使用 API 管理 IP 地址范围

可以使用数据扩充 API 来管理 IP 地址范围。

使用管理 IP 地址范围脚本

  1. 使用以下预期字段创建 CSV 文件:名称、IP_Address_Ranges、类别、标记 (id) 和 Override_ISP_Name。
    下面是 CSV 文件内容的示例:

    name, ip_address_ranges, category, tag(id), isp_name
    Test 1,,1, ,
    Test 2,,1,000000290000000000000000 0000002d0000000000000000  ,
    Test 3,,1,0000002d0000000000000000,
    Test 4,,2,,test


    如果将 OPTION_DELETE_ENABLED 设置为 True,则脚本将从租户中删除租户中定义但 CSV 文件中不存在的任何 IP 地址范围。 如果使用此选项,请确保 CSV 文件定义了租户中所需的所有 IP 地址范围。

  3. 运行脚本以创建新记录,并使用匹配的名称更新现有规则。


  • “filters”:使用请求的所有搜索筛选器筛选对象,有关详细信息,请参阅 数据扩充筛选器 。 若要避免限制请求,请确保在查询中包含限制。
  • “limit”:整数。 在扫描模式下,在 500 到 5000 (默认为 500) 。 控制用于扫描所有数据的迭代次数。


  • “data”:返回的数据。 每次迭代最多包含“限制”记录数。 如果要拉取更多记录 (hasNext=true) ,则将删除最后几个记录,以确保所有数据仅列出一次。
  • “hasNext”:布尔值。 表示是否需要对数据进行另一次迭代。
  • “nextQueryFilters”:如果需要另一次迭代,则包含要运行的连续 JSON 查询。 在下一个请求中将此用作“filters”参数。

以下 Python 示例使用 CSV 文件的内容来管理 (在Defender for Cloud Apps环境中创建、更新或删除) IP 地址范围。

import csv
import http
import requests
import json
IP_RANGES_BASE_URL = 'https://<tenant_id>.<tenant_region>.portal.cloudappsecurity.com/api/v1/subnet/'
IP_RANGES_UPDATE_SUFFIX = 'update_rule/'
IP_RANGES_CREATE_SUFFIX = 'create_rule/'
CSV_ABSOLUTE_PATH = 'rules.csv'
YOUR_TOKEN = '<your_token>'
  'Authorization': 'Token {}'.format(YOUR_TOKEN),
  'Content-Type': 'application/json'
# Get all records.
def get_records():
  list_request_data = {
    # Optionally, edit to match your filters
    'filters': {},
    "skip": 0,
    "limit": 20
  records = []
  has_next = True
  while has_next:
    response = requests.post(IP_RANGES_BASE_URL, json=list_request_data, headers=HEADERS)
    if response.status_code != http.HTTPStatus.OK:
      raise Exception(f'Error getting existing subnets from tenant. Stopping script run. Error: {response.content}')
    content = json.loads(response.content)
    response_data = content.get('data', [])
    records += response_data
    has_next = content.get('hasNext', False)
    list_request_data["skip"] += len(response_data)
  return records
# Rule fields are compared to the CSV row.
def rule_matching(record, ip_address_ranges, category, tag, isp_name, ):
  new_tags = sorted([new_tag for new_tag in tag.split(' ') if new_tag != ''])
  existing_tags = sorted([existing_tag.get('id') for existing_tag in record.get('tags', [])])
  rule_exists_conditions = [sorted([subnet.get('originalString', False) for subnet in record.get('subnets', [])]) !=
  sorted(ip_address_ranges.split(' ')),
  str(record.get('category', False)) != category,
  existing_tags != new_tags,
  bool(record.get('organization', False)) != bool(isp_name) or
  (record.get('organization', False) is not None and not isp_name)]
  if any(rule_exists_conditions):
    return False
  return True
def create_update_rule(name, ip_address_ranges, category, tag, isp_name, records, request_data):
  for record in records:
    # Records are compared by name(unique).
    # This can be changed to id (to update the name), it will include adding id to the CSV and changing row shape.
    if record["name"] == name:
    # request_data["_tid"] = record["_tid"]
      if not rule_matching(record, ip_address_ranges, category, tag, isp_name):
        # Update existing rule
        request_data['_id'] = record['_id']
        response = requests.post(f"{IP_RANGES_BASE_URL}{record['_id']}/{IP_RANGES_UPDATE_SUFFIX}", json=request_data, headers=HEADERS)
        if response.status_code == http.HTTPStatus.OK:
          print('Rule updated', request_data)
          print('Error updating rule. Request data:', request_data, ' Response:', response.content)
        return record
        # The exact same rule exists. no need for change.
        print('The exact same rule exists. no need for change. Rule name: ', name)
        return record
  # Create new rule.
  response = requests.post(f"{IP_RANGES_BASE_URL}{IP_RANGES_CREATE_SUFFIX}", json=request_data, headers=HEADERS)
  if response.status_code == http.HTTPStatus.OK:
    print('Rule created:', request_data)
    print('Error creating rule. Request data:', request_data, ' Response:', response.content)
    # added record
    return record
# Request data creation.
def create_request_data(name, ip_address_ranges, category, tag, isp_name):
  tags = [new_tag for new_tag in tag.split(' ') if new_tag != '']
  request_data = {"name": name, "subnets": ip_address_ranges.split(' '), "category": category, "tags": tags}
  if isp_name:
    request_data["overrideOrganization"] = True
    request_data["organization"] = isp_name
  return request_data
def main():
  # CSV fields are: Name,IP_Address_Ranges,Category,Tag(id),Override_ISP_Name
  # Multiple values (eg: multiple subnets) will be space-separated. (eg: value1 value2)
  records = get_records()
  with open(CSV_ABSOLUTE_PATH, newline='\n') as your_file:
    reader = csv.reader(your_file, delimiter=',')
    # move the reader object to point on the next row, headers are not needed
    for row in reader:
      name, ip_address_ranges, category, tag, isp_name = row
      request_data = create_request_data(name, ip_address_ranges, category, tag, isp_name)
      if records:
      # Existing records were retrieved from your tenant
        record = create_update_rule(name, ip_address_ranges, category, tag, isp_name, records, request_data)
        record_id = record['_id']
        # No existing records were retrieved from your tenant
        response = requests.post(f"{IP_RANGES_BASE_URL}{IP_RANGES_CREATE_SUFFIX}", json=request_data, headers=HEADERS)
        if response.status_code == http.HTTPStatus.OK:
          record_id = json.loads(response.content)
          print('Rule created:', request_data)
          print('Error creating rule. Request data:', request_data, ' Response:', response.content)
        # Remove CSV file record from tenant records.
        if record_id:
          for record in records:
            if record['_id'] == record_id:
    # Delete remaining tenant records, i.e. records that aren't in the CSV file.
    for record in records:
      requests.delete(f"{IP_RANGES_BASE_URL}{record['_id']}/", headers=HEADERS)
if __name__ == '__main__':


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