

Elements of a Debugger Command Program

A debugger command program is a small application that consists of debugger commands and control flow tokens, such as .if, .for, and .while. (For a full list of control flow tokens and their syntax, see Control Flow Tokens.)

You can use braces ( { } ) to enclose a block of statements within a larger command block. When you enter each block, all aliases within the block are evaluated. If you later alter the value of an alias within a command block, commands after that point do not use the new alias value unless they are within a subordinate block.

You cannot create a block by using a pair of braces. You must add a control flow token before the opening brace. If you want to create a block only to evaluate aliases, you should use the .block token before the opening brace.

A debugger command program can use user-named aliases or fixed-name aliases as its local variables. If you want to use numeric or typed variables, you can use the $tnpseudo-registers.

User-named aliases are evaluated only if they are not next to other text. If you want to evaluate an alias that is next to other text, use the ${ } (Alias Interpreter) token. This token has optional switches that enable you to evaluate the alias in a variety of ways.

You can add comments to a debugger command program by using two dollar signs ($$ (Comment Specifier)). You should not insert a comment between a token and its elements (such as braces or conditions).

Note   You should not use an asterisk (* (Comment Line Specifier)). Because comments that are specified with an asterisk do not end with a semicolon, the rest of the program is disregarded.

Typically, you should use MASM syntax within a debugger command program. When you have to use C++ elements (such as specifying a member of a structure or class), you can use the @@c++( ) token to switch to C++ syntax for that clause.

The $scmp, $sicmp, and $spat string operators in MASM syntax are particularly useful. For more information about these operators, see MASM Numbers and Operators.