
Release notes for System Center Operations Manager


Service Provider Foundation (SPF) is discontinued from System Center 2025. However, SPF 2022 will continue to work with System Center 2025 components.

This article lists the release notes for System Center 2025 - Operations Manager.

Operations Manager 2025 release notes

This article summarizes the release notes for Operations Manager 2025.

  • Fixed broken behaviour of Web Console where allow-popups and allow-forms settings were not added after applying security changes.
  • Fixed failure of favourite reports with HttpParseException in Web Console.

This article lists the release notes for System Center 2019 - Operations Manager. This article also includes the release notes for Operations Manager 2019 UR1, UR2, UR4, and UR5.

Operations Manager 2019 release notes

The following sections summarize the release notes for Operations Manager 2019, and include the known issues and workarounds. Also see 2019 UR1 and 2019 UR2 release notes.

Health Service with Log on type as Service by default

Description: With Operations Manager 2019, Log on as a Service feature is enabled by default. This change impacts all the service accounts and Run As accounts; they must have Log on as a Service permission.

Workaround: Enable log on as a service permission for these accounts. Learn more.

User experience changes in maintenance mode

Description: The following are the user experience changes with Operations Manager 2019 maintenance mode. These changes are applicable to both Windows and Linux\Unix monitoring:

  • As an entity enters the maintenance mode, monitor-based active alerts on it will be automatically resolved. In earlier releases, these alerts get automatically resolved when the entity exits the maintenance mode.

  • On-demand monitors and regular monitors now behave similarly when the target entity enters and exits the maintenance mode.

Workaround: None.

Support for x64 components

Description: Operations Manager 2019 supports only x64 components; x86 components aren't supported. If you try to push install the agent from the console to a x86 computer, the following error message appears:

The system cannot find the path specified.

Workaround: None.

Upgrade to reporting server fails the prerequisites check

Description: While attempting to do an upgrade of System Center 2016/1801/1807 - Operations Manager reporting server to version 2019, the prerequisites check reports the following error: 

Management Server Upgraded Check - The management server to which this component reports, has not been upgraded. and the upgrade cannot proceed.

This error occurs in a distributed management group scenario, where the reporting server is on a server that is different from one or more management servers in the management group.

Workaround: Install the System Center 2016/1801/1807 - Operations Manager Operations console on the server that's hosting the reporting server role, and then retry upgrading the reporting server role to version 2019. Once the upgrade is successful, you can uninstall the upgraded Operations console from the reporting server.

Internet Explorer compatibility view

Description: The HTML5 Web console doesn't support Internet Explorer compatibility View.

Workaround: None.

OpenSSL 1.1.0 version support

Description: On Linux platforms, OpenSSL 0.9.8 support is dropped.

Workaround: We've added support for OpenSSL 1.1.0.

Performance monitoring for VMM server fails with Access denied message

Description: Service users don't have the permission to access VirtualMachineManager-Server/Operational event log. Workaround: Change the Security Descriptor for operational event log registry with the command below, and then restart event log service and health log service.

reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WINEVT\Channels\Microsoft-VirtualMachineManager-Server/Operational /v ChannelAccess /t REG_SZ /d O:BAG:SYD:(D;;0xf0007;;;AN)(D;;0xf0007;;;BG)(A;;0xf0007;;;SY)(A;;0x7;;;BA)(A;;0x3;;;NS)(A;;0x1;;;IU)(A;;0x1;;;SU)"

This command will add the service user to the list of allowed users who can access VirtualMachineManager-Server/Operational event log.

Operations Manager 2019 doesn't support HPUX library

Description: Operations Manager 2019 doesn't support HPUX. However, HPUX library is available in the list of management packs delivered for Operations Manager 2019.

Workaround: Ignore this. HPUX is removed from the latest pack on the DLC, here.

Previous AD rules don't work after upgrading to Operations Manager 2019

Description: After you upgrade to Operations Manager 2019 from Operations Manager 2016 (or 2016 URs earlier to UR7), 1801 or 1807, previous AD rules don't work due to the change in Active Directory rules' format. Upgrade to Operations Manager 2019 from Operations Manager 2016 UR7 and UR8 doesn't have this issue.

Workaround: To resolve this, use the following steps:

  1. After you upgrade to 2019, export the default management pack to a folder.

  2. Open Microsoft.SystemCenter.OperationsManager.DefaultUser.xml from the exported folder.

  3. Rename all the AD rules to use <NetBIOS Domain Name of Management Server> instead of <FQDN of Management Server>, example below.


    Domain name is case-sensitive.


    Before: Rule ID="_smx.net_MS1_contoso.com" Enabled="true"

    After: Rule ID="_SMX_MS1_contoso.com" Enabled="true"

  4. Import the updated management pack.

    The rules are now visible on the console.

    For detailed information about this issue, see update an active directory integration with Operations Manager.


    This issue is fixed in 2019 UR2.

REST API in Operations Manager doesn't return required values for classes

Description: When called from Operations Manager 2019, REST API doesn't return className, path and fullname, information returned is empty. Also, ID is returned as className.

Workaround: None.


This issue is fixed in 2019 UR2.

Operations Manager 2019 UR1 release notes

The following sections summarize the release notes for Operations Manager 2019 UR1, and include the known issues and workarounds.

For the problems fixed in UR1 and the installation instructions for UR1, see the KB article.

Pending management after patching

Description: After you apply the 2019 update rollup (UR1), the agents to be updated aren't listed in Pending Management console view.

Workaround: You need to identify the agents and update them manually. To do this, go to Administration> Device Management>Agent Managed, and update the agents that are of the older version. To view the correct version of the agent, after applying the management server patch, import the management pack as mentioned in the KB article for Operations Manager 2019 UR1.

Version display

Description: Version display doesn't show UR1 in areas such Help>About and Device Management view.

Workaround: To check if the Operations Manager components are successfully updated for UR1, see the version number of respective components in Administration> Operations Manager Products.

Error while exporting reports post gMSA migration

Description: Post migration to gMSA, while exporting a report in Word, PowerPoint, or Excel format, You may encounter the following error: An error occurred during rendering the report.

This is observed for SQL Server Reporting Services on SQL Server 2017. This error appears to be a persistent issue with SSRS in SQL Server 2017.

Workaround: To resolve this, use the following steps:

  • Grant admin access to Execution account on the report server
  • Restart the reporting service and wait for 5 minutes
  • Try to export the reports again


From SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) 2017 version 14.0.600.1274 and later, the default security settings don't allow resource extension uploads. This leads to ResourceFileFormatNotAllowedException exceptions in Operations Manager during the deployment of reporting components.

To fix this, open SQL Management Studio, connect to your Reporting Services instance, open Properties>Advanced, and add *.* to the list for AllowedResourceExtensionsForUpload. Alternatively, you can add the full list of Operations Manager's reporting extensions to the allow list in SSRS.

Replacement of previously used service accounts with gMSA fails

Description: Replacement of previously used Operation Manager's service accounts with gMSA fails, leading to Operations Manager's console issues (Console fails to open). This occurs if the data access service isn't initialized.


  1. Add the account running the SDK service to builtin\Windows Authorization Access Group.

  2. Run the PowerShell script as detailed here.

  3. If this is a fresh installation of Operations Manager, wait for 24 hours, and then apply the Update Rollup. This is applicable to all the roles in Operations Manager.


Ensure that DW and DR accounts are members of the Operations Manager Report Security Administrators group, so the issue doesn't recur. For more information, see gMSA accounts.

Operations Manager 2019 UR2 release notes

No known issues in Operations Manager 2019 UR2.

For the problems fixed in UR2 and the installation instructions for UR2, see the KB article.

Operations Manager 2019 UR4 release notes

The following sections summarize the release notes for Operations Manager 2019 UR4, and include the known issues and workarounds.

For the problems fixed in UR4 and the installation instructions for UR4, see the KB article.

Three columns in Authoring > Groups aren't localized

Description: In Operations Manager console Authoring > Groups new columns (Management Pack, Sealed and Members) appear in English, not displayed in the language as set in the computer accessing this view.

Workaround: None.

Operations Manager 2019 UR5 release notes

The following section summarizes the release notes for Operations Manager 2019 UR5, and includes the known issues and workarounds.

For the problems fixed in UR5 and the installation instructions for UR5, see the KB article.

Web console security vulnerabilities


Ensure to take the backup of Web.config files before you apply this update rollup.

Description: Operations Manager 2019 Web console has security vulnerabilities.

Workaround: With Operations Manager 2019 UR5, several Web console security vulnerabilities are fixed. Because of these fixes, the Web.config files of both HTMLDashboard and MonitoringView web apps will be replaced. Any earlier settings of these apps will be lost, and you will need to redo the changes.

This article lists the release notes for System Center 2022 - Operations Manager.

Operations Manager 2022 release notes

This article summarizes the release notes for Operations Manager 2022.

Operations console fails to connect with Operations Manager 2019 management group

Description: Operations console for Operations Manager 2022 fails to connect with Operations Manager 2019 management group.


  • Use Operations Manager 2019 operations console to connect with Operations Manager 2022 management group.


  • Use separate console machines for Operations Manager 2019 and Operations Manager 2022, and use them to connect to the respective servers.

This article lists the release notes for System Center 2016 - Operations Manager.

Operations Manager 2016 release notes

The following sections summarize the release notes for Operations Manager 2016 and include the known issues and workarounds.

SharePoint integration with Operations Manager has to be recreated

Description: While using SharePoint to view the Operations Manager data, the existing Web Console Dashboard URLs provided won't work and these Web parts have to be recreated with the steps below.

Workaround: Perform the following steps to set up SharePoint to view Operations Manager data:

  1. Create a new page on SharePoint in which you want to display the Dashboard.
  2. Open the page and select edit and insert a new Web Part.
  3. In Web Part, under categories, select Media and Content, and under that select Page Viewer and select Add.
  4. Edit the Web Part and select Web Page and enter the URL of the Operations Manager Web console dashboard.
  5. Append “&disabletree=true” at the end of the dashboard URL for disabling the tree view getting displayed on the SharePoint page
  6. Configure the appearance, layout, and Advance attribute of the SharePoint page.

Web Console might not work due to IIS becoming corrupt

Description: Web Console might throw an error “Could not load type ‘System.ServiceModel.Activation.HttpModule”.

Workaround: Add HTTP Activation to the role services of the OS. Then, on Server 2012, run the following in an elevated command prompt: “C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319>aspnet_regiis.exe -r”.

Anomalies in handling tables and bullets in Knowledge Articles

Description: If tables are inserted in a knowledge article, when re-editing the knowledge article, the borders aren't applied to the table. Similarly, if bullets are added in the knowledge article, they get converted to numeric bullets while re-editing. And if there's a single bullet in the article, then the article doesn’t get saved in the MP and the console throws an error.

Workaround: None.

MSI-based installation doesn't work for Nano agent

Description: MSI-based installation isn't supported for Nano agent. The agent can be installed from Discovery Wizard\PowerShell installer scripts.

Workaround: None.

Issues with uninstalling an update for Nano agent

Description: Uninstalling an update to Nano agent isn't possible.

Workaround: The only option is to uninstall the Nano agent, and then install the RTM version + desired update.

Issues with updates of Nano agent

Description: Updates to Nano agent won't be pushed from Windows Update. To update Nano agent, you need to either download the available update and install using the PowerShell update scripts or trigger a repair from an updated Management server.

Workaround: None.

Unable to override the path or folder for Nano agent installation

Description: Nano agent is always installed to the following path: ‘%SystemDrive%\Program Files\Microsoft Monitoring Agent’; the agent installation folder can't be overridden.

Workaround: None.

Inconsistencies in push install experience of Nano agent

Description: The Discover Wizard status dialog closes but the agent stays in pending state in console for some time until the installation fails or completes successfully. Installation may fail, and to help troubleshoot, refer to the setup log file.

Workaround: None.

Inconsistencies in push uninstall experience of Nano agent

Description: When performing a Push uninstall from the Operations console, the status dialog (which shows progress status) shows the uninstall completed successfully, but the agent uninstall is still being performed. Uninstall may fail and refer to the setup log file for further information to troubleshoot.

Workaround: None.

ACS isn't working for Nano agent

Description: ACS isn't working for Nano agent in some cases. There are issues in certain scenarios.

Workaround: None.

Client-side monitoring (CSM) alerts might stop flowing from the System Center Operations Manager management server

Description: The update sequence of System Center Operation Manager management server may cause an issue with the client-side monitoring alerts collection from the management server. System Center Operations Manager agents aren't affected. Likelihood of occurrence: Medium.

Workaround: Restart the Microsoft Monitoring Agent service on System Center Operations Manager management server.

If after updating System Center Operations Manager server or agent, Application performance monitoring (APM) events, client-side monitoring (CSM) events, and APM alerts might stop flowing from the monitored hosts

Description: The update sequence of System Center Operations Manager agent may cause an issue with the following:

• Client-side monitoring (CSM) events and alerts collected on the host.

• Application Performance Monitoring (APM) events and alerts collected on the host. System Center Operations Manager management server isn't affected.

Workaround: Restart the Microsoft Monitoring Agent service on the System Center Operations Manager agent-managed computer that is experiencing the issue.

Application performance monitoring (APM) for Windows services isn't supported in System Center - Operations Manager on computers where Application Insights Status Monitor is installed.

Description: Application performance monitoring (APM) workflow fails to process monitoring configuration for .NET Windows services on the computer if Application Insights Status Monitor and the System Center - Operations Manager agent are both installed.

Workaround: Uninstall Application Insights Status Monitor.

Namespace values for performance tracking will be ignored

Description: Setting the Namespace value for performance tracking when tracking a custom namespace in .NET Applications Performance Monitoring (APM) will be ignored.

Workaround: Set both the exception tracking and performance tracking settings to include the same custom namespaces.

When using sudo elevation with Solaris operating systems, it requires a configuration change if sudo executable isn't in an expected path

Description: If you want to use sudo elevation on a computer running Solaris, and the sudo executable isn't in the expected path, you need to create a link to the correct path. Operations Manager will look for the sudo executable in the path /opt/sfw/bin, and then in the path /usr/bin. If sudo isn't installed in one of these paths, a link is required.

Workaround: The UNIX and Linux agent installation script creates the symbolic link /etc/opt/Microsoft/scx/conf/sudodir to the folder expected to contain sudo. The agent uses this symbolic link to access sudo. The installation script automatically creates the symbolic link, so no action is needed for standard UNIX and Linux configurations. However, if sudo is installed in a non-standard location, you should change the symbolic link to point to the folder where sudo is installed. If you change the symbolic link, its value is maintained for uninstall, reinstallation, and upgrade operations with the agent.

Operations Manager Console will stop responding if you attempt to resolve a dependency while importing a management pack

Description: When you select Import Management Packs from the Administration workspace of the Operations Manager Operations console, the console will display the Resolve button if the Management Pack is dependent on another Management Pack. If you select Resolve, you see the Dependency Warning. If you select the Resolve button in the Dependency Warning dialog, the Operations console will stop responding.

Workaround: Install the Update for System Center 2016 - Operations Manager. See the Knowledge Base article 3117586 for specific instructions.

Telemetry data may be erroneously sent when the "Usage and Connectivity Data" setting is set to "False"

Description: If two operators have Operations Manager consoles open and one sets the Usage and Connectivity Data setting to Do not send data, data may continue to flow to Microsoft until the second user closes and reopens their instance of the Operations Manager console.

Workaround: Restart all Operations Manager console sessions after making changes to the Usage and Connectivity setting.

Description: When a new component, such as a management server or gateway server, is added to an existing Operations Manager environment, usage information about the setup process is sent to Microsoft even though the Usage and Connectivity Data setting is set to Do not send data. After the component is added, no further usage data will be sent to Microsoft from the component.

Workaround: None

Operations Manager web console isn't compatible with Microsoft Edge web browser

Description: When you open the Operations Manager web console from the Windows 10 Start Menu, the console will open in the Microsoft Edge web browser. This will result in an error.

Workaround: Open the Operations Manager web console with Internet Explorer. Internet Explorer is available from Windows Accessories submenu.

Launching the Operations Manager Web Console may result in a blank screen

Description: When you first open the Operations Manager web console, you may encounter a blank screen.

Workaround: To resolve the issue:

  1. Select the Configure button.
  2. When prompted to Run or Save SilverlightClientConfiguration.exe, select Save.
  3. Run SilverlightClientConfiguration.exe.
  4. Open the file properties of exe (right-click) and open the Digital Signatures tab.
  5. Select the certificate with Digest Algorithm as sha256 and select Details.
  6. In the Digital Signature Details dialog, select View Certificate.
  7. In the dialog that appears next, select Install Certificate.
  8. In the Certificate Import Wizard, Set store location as - Local Machine. Select Next.
  9. Select the option - Place all certificates in the following store Browse to Trusted Publishers.
  10. Select Next and then Finish.
  11. Refresh the Browser

Next step

What's new in Operations Manager.