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az compute-recommender
This command group is in preview and under development. Reference and support levels: https://aka.ms/CLI_refstatus
Manage sku/zone/region recommender info for compute resources.
Name | Description | Type | Status |
az compute-recommender spot-placement-recommender |
Generate placement scores for Spot VM skus. |
Core | Preview |
az compute-recommender spot-placement-recommender
Command group 'az compute-recommender' is in preview and under development. Reference and support levels: https://aka.ms/CLI_refstatus
Generate placement scores for Spot VM skus.
az compute-recommender spot-placement-recommender --desired-count
[--availability-zones {0, 1, f, false, n, no, t, true, y, yes}]
generate spot vm placement score example
az compute-recommender spot-placement-recommender -l eastus --subscription ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-ffffffffffff --availability-zones true --desired-locations '["eastus", "eastus2"]' --desired-count 1 --desired-sizes '[{"sku": "Standard_D2_v2"}]'
Required Parameters
Desired instance count per region/zone based on the scope.
The desired regions Support shorthand-syntax, json-file and yaml-file. Try "??" to show more.
The desired resource SKUs. Support shorthand-syntax, json-file and yaml-file. Try "??" to show more.
Optional Parameters
Defines if the scope is zonal or regional.
One or more resource IDs (space-delimited). It should be a complete resource ID containing all information of 'Resource Id' arguments. You should provide either --ids or other 'Resource Id' arguments.
The Azure region where the recommendation will be generated.
Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using az account set -s NAME_OR_ID
Global Parameters
Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.
Show this help message and exit.
Only show errors, suppressing warnings.
Output format.
JMESPath query string. See http://jmespath.org/ for more information and examples.
Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using az account set -s NAME_OR_ID
Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.