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Quickstart: Deploy an Azure Nexus Kubernetes cluster using Bicep
- Deploy an Azure Nexus Kubernetes cluster using Bicep.
Bicep is a domain-specific language (DSL) that uses declarative syntax to deploy Azure resources. It provides concise syntax, reliable type safety, and support for code reuse. Bicep offers the best authoring experience for your infrastructure-as-code solutions in Azure.
If you don't have an Azure subscription, create an Azure free account before you begin.
Use the Bash environment in Azure Cloud Shell. For more information, see Quickstart for Bash in Azure Cloud Shell.
If you prefer to run CLI reference commands locally, install the Azure CLI. If you're running on Windows or macOS, consider running Azure CLI in a Docker container. For more information, see How to run the Azure CLI in a Docker container.
If you're using a local installation, sign in to the Azure CLI by using the az login command. To finish the authentication process, follow the steps displayed in your terminal. For other sign-in options, see Sign in with the Azure CLI.
When you're prompted, install the Azure CLI extension on first use. For more information about extensions, see Use extensions with the Azure CLI.
Run az version to find the version and dependent libraries that are installed. To upgrade to the latest version, run az upgrade.
Install the latest version of the necessary Azure CLI extensions.
This article requires version 2.61.0 or later of the Azure CLI. If using Azure Cloud Shell, the latest version is already installed.
If you have multiple Azure subscriptions, select the appropriate subscription ID in which the resources should be billed using the
az account
command.Refer the VM SKU table in the reference section for the list of supported VM SKUs.
Refer the supported Kubernetes versions for the list of supported Kubernetes versions.
Create a resource group using the
az group create
command. An Azure resource group is a logical group in which Azure resources are deployed and managed. When you create a resource group, you're prompted to specify a location. This location is the storage location of your resource group metadata and where your resources run in Azure if you don't specify another region during resource creation. The following example creates a resource group named myResourceGroup in the eastus location.az group create --name myResourceGroup --location eastus
The following output example resembles successful creation of the resource group:
{ "id": "/subscriptions/<guid>/resourceGroups/myResourceGroup", "location": "eastus", "managedBy": null, "name": "myResourceGroup", "properties": { "provisioningState": "Succeeded" }, "tags": null }
To deploy a Bicep file or ARM template, you need write access on the resources you're deploying and access to all operations on the Microsoft.Resources/deployments resource type. For example, to deploy a cluster, you need Microsoft.NetworkCloud/kubernetesclusters/write and Microsoft.Resources/deployments/* permissions. For a list of roles and permissions, see Azure built-in roles.
You need the
custom location
resource ID of your Azure Operator Nexus cluster.You need to create various networks according to your specific workload requirements, and it's essential to have the appropriate IP addresses available for your workloads. To ensure a smooth implementation, it's advisable to consult the relevant support teams for assistance.
This quickstart assumes a basic understanding of Kubernetes concepts. For more information, see Kubernetes core concepts for Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS).
Review the Bicep file
Before deploying the Kubernetes template, let's review the content to understand its structure.
// Azure parameters
@description('The name of Nexus Kubernetes cluster')
param kubernetesClusterName string
@description('The Azure region where the cluster is to be deployed')
param location string = resourceGroup().location
@description('The custom location of the Nexus instance')
param extendedLocation string
@description('The metadata tags to be associated with the cluster resource')
param tags object = {}
@description('The username for the administrative account on the cluster')
param adminUsername string = 'azureuser'
@description('The object IDs of Azure Active Directory (AAD) groups that will have administrative access to the cluster')
param adminGroupObjectIds array = []
// Networking Parameters
@description('The Azure Resource Manager (ARM) id of the network to be used as the Container Networking Interface (CNI) network')
param cniNetworkId string
@description('The ARM id of the network to be used for cloud services network')
param cloudServicesNetworkId string
@description('The CIDR blocks used for Nexus Kubernetes PODs in the cluster')
param podCidrs array = ['']
@description('The CIDR blocks used for k8s service in the cluster')
param serviceCidrs array = ['']
@description('The IP address of the DNS service in the cluster')
param dnsServiceIp string = ''
@description('The Layer 2 networks associated with the initial agent pool')
param agentPoolL2Networks array = []
// {
// networkId: 'string'
// pluginType: 'SRIOV|DPDK|OSDevice|MACVLAN'
// }
@description('The Layer 3 networks associated with the initial agent pool')
param agentPoolL3Networks array = []
// {
// ipamEnabled: 'True/False'
// networkId: 'string'
// }
@description('The trunked networks associated with the initial agent pool')
param agentPoolTrunkedNetworks array = []
// {
// networkId: 'string'
// pluginType: 'SRIOV|DPDK|OSDevice|MACVLAN'
// }
@description('The Layer 2 networks associated with the cluster')
param l2Networks array = []
// {
// networkId: 'string'
// pluginType: 'SRIOV|DPDK|OSDevice|MACVLAN'
// }
@description('The Layer 3 networks associated with the cluster')
param l3Networks array = []
// {
// ipamEnabled: 'True/False'
// networkId: 'string'
// }
@description('The trunked networks associated with the cluster')
param trunkedNetworks array = []
// {
// networkId: 'string'
// pluginType: 'SRIOV|DPDK|OSDevice|MACVLAN'
// }
@description('The LoadBalancer IP address pools associated with the cluster')
param ipAddressPools array = []
// {
// addresses: [
// 'string'
// ]
// autoAssign: 'True/False'
// name: 'string'
// onlyUseHostIps: 'True/False'
// }
// Cluster Configuration Parameters
@description('The version of Kubernetes to be used in the Nexus Kubernetes cluster')
param kubernetesVersion string = 'v1.27.1'
@description('The number of control plane nodes to be deployed in the cluster')
param controlPlaneCount int = 1
@description('The zones/racks used for placement of the control plane nodes')
param controlPlaneZones array = []
// "string" Example: ["1", "2", "3"]
@description('The zones/racks used for placement of the agent pool nodes')
param agentPoolZones array = []
// "string" Example: ["1", "2", "3"]
@description('The size of the control plane nodes')
param controlPlaneVmSkuName string = 'NC_G6_28_v1'
@description('The number of worker nodes to be deployed in the initial agent pool')
param systemPoolNodeCount int = 1
@description('The size of the worker nodes')
param workerVmSkuName string = 'NC_P10_56_v1'
@description('The configurations for the initial agent pool')
param initialPoolAgentOptions object = {}
// {
// "hugepagesCount": integer,
// "hugepagesSize": "2M/1G"
// }
@description('The cluster wide SSH public key that will be associated with the given user for secure remote login')
param sshPublicKeys array = []
// {
// keyData: "ssh-rsa AAAAA...."
// },
// {
// keyData: "ssh-rsa AAAAA...."
// }
@description('The control plane SSH public key that will be associated with the given user for secure remote login')
param controlPlaneSshKeys array = []
// {
// keyData: "ssh-rsa AAAAA...."
// },
// {
// keyData: "ssh-rsa AAAAA...."
// }
@description('The agent pool SSH public key that will be associated with the given user for secure remote login')
param agentPoolSshKeys array = []
// {
// keyData: "ssh-rsa AAAAA...."
// },
// {
// keyData: "ssh-rsa AAAAA...."
// }
@description('The labels to assign to the nodes in the cluster for identification and organization')
param labels array = []
// {
// key: 'string'
// value: 'string'
// }
@description('The taints to apply to the nodes in the cluster to restrict which pods can be scheduled on them')
param taints array = []
// {
// key: 'string'
// value: 'string:NoSchedule|PreferNoSchedule|NoExecute'
// }
@description('The association of IP address pools to the communities and peers, allowing for announcement of IPs.')
param bgpAdvertisements array = []
@description('"The list of additional BgpPeer entities that the Kubernetes cluster will peer with. All peering must be explicitly defined.')
param bgpPeers array = []
@description('The indicator to specify if the load balancer peers with the network fabric.')
param fabricPeeringEnabled string = 'False'
resource kubernetescluster 'Microsoft.NetworkCloud/kubernetesClusters@2025-02-01' = {
name: kubernetesClusterName
location: location
tags: tags
extendedLocation: {
name: extendedLocation
type: 'CustomLocation'
properties: {
kubernetesVersion: kubernetesVersion
managedResourceGroupConfiguration: {
name: '${uniqueString(resourceGroup().name)}-${kubernetesClusterName}'
location: location
aadConfiguration: {
adminGroupObjectIds: adminGroupObjectIds
administratorConfiguration: {
adminUsername: adminUsername
sshPublicKeys: empty(sshPublicKeys) ? [] : sshPublicKeys
initialAgentPoolConfigurations: [
name: '${kubernetesClusterName}-nodepool-1'
administratorConfiguration: {
adminUsername: adminUsername
sshPublicKeys: empty(agentPoolSshKeys) ? [] : agentPoolSshKeys
count: systemPoolNodeCount
vmSkuName: workerVmSkuName
mode: 'System'
labels: empty(labels) ? null : labels
taints: empty(taints) ? null : taints
agentOptions: empty(initialPoolAgentOptions) ? null : initialPoolAgentOptions
attachedNetworkConfiguration: {
l2Networks: empty(agentPoolL2Networks) ? null : agentPoolL2Networks
l3Networks: empty(agentPoolL3Networks) ? null : agentPoolL3Networks
trunkedNetworks: empty(agentPoolTrunkedNetworks) ? null : agentPoolTrunkedNetworks
availabilityZones: empty(agentPoolZones) ? null : agentPoolZones
upgradeSettings: {
maxSurge: '1'
controlPlaneNodeConfiguration: {
administratorConfiguration: {
adminUsername: adminUsername
sshPublicKeys: empty(controlPlaneSshKeys) ? [] : controlPlaneSshKeys
count: controlPlaneCount
vmSkuName: controlPlaneVmSkuName
availabilityZones: empty(controlPlaneZones) ? null : controlPlaneZones
networkConfiguration: {
cniNetworkId: cniNetworkId
cloudServicesNetworkId: cloudServicesNetworkId
dnsServiceIp: dnsServiceIp
podCidrs: podCidrs
serviceCidrs: serviceCidrs
attachedNetworkConfiguration: {
l2Networks: empty(l2Networks) ? null : l2Networks
l3Networks: empty(l3Networks) ? null : l3Networks
trunkedNetworks: empty(trunkedNetworks) ? null : trunkedNetworks
bgpServiceLoadBalancerConfiguration: {
bgpAdvertisements: empty(bgpAdvertisements) ? null : bgpAdvertisements
bgpPeers: empty(bgpPeers) ? null : bgpPeers
fabricPeeringEnabled: fabricPeeringEnabled
ipAddressPools: empty(ipAddressPools) ? null : ipAddressPools
Once you have reviewed and saved the template file named kubernetes-deploy.bicep
, proceed to the next section to deploy the template.
Deploy the Bicep file
- Create a file named
and add the required parameters in JSON format. You can use the following example as a starting point. Replace the values with your own.
"$schema": "https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/2019-04-01/deploymentParameters.json#",
"contentVersion": "",
"parameters": {
"value": "myNexusK8sCluster"
"adminGroupObjectIds": {
"value": [
"cniNetworkId": {
"value": "/subscriptions/<subscription_id>/resourceGroups/<resource_group>/providers/Microsoft.NetworkCloud/l3Networks/<l3Network-name>"
"cloudServicesNetworkId": {
"value": "/subscriptions/<subscription_id>/resourceGroups/<resource_group>/providers/Microsoft.NetworkCloud/cloudServicesNetworks/<csn-name>"
"extendedLocation": {
"value": "/subscriptions/<subscription_id>/resourceGroups/<managed_resource_group>/providers/microsoft.extendedlocation/customlocations/<custom-location-name>"
"location": {
"value": "eastus"
"sshPublicKeys": {
"value": [
"keyData": "ssh-rsa AAAAA...."
"keyData": "ssh-rsa BBBBB...."
- Deploy the template.
az deployment group create \
--resource-group myResourceGroup \
--template-file kubernetes-deploy.bicep \
--parameters @kubernetes-deploy-parameters.json
If there isn't enough capacity to deploy requested cluster nodes, an error message appears. However, this message doesn't provide any details about the available capacity. It states that the cluster creation can't proceed due to insufficient capacity.
The capacity calculation takes into account the entire platform cluster, rather than being limited to individual racks. Therefore, if an agent pool is created in a zone (where a rack equals a zone) with insufficient capacity, but another zone has enough capacity, the cluster creation continues but will eventually time out. This approach to capacity checking only makes sense if a specific zone isn't specified during the creation of the cluster or agent pool.
Review deployed resources
After the deployment finishes, you can view the resources using the CLI or the Azure portal.
To view the details of the myNexusK8sCluster
cluster in the myResourceGroup
resource group, execute the following Azure CLI command:
az networkcloud kubernetescluster show \
--name myNexusK8sCluster \
--resource-group myResourceGroup
Additionally, to get a list of agent pool names associated with the myNexusK8sCluster
cluster in the myResourceGroup
resource group, you can use the following Azure CLI command.
az networkcloud kubernetescluster agentpool list \
--kubernetes-cluster-name myNexusK8sCluster \
--resource-group myResourceGroup \
--output table
Connect to the cluster
Now that the Nexus Kubernetes cluster has been successfully created and connected to Azure Arc, you can easily connect to it using the cluster connect feature. Cluster connect allows you to securely access and manage your cluster from anywhere, making it convenient for interactive development, debugging, and cluster administration tasks.
For more detailed information about available options, see Connect to an Azure Operator Nexus Kubernetes cluster.
When you create a Nexus Kubernetes cluster, Nexus automatically creates a managed resource group dedicated to storing the cluster resources, within this group, the Arc connected cluster resource is established.
To access your cluster, you need to set up the cluster connect kubeconfig
. After logging into Azure CLI with the relevant Microsoft Entra entity, you can obtain the kubeconfig
necessary to communicate with the cluster from anywhere, even outside the firewall that surrounds it.
variables.CLUSTER_NAME="myNexusK8sCluster" RESOURCE_GROUP="myResourceGroup" SUBSCRIPTION_ID=<set the correct subscription_id>
Query managed resource group with
az account set -s $SUBSCRIPTION_ID MANAGED_RESOURCE_GROUP=$(az networkcloud kubernetescluster show -n $CLUSTER_NAME -g $RESOURCE_GROUP --output tsv --query managedResourceGroupConfiguration.name)
The following command starts a connectedk8s proxy that allows you to connect to the Kubernetes API server for the specified Nexus Kubernetes cluster.
az connectedk8s proxy -n $CLUSTER_NAME -g $MANAGED_RESOURCE_GROUP &
to send requests to the cluster:kubectl get pods -A
You should now see a response from the cluster containing the list of all nodes.
If you see the error message "Failed to post access token to client proxyFailed to connect to MSI", you may need to perform an az login
to re-authenticate with Azure.
Add an agent pool
The cluster created in the previous step has a single node pool. Let's add a second agent pool using the Bicep template. The following example creates an agent pool named myNexusK8sCluster-nodepool-2
- Review the template.
Before adding the agent pool template, let's review the content to understand its structure.
// Azure Parameters
@description('The name of Nexus Kubernetes cluster')
param kubernetesClusterName string
@description('The Azure region where the cluster is to be deployed')
param location string = resourceGroup().location
@description('The custom location of the Nexus instance')
param extendedLocation string
@description('Tags to be associated with the resource')
param tags object = {}
@description('The username for the administrative account on the cluster')
param adminUsername string = 'azureuser'
@description('The agent pool SSH public key that will be associated with the given user for secure remote login')
param agentPoolSshKeys array = []
// {
// keyData: "ssh-rsa AAAAA...."
// },
// {
// keyData: "ssh-rsa AAAAA...."
// }
// Cluster Configuration Parameters
@description('Number of nodes in the agent pool')
param agentPoolNodeCount int = 1
@description('Agent pool name')
param agentPoolName string = 'nodepool-2'
@description('VM size of the agent nodes')
param agentVmSku string = 'NC_P10_56_v1'
@description('The zones/racks used for placement of the agent pool nodes')
param agentPoolZones array = []
// "string" Example: ["1", "2", "3"]
@description('Agent pool mode')
param agentPoolMode string = 'User'
@description('The configurations for the initial agent pool')
param agentOptions object = {}
// {
// "hugepagesCount": integer,
// "hugepagesSize": "2M/1G"
// }
@description('The labels to assign to the nodes in the cluster for identification and organization')
param labels array = []
// {
// key: 'string'
// value: 'string'
// }
@description('The taints to apply to the nodes in the cluster to restrict which pods can be scheduled on them')
param taints array = []
// {
// key: 'string'
// value: 'string:NoSchedule|PreferNoSchedule|NoExecute'
// }
// Networking Parameters
@description('The Layer 2 networks to connect to the agent pool')
param l2Networks array = []
// {
// networkId: 'string'
// }
@description('The Layer 3 networks to connect to the agent pool')
param l3Networks array = []
// {
// ipamEnabled: 'True/False'
// networkId: 'string'
// }
@description('The trunked networks to connect to the agent pool')
param trunkedNetworks array = []
// {
// networkId: 'string'
// }
resource agentPools 'Microsoft.NetworkCloud/kubernetesClusters/agentPools@2025-02-01' = {
name: '${kubernetesClusterName}/${kubernetesClusterName}-${agentPoolName}'
location: location
tags: tags
extendedLocation: {
name: extendedLocation
type: 'CustomLocation'
properties: {
administratorConfiguration: {
adminUsername: adminUsername
sshPublicKeys: empty(agentPoolSshKeys) ? null : agentPoolSshKeys
attachedNetworkConfiguration: {
l2Networks: empty(l2Networks) ? null : l2Networks
l3Networks: empty(l3Networks) ? null : l3Networks
trunkedNetworks: empty(trunkedNetworks) ? null : trunkedNetworks
count: agentPoolNodeCount
mode: agentPoolMode
vmSkuName: agentVmSku
labels: empty(labels) ? null : labels
taints: empty(taints) ? null : taints
agentOptions: empty(agentOptions) ? null : agentOptions
availabilityZones: empty(agentPoolZones) ? null : agentPoolZones
upgradeSettings: {
maxSurge: '1'
Once you have reviewed and saved the template file named kubernetes-add-agentpool.bicep
, proceed to the next section to deploy the template.
- Create a file named
and add the required parameters in JSON format. You can use the following example as a starting point. Replace the values with your own.
"$schema": "https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/2019-04-01/deploymentParameters.json#",
"contentVersion": "",
"parameters": {
"value": "myNexusK8sCluster"
"extendedLocation": {
"value": "/subscriptions/<subscription_id>/resourceGroups/<resource_group>/providers/microsoft.extendedlocation/customlocations/<custom-location-name>"
- Deploy the template.
az deployment group create \
--resource-group myResourceGroup \
--template-file kubernetes-add-agentpool.bicep \
--parameters @kubernetes-nodepool-parameters.json
You can add multiple agent pools during the initial creation of your cluster itself by using the initial agent pool configurations. However, if you want to add agent pools after the initial creation, you can utilize the above command to create additional agent pools for your Nexus Kubernetes cluster.
The following output example resembles successful creation of the agent pool.
$ az networkcloud kubernetescluster agentpool list --kubernetes-cluster-name myNexusK8sCluster --resource-group myResourceGroup --output table
This command is experimental and under development. Reference and support levels: https://aka.ms/CLI_refstatus
Count Location Mode Name ProvisioningState ResourceGroup VmSkuName
------- ---------- ------ ---------------------------- ------------------- --------------- -----------
1 eastus System myNexusK8sCluster-nodepool-1 Succeeded myResourceGroup NC_P10_56_v1
1 eastus User myNexusK8sCluster-nodepool-2 Succeeded myResourceGroup NC_P10_56_v1
Clean up resources
When no longer needed, delete the resource group. The resource group and all the resources in the resource group are deleted.
Use the az group delete command to remove the resource group, Kubernetes cluster, and all related resources except the Operator Nexus network resources.
az group delete --name myResourceGroup --yes --no-wait
Next steps
You can now deploy the CNFs either directly via cluster connect or via Azure Operator Service Manager.