

* (Comment Line Specifier)

If the asterisk ( * ) character is at the start of a command, then the rest of the line is treated as a comment, even if a semicolon appears after it.

    * [any text]


The * token is parsed like any other debugger command. Therefore, if you want to create a comment after another command, you must precede the * token with a semicolon.

The * token will cause the remainder of the line to be ignored, even if a semicolon appears after it. This differs from $$ (Comment Specifier), which creates a comment that can be terminated by a semicolon.

For example, the following command will display eax and ebx, but not ecx:

0:000> r eax; $$ some text; r ebx; * more text; r ecx

Text prefixed by the * or $$ tokens is not processed in any way. If you are performing remote debugging, a comment entered in the debugging server will not be visible in the debugging client, nor vice-versa. If you wish to make comment text appear in the Debugger Command window in a way visible to all parties, you should use .echo (Echo Comment).