ILongRunningWebApi.AcquireTokenInLongRunningProcess Method



AcquireTokenInLongRunningProcess(IEnumerable<String>, String)

Retrieves an access token from the cache using the provided cache key that can be used to access another downstream protected web API on behalf of a user using the OAuth 2.0 On-Behalf-Of flow. See Long-running OBO in MSAL.NET. Use to stop the long running process and remove the associated tokens from the cache.

AcquireTokenInLongRunningProcess(IEnumerable<String>, String)

Retrieves an access token from the cache using the provided cache key that can be used to access another downstream protected web API on behalf of a user using the OAuth 2.0 On-Behalf-Of flow. See Long-running OBO in MSAL.NET. Use to stop the long running process and remove the associated tokens from the cache.

public Microsoft.Identity.Client.AcquireTokenOnBehalfOfParameterBuilder AcquireTokenInLongRunningProcess (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<string> scopes, string longRunningProcessSessionKey);
abstract member AcquireTokenInLongRunningProcess : seq<string> * string -> Microsoft.Identity.Client.AcquireTokenOnBehalfOfParameterBuilder
Public Function AcquireTokenInLongRunningProcess (scopes As IEnumerable(Of String), longRunningProcessSessionKey As String) As AcquireTokenOnBehalfOfParameterBuilder



Scopes requested to access a protected API.


Key by which to look up the token in the cache.


A builder enabling you to add other parameters before executing the token request.


The token cache does not contain a token with an OBO cache key that matches the longRunningProcessSessionKey.


This method should be called during the long-running session to retrieve the token from the cache.

Applies to