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使用 Azure 通信服务创建通话准备体验


Azure 通信服务的这一功能目前以预览版提供。

预览版 API 和 SDK 在没有服务级别协议的情况下提供。 建议不要将它们用于生产工作负荷。 某些功能可能不受支持或者已受限。

有关详细信息,请参阅 Microsoft Azure 预览版补充使用条款

本教程会将 Azure 通信服务与 UI 库配合使用,以创建帮助用户准备好加入通话的体验。 UI 库提供了一组丰富的组件和 UI 控件,可用于生成通话准备体验,以及一组丰富的可用于了解用户状态的 API。



GitHub 上访问本教程的完整代码。


为了确保用户获得最佳体验,我们首先想确保他们使用的是受支持的浏览器。 在本部分中,我们将创建一个显示“正在准备会话”的页面,同时在用户浏览器的后台执行快速的支持检查。

显示正在执行的浏览器检查的 Gif


创建一个名为 PreparingYourSession.tsx 的新文件,在其中创建一个旋转图标,以在执行后台异步检查时向用户显示:


import { useTheme } from '@azure/communication-react';
import { ISpinnerStyles, IStackStyles, ITextStyles, ITheme, Spinner, Stack, Text } from '@fluentui/react';

/** This page displays a spinner to the user. This is used to show the user that background checks are being performed. */
export const PreparingYourSession = (): JSX.Element => {
  const theme = useTheme();
  return (
    <Stack verticalFill verticalAlign="center" horizontalAlign="center" tokens={{ childrenGap: '3rem' }}>
      <Stack styles={spinnerContainerStyles(theme)}>
        <Spinner styles={spinnerStyles} />
      <Stack horizontalAlign="center">
        <Text styles={headingStyles} variant="large">Preparing your session</Text>
        <Text variant="medium">Please be patient</Text>

const headingStyles: ITextStyles = {
  root: {
    fontWeight: '600',
    lineHeight: '2rem'

const spinnerStyles: ISpinnerStyles = {
  circle: {
    height: '2.75rem',
    width: '2.75rem',
    borderWidth: '0.2rem'

const spinnerContainerStyles = (theme: ITheme): IStackStyles => ({
  root: {
    padding: '1.75rem',
    borderRadius: '50%',
    background: theme.palette?.themeLighterAlt

然后我们可以将此会话准备屏幕挂接到我们的应用中。 在 App.tsx 中有用于跟踪应用状态的变量 testState,当 testState 处于 runningEnvironmentChecks 状态时,我们会显示会话准备屏幕。

首先,将以下导入添加到我们在概述中创建的 App.tsx 文件中:

import { useState } from 'react';
import { PreparingYourSession } from './PreparingYourSession';

完成后,更新 App.tsx 文件以包含新的旋转图标。

type TestingState = 'runningEnvironmentChecks' | 'finished';

const App = (): JSX.Element => {
  const [testState, setTestState] = useState<TestingState>('runningEnvironmentChecks');

  return (
      <CallClientProvider callClient={callClient}>
        {/* Show a Preparing your session screen while running the call readiness checks */}
        {testState === 'runningEnvironmentChecks' && (
            <PreparingYourSession />

        {/* After the device setup is complete, take the user to the call. For this sample we show a test complete page. */}
        {testState === 'finished' && <TestComplete />}


首先,创建一个实用工具文件调用 environmentSupportUtils.ts。 在此调用中,我们添加方法 checkEnvironmentSupport。 此方法使用调用有状态客户端执行请求以获取运行调用有状态客户端的环境信息。


import { Features, EnvironmentInfo } from "@azure/communication-calling";
import { StatefulCallClient } from "@azure/communication-react";

/** Use the CallClient's getEnvironmentInfo() method to check if the browser is supported. */
export const checkEnvironmentSupport = async (callClient: StatefulCallClient): Promise<EnvironmentInfo> => {
  const environmentInfo = await callClient.feature(Features.DebugInfo).getEnvironmentInfo();
  console.info(environmentInfo); // view console logs in the browser to see what environment info is returned
  return environmentInfo;

checkEnvironmentSupport 返回的数据包含以下信息:

  • 浏览器支持
  • 浏览器版本支持
  • 操作系统(平台)支持
  • 详细的环境信息


接下来,我们需要使用通话 SDK 中提供的此信息,在出现问题时告知用户其环境的状态。 UI 库提供三个不同的组件来达到此目的,具体取决于遇到了怎样的问题。

  • UnsupportedOperatingSystem
  • UnsupportedBrowser
  • UnsupportedBrowserVersion

我们首先在 FluentUI 模式中托管 UI 库的组件:创建名为 UnsupportedEnvironmentPrompts.tsx 的新文件,在其中创建不同的提示:


import { UnsupportedOperatingSystem, UnsupportedBrowser, UnsupportedBrowserVersion } from '@azure/communication-react';
import { Modal } from '@fluentui/react';

 * Modal dialog that shows a Browser Version Unsupported Prompt
 * Use the `onTroubleShootingClick` argument to redirect the user to further troubleshooting.
 * Use the `onContinueAnywayClick` argument to allow the user to continue to the next step even though they are on an unsupported browser version.
export const BrowserVersionUnsupportedPrompt = (props: { isOpen: boolean, onContinueAnyway:() => void }): JSX.    Element => (
  <Modal isOpen={props.isOpen}>
      onTroubleshootingClick={() => alert('This callback should be used to take the user to further troubleshooting')}
      onContinueAnywayClick={() => props.onContinueAnyway()}

 * Modal dialog that shows a Browser Unsupported Prompt
 * Use the `onTroubleShootingClick` argument to redirect the user to further troubleshooting.
export const BrowserUnsupportedPrompt = (props: { isOpen: boolean }): JSX.Element => (
  <Modal isOpen={props.isOpen}>
      onTroubleshootingClick={() => alert('This callback should be used to take the user to further troubleshooting')}

 * Modal dialog that shows an Operating System Unsupported Prompt
 * Use the `onTroubleShootingClick` argument to redirect the user to further troubleshooting.
export const OperatingSystemUnsupportedPrompt = (props: { isOpen: boolean }): JSX.Element => (
  <Modal isOpen={props.isOpen}>
      onTroubleshootingClick={() => alert('This callback should be used to take the user to further troubleshooting')}

然后,我们可以在环境检查组件中显示这些提示。 创建一个名为 EnvironmentChecksComponent.tsx 的文件,其中包含用于显示此提示的逻辑:此组件有一个回调 onTestsSuccessful,可将用户转至应用中的下一页面。


import { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import { BrowserUnsupportedPrompt, BrowserVersionUnsupportedPrompt, OperatingSystemUnsupportedPrompt } from './UnsupportedEnvironmentPrompts';
import { useCallClient } from '@azure/communication-react';
import { checkEnvironmentSupport } from './environmentSupportUtils';

export type EnvironmentChecksState = 'runningEnvironmentChecks' |
  'operatingSystemUnsupported' |
  'browserUnsupported' |

 * This component is a demo of how to use the StatefulCallClient with CallReadiness Components to get a user
 * ready to join a call.
 * This component checks the browser support.
export const EnvironmentChecksComponent = (props: {
   * Callback triggered when the tests are complete and successful
  onTestsSuccessful: () => void
}): JSX.Element => {
  const [currentCheckState, setCurrentCheckState] = useState<EnvironmentChecksState>('runningEnvironmentChecks');

  // Run call readiness checks when component mounts
  const callClient = useCallClient();
  useEffect(() => {
    const runEnvironmentChecks = async (): Promise<void> => {

      // First we get the environment information from the calling SDK.
      const environmentInfo = await checkEnvironmentSupport(callClient);

      if (!environmentInfo.isSupportedPlatform) {
        // If the platform or operating system is not supported we stop here and display a modal to the user.
      } else if (!environmentInfo.isSupportedBrowser) {
        // If browser support fails, we stop here and display a modal to the user.
      } else if (!environmentInfo.isSupportedBrowserVersion) {
         *  If the browser version is unsupported, we stop here and show a modal that can allow the user 
         *  to continue into the call.
      } else {

    // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
  }, []);

  return (
      {/* We show this when the operating system is unsupported */}
      <OperatingSystemUnsupportedPrompt isOpen={currentCheckState === 'operatingSystemUnsupported'} />

      {/* We show this when the browser is unsupported */}
      <BrowserUnsupportedPrompt isOpen={currentCheckState === 'browserUnsupported'} />

      {/* We show this when the browser version is unsupported */}
      <BrowserVersionUnsupportedPrompt isOpen={currentCheckState === 'browserVersionUnsupported'} onContinueAnyway={props.onTestsSuccessful} />

然后,我们可以将 EnvironmentChecksComponent 添加到 App.tsx。 然后,在测试成功后,应用将使用 onTestsSuccessful 回调将用户移动到“设备检查”阶段:

现在我们在 App.tsx 中将新组件导入应用

import { EnvironmentChecksComponent } from './EnvironmentChecksComponent';

然后,让我们更新 App.tsx 中的 App 组件:

const App = (): JSX.Element => {
  const [testState, setTestState] = useState<TestingState>('runningEnvironmentChecks');

  return (
      <CallClientProvider callClient={callClient}>
        {/* Show a Preparing your session screen while running the call readiness checks */}
        {testState === 'runningEnvironmentChecks' && (
            <PreparingYourSession />
              onTestsSuccessful={() => setTestState('finished')}

        {/* After the device setup is complete, take the user to the call. For this sample we show a test complete page. */}
        {testState === 'finished' && <TestComplete />}

现在可以运行应用了。 尝试在不受支持的浏览器上运行应用,会看到不受支持的浏览器提示:

显示浏览器检查失败的 Gif
