //15      5.00    0               0.00    0.08            5.00            5.00            5.01            4.99
            //16      5.00    0               0.00    0.02            5.00            5.00            5.01            4.99
            //17      5.00    0               0.00    0.05            5.00            5.00            5.01            4.99
            //18      5.00    0               0.00    0.12            5.00            5.00            5.01            4.99
            //19      5.00    0               0.00    0.17            5.00            5.00            5.01            4.99
            //20      10.00   1               0.50    0.80            5.00            5.00            5.01            4.99
            //21      5.00    0               0.00    0.16            5.00            5.00            5.01            4.99
            //22      5.00    0               0.00    0.11            5.00            5.00            5.01            4.99
            //23      5.00    0               0.00    0.05            5.00            5.00            5.01            4.99
            //24      5.00    0               0.00    0.11            5.00            5.00            5.01            4.99
            //25      5.00    0               0.00    0.19            5.00            5.00            5.01            4.99

        private static void PrintPrediction(int idx, double value, SrCnnAnomalyDetection prediction) =>
                idx, value, prediction.Prediction[0], prediction.Prediction[1], prediction.Prediction[2],
                prediction.Prediction[3], prediction.Prediction[4], prediction.Prediction[5], prediction.Prediction[6]);

        private class TimeSeriesData
            public double Value { get; set; }

        private class SrCnnAnomalyDetection
            public double[] Prediction { get; set; }


DetectEntireAnomalyBySrCnn(AnomalyDetectionCatalog, IDataView, String, String, Double, Int32, Double, SrCnnDetectMode)

创建 Microsoft.ML.TimeSeries.SrCnnEntireAnomalyDetector,它使用 SRCNN 算法检测整个输入的超时异常。

public static Microsoft.ML.IDataView DetectEntireAnomalyBySrCnn (this Microsoft.ML.AnomalyDetectionCatalog catalog, Microsoft.ML.IDataView input, string outputColumnName, string inputColumnName, double threshold = 0.3, int batchSize = 1024, double sensitivity = 99, Microsoft.ML.TimeSeries.SrCnnDetectMode detectMode = Microsoft.ML.TimeSeries.SrCnnDetectMode.AnomalyOnly);
static member DetectEntireAnomalyBySrCnn : Microsoft.ML.AnomalyDetectionCatalog * Microsoft.ML.IDataView * string * string * double * int * double * Microsoft.ML.TimeSeries.SrCnnDetectMode -> Microsoft.ML.IDataView
Public Function DetectEntireAnomalyBySrCnn (catalog As AnomalyDetectionCatalog, input As IDataView, outputColumnName As String, inputColumnName As String, Optional threshold As Double = 0.3, Optional batchSize As Integer = 1024, Optional sensitivity As Double = 99, Optional detectMode As SrCnnDetectMode = Microsoft.ML.TimeSeries.SrCnnDetectMode.AnomalyOnly) As IDataView





输入 DataView。


由数据处理 inputColumnName生成的列的名称。 列数据是一个向量 Double。 此向量长度因数 detectMode而异。


要处理的列的名称。 列数据必须是 Double


用于确定异常的阈值。 当给定点的计算 SR 原始分数大于设置的阈值时,将检测到异常。 此阈值必须介于 [0,1] 之间,其默认值为 0.3。


将输入数据划分为成批,以适应 srcnn 模型。 设置为 -1 时,使用整个输入来适应模型而不是按批处理,当设置为正整数时,请将此数字用作批大小。 必须是 -1 或小于 12 的正整数。 默认值为 1024。


边界的敏感度,仅在 srCnnDetectMode 为 AnomalyAndMargin 时有用。 必须位于 [0,100]。 默认值为 99。


枚举 SrCnnDetectMode类型。 设置为 AnomalyOnly 时,输出向量将是 (IsAnomaly、RawScore、Mag) 的 3 元素双向量。 设置为 AnomalyAndExpectedValue 时,输出向量将是 (IsAnomaly、RawScore、Mag、ExpectedValue) 的 4 元素双向量。 设置为 AnomalyAndMargin 时,输出向量将是 (IsAnomaly、AnomalyScore、Mag、ExpectedValue、BoundaryUnit、UpperValue、LowerValue) 的 7 元素双向量。 RawScore 由 SR 输出,以确定某个点是否为异常,在 AnomalyAndMargin 模式下,当某个点为异常时,将根据敏感度设置计算 AnomalyScore。 默认值为 AnomalyOnly。



using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.ML;
using Microsoft.ML.Data;
using Microsoft.ML.TimeSeries;

namespace Samples.Dynamic
    public static class DetectEntireAnomalyBySrCnn
        public static void Example()
            // Create a new ML context, for ML.NET operations. It can be used for
            // exception tracking and logging, 
            // as well as the source of randomness.
            var ml = new MLContext();

            // Generate sample series data with an anomaly
            var data = new List<TimeSeriesData>();
            for (int index = 0; index < 20; index++)
                data.Add(new TimeSeriesData { Value = 5 });
            data.Add(new TimeSeriesData { Value = 10 });
            for (int index = 0; index < 5; index++)
                data.Add(new TimeSeriesData { Value = 5 });

            // Convert data to IDataView.
            var dataView = ml.Data.LoadFromEnumerable(data);

            // Setup the detection arguments
            string outputColumnName = nameof(SrCnnAnomalyDetection.Prediction);
            string inputColumnName = nameof(TimeSeriesData.Value);

            // Do batch anomaly detection
            var outputDataView = ml.AnomalyDetection.DetectEntireAnomalyBySrCnn(dataView, outputColumnName, inputColumnName,
                threshold: 0.35, batchSize: 512, sensitivity: 90.0, detectMode: SrCnnDetectMode.AnomalyAndMargin);

            // Getting the data of the newly created column as an IEnumerable of
            // SrCnnAnomalyDetection.
            var predictionColumn = ml.Data.CreateEnumerable<SrCnnAnomalyDetection>(
                outputDataView, reuseRowObject: false);


            int k = 0;
            foreach (var prediction in predictionColumn)
                PrintPrediction(k, data[k].Value, prediction);
            //Index Data    Anomaly AnomalyScore    Mag ExpectedValue   BoundaryUnit UpperBoundary   LowerBoundary
            //0       5.00    0               0.00    0.21            5.00            5.00            5.01            4.99
            //1       5.00    0               0.00    0.11            5.00            5.00            5.01            4.99
            //2       5.00    0               0.00    0.03            5.00            5.00            5.01            4.99
            //3       5.00    0               0.00    0.01            5.00            5.00            5.01            4.99
            //4       5.00    0               0.00    0.03            5.00            5.00            5.01            4.99
            //5       5.00    0               0.00    0.06            5.00            5.00            5.01            4.99
            //6       5.00    0               0.00    0.02            5.00            5.00            5.01            4.99
            //7       5.00    0               0.00    0.01            5.00            5.00            5.01            4.99
            //8       5.00    0               0.00    0.01            5.00            5.00            5.01            4.99
            //9       5.00    0               0.00    0.01            5.00            5.00            5.01            4.99
            //10      5.00    0               0.00    0.00            5.00            5.00            5.01            4.99
            //11      5.00    0               0.00    0.01            5.00            5.00            5.01            4.99
            //12      5.00    0               0.00    0.01            5.00            5.00            5.01            4.99
            //13      5.00    0               0.00    0.02            5.00            5.00            5.01            4.99
            //14      5.00    0               0.00    0.07            5.00            5.00            5.01            4.99
            //15      5.00    0               0.00    0.08            5.00            5.00            5.01            4.99
            //16      5.00    0               0.00    0.02            5.00            5.00            5.01            4.99
            //17      5.00    0               0.00    0.05            5.00            5.00            5.01            4.99
            //18      5.00    0               0.00    0.12            5.00            5.00            5.01            4.99
            //19      5.00    0               0.00    0.17            5.00            5.00            5.01            4.99
            //20      10.00   1               0.50    0.80            5.00            5.00            5.01            4.99
            //21      5.00    0               0.00    0.16            5.00            5.00            5.01            4.99
            //22      5.00    0               0.00    0.11            5.00            5.00            5.01            4.99
            //23      5.00    0               0.00    0.05            5.00            5.00            5.01            4.99
            //24      5.00    0               0.00    0.11            5.00            5.00            5.01            4.99
            //25      5.00    0               0.00    0.19            5.00            5.00            5.01            4.99

        private static void PrintPrediction(int idx, double value, SrCnnAnomalyDetection prediction) =>
                idx, value, prediction.Prediction[0], prediction.Prediction[1], prediction.Prediction[2],
                prediction.Prediction[3], prediction.Prediction[4], prediction.Prediction[5], prediction.Prediction[6]);

        private class TimeSeriesData
            public double Value { get; set; }

        private class SrCnnAnomalyDetection
            public double[] Prediction { get; set; }
