

interface IDualEngine20BrowserObserver


The DualEngine API is part of a Limited Access Feature (see LimitedAccessFeatures class). For more information or to request an unlock token, contact Microsoft Support.

interface IDualEngine20BrowserObserver
  : public IUnknown

Receives events from the Browser.


Members Descriptions
ContinueNavigationInEdge Raised when the browser wants to stop hosting content and have the navigation to the URL continue in the hosting process.
ContinueNavigationInEdge2 Raised when the browser wants to stop hosting content and have the navigation to the URL continue in the hosting process; this version provides extra information about the navigation.
NavigateToOffsetInEdge Raised when the browser requests to navigate to a travel log entry offset.
OnAllButCurrentEntryDeleted Raised when the browser has deleted all entries in its travel log except for the current entry.
OnAsyncHungCheckReply Raised when the browser processes an async hang check message, see IDualEngine20BrowserSession::SetHangDetectionMessages().
OnAttentionState Raised when requesting user attention.
OnBeforeUnloadAndStopComplete Raised when the beforeUnload event has finished being processed.
OnCloseCompleted Raised when the browser has closed.
OnCloseRequested Raised when the browser has requested to close.
OnDialogShown Raised when a the browser shows or hides a modal dialog.
OnDocumentComplete Raised when a document is completely loaded and initialized.
OnDocumentModeSet Raised when the document mode has changed.
OnEnterpriseIDSet Raised when a navigation has been completed; provides information about the enterprise ID.
OnFindOnPageResult Raised when find on page results change.
OnFinishedSetFocus Raised when a IDualEngine20Browser::DualEngineSetFocus() request has finished being processed.
OnGeolocationFeatureInUse Raised when geolocation data is accessed.
OnGeolocationPermissionRequested Raised when user permission is needed to enable geolocation.
OnHasBeforeUnloadChanged Raised when an OnBeforeUnload handler has been registered or removed.
OnIndicatorItemsSet Raised when a navigation has been completed; provides status information about the current state of the browser page.
OnInputAttempted Raised when user input is received.
OnLoadingActivityChanged Raised when the page's loading state changes.
OnMixedContentBlocked Raised when Mixed Content has been blocked.
OnNavigationComplete Raised when a navigation has been completed.
OnNavigationFailed Raised when a navigation fails.
OnNavigationToDownload Raised when a navigation has ended in a download.
OnNewWindow Raised when a new window has been created.
OnPopupBlocked Raised when a popup window was blocked.
OnPrepareToExitRegionFailed Raised when the browser has failed to a handle a previous IDualEngine20Browser::DualEnginePrepareToExitRegion() call.
OnReadyToExitRegion Raised when the browser has successfully handled a previous IDualEngine20Browser::DualEnginePrepareToExitRegion() call.
OnTabCrashed Raised when the tab has crashed.
OnTabHangReported Raised when the browser is hung.
OnUnexpectedRundown Raised when the browser has closed unexpectedly.
OnUnhandledKeyboardAccelerator Raised when processing a keyboard accelerator and it is determined that the browser does not, or should not based on rgHostPriorityAccels, handle that accelerator.
OnUnhandledKeyboardAcceleratorAsync Raised when processing a keyboard accelerator and it is determined that browser does not, or should not based on rgHostPriorityAccels, handle that accelerator.
OnVisibleComplete Raised when the content of the page is being made visible.
OnZoomChanged Raised when the zoom has changed.
OpenURLInEdge Raised when the browser is requesting the host to navigate to a URL in a new window.
OpenURLInEdge2 Raised when the browser is requesting the host to navigate to a URL in a new window; this version provides extra information about the navigation.
RequestHostAddFavorite Raised when a page has been requested to be added to favorites.
RequestHostCreateUrlTip Raised when requesting to show a tooltip containing a URL.
RequestHostFocus Raised when focus is being requested to move to the host window.
RequestHostFullscreen Raised when the page is requesting that the host display content in fullscreen.
RequestHostHideUrlTip Raised when requesting to hide a tooltip containing a URL.
RequestHostPositionChanged Raised when the browser requests that the host change its size or position.
RequestHostShowTheater Raised when the browser is requesting the host to enter or leave theater mode.
RequestHostWindowFocus Raised when the host is requested to take or give up focus.
RequestHostWindowFocusSync Raised when the host is requested to take or give up focus.
UpdateHostFavicon Raised when the favicon has changed.
UpdateHostTitle Raised when the title of the page has been updated.
UpdateSecureLockIcon Raised when security information of the page has changed.

Applies to

Product Introduced
Windows 10, Version 20H1 KB5032278
Windows 11, Version 22H2 KB5032288



Raised when the browser wants to stop hosting content and have the navigation to the URL continue in the hosting process.

public HRESULT ContinueNavigationInEdge(LPCWSTR pszUrl, ULONG ulCookieSyncVersion)

  • pszUrl The URL that should be navigated to.

  • ulCookieSyncVersion A number that can be used to correlate a navigation with a specific cookie state.


Raised when the browser wants to stop hosting content and have the navigation to the URL continue in the hosting process; this version provides extra information about the navigation.

public HRESULT ContinueNavigationInEdge2(LPCWSTR pszUrl, ULONG ulCookieSyncVersion, LPCWSTR pszReferrer, LPCWSTR pszHeaders, VARIANT * postData)

  • pszUrl The URL that should be navigated to.

  • ulCookieSyncVersion A number that can be used to correlate a navigation with a specific cookie state.

  • pszReferrer The HTTP Referer request header.

  • pszHeaders Additional HTTP headers.

  • postData HTTP POST data, such as form data.

Raised when the browser requests to navigate to a travel log entry offset.

public HRESULT NavigateToOffsetInEdge(int iOffset)

  • iOffset The offset to navigate to.


Raised when the browser has deleted all entries in its travel log except for the current entry.

public HRESULT OnAllButCurrentEntryDeleted(VisibleListUpdateEntry * pVisibleListEntries, int cVisibleListEntries)

  • pVisibleListEntries A list containing the new travel log entries since the last update. In this case it will only have the current active entry.

  • cVisibleListEntries The number of items in pVisibleListEntries


Raised when the browser processes an async hang check message, see IDualEngine20BrowserSession::SetHangDetectionMessages().

public HRESULT OnAsyncHungCheckReply(ULONG correlationId)

  • correlationId Id to correlate the reply with the sent message.


Raised when requesting user attention.

public HRESULT OnAttentionState(ATTENTIONSTATE attentionState)

  • attentionState The reason that user attention is being requested.


Raised when the beforeUnload event has finished being processed.

public HRESULT OnBeforeUnloadAndStopComplete(BOOL agreeToClose)

  • agreeToClose Indicates whether the user has agreed to leave the page.


Raised when the browser has closed.

public HRESULT OnCloseCompleted()


Raised when the browser has requested to close.

public HRESULT OnCloseRequested()


Raised when a the browser shows or hides a modal dialog.

public HRESULT OnDialogShown(BOOL fShown)

  • fShown Indicates whether the dialog was shown or hidden.


Raised when a document is completely loaded and initialized.

public HRESULT OnDocumentComplete(ULONG ulCurrentEntryId, VisibleListUpdateEntry * pVisibleListEntries, int cVisibleListEntries)

  • ulCurrentEntryId The travel log entry ID for the page that raised this event.

  • pVisibleListEntries A list containing the new travel log entries since the last update.

  • cVisibleListEntries The number of items in pVisibleListEntries


Raised when the document mode has changed.

public HRESULT OnDocumentModeSet(ULONG documentMode)

  • documentMode The new document mode version.


Raised when a navigation has been completed; provides information about the enterprise ID.

public HRESULT OnEnterpriseIDSet(BOOL fEnterpriseID)

  • fEnterpriseID Indicates whether the browser has an enterprise ID set.


Raised when find on page results change.

public HRESULT OnFindOnPageResult(int iRequestID, int cMatches, int iActiveMatch)



Raised when a IDualEngine20Browser::DualEngineSetFocus() request has finished being processed.

public HRESULT OnFinishedSetFocus()


Raised when geolocation data is accessed.

public HRESULT OnGeolocationFeatureInUse(LPCWSTR pszContextUrl, SITE_PERMISSION_FEATURE_MODE featureMode)

  • pszContextUrl The URL of the page accessing geolocation data.

  • featureMode Indicates whether the access was blocked or allowed.


Raised when user permission is needed to enable geolocation.

public HRESULT OnGeolocationPermissionRequested(LPCWSTR pszContextUrl)

  • pszContextUrl The URL of the page requesting geolocation permission.


Raised when an OnBeforeUnload handler has been registered or removed.

public HRESULT OnHasBeforeUnloadChanged(BOOL fBeforeUnload)

  • fBeforeUnload true indicates that an OnBeforeUnload handler was registered; false indicates it was removed.


Raised when a navigation has been completed; provides status information about the current state of the browser page.

public HRESULT OnIndicatorItemsSet(BOOL fProtectedMode, BOOL fEnhancedProtectedMode, DWORD dwUrlZone, BOOL fEnterpriseMode)

  • fProtectedMode Indicates whether the browser is in Protected Mode.

  • fEnhancedProtectedMode Indicates whether the browser is in Enhanced Protected Mode.

  • dwUrlZone The zone of the current URL.

  • fEnterpriseMode Indicates whether the browser is in Enterprise Mode.


Raised when user input is received.

public HRESULT OnInputAttempted()


Raised when the page's loading state changes.

public HRESULT OnLoadingActivityChanged(BOOL fLoading)

  • fLoading Indicates whether the page is loading or not.


Raised when Mixed Content has been blocked.

public HRESULT OnMixedContentBlocked()


Raised when a navigation has been completed.

public HRESULT OnNavigationComplete(REFGUID guidTabId, ULONG ulCurrentEntryId, VisibleListUpdateEntry * pVisibleListEntries, int cVisibleListEntries, DWORD dwNavFlags, SECURELOCKICON secureLockIcon, DWORD dwSecurityFlags, CryptDataBlob * pDualEngineCertificates, int cCertificateChainBlobs)

  • guidTabId The recovery GUID for tab.

  • ulCurrentEntryId The ID representing this navigation in the visible-entries list.

  • pVisibleListEntries A list containing the new travel log entries since the last update.

  • cVisibleListEntries The number of items in pVisibleListEntries.

  • dwNavFlags Flags indicating the type of navigation that occurred.

  • secureLockIcon The security state of the page.

  • dwSecurityFlags Flags indicating any certificate errors for the page.

  • pDualEngineCertificates A list containing the certificate chain for the current entry's page.

  • cCertificateChainBlobs The number of items in pDualEngineCertificates.


Raised when a navigation fails.

public HRESULT OnNavigationFailed(NAVIGATIONFAILEDREASON failureReason)

  • failureReason The reason the navigation failed.


Raised when a navigation has ended in a download.

public HRESULT OnNavigationToDownload()


Raised when a new window has been created.

public HRESULT OnNewWindow(IDualEngine20Browser * pNewBrowser, HWND hwnd, const DualEngineNewWindowOptions * options, IDualEngine20BrowserObserver ** ppObserver)

  • pNewBrowser The browser object for the new window.

  • hwnd The handle for the new window.

  • options The options that the new window was created with.

  • ppObserver The observer object for the new window.


Raised when a popup window was blocked.

public HRESULT OnPopupBlocked(LPCWSTR pszContextUrl, LPCWSTR pszPopupUrl)

  • pszContextUrl The URL of the page that issued the command to open the popup.

  • pszPopupUrl The URL of the popup page.


Raised when the browser has failed to a handle a previous IDualEngine20Browser::DualEnginePrepareToExitRegion() call.

public HRESULT OnPrepareToExitRegionFailed()


Raised when the browser has successfully handled a previous IDualEngine20Browser::DualEnginePrepareToExitRegion() call.

public HRESULT OnReadyToExitRegion(REFGUID guidClonedTabId, ULONG ulCurrentEntryId, VisibleListUpdateEntry * pVisibleListEntriesComplete, int cVisibleListEntriesComplete)

  • guidClonedTabId The GUID of the tab recovery data file backing the exited region.

  • ulCurrentEntryId The travel log entry ID for the page that raised this event.

  • pVisibleListEntriesComplete A list containing the new travel log entries since the last update.

  • cVisibleListEntriesComplete The number of items in pVisibleListEntriesComplete


Raised when the tab has crashed.

public HRESULT OnTabCrashed(BOOL fUnrecoverable)

  • fUnrecoverable Indicates whether the tab is recoverable.


Raised when the browser is hung.

public HRESULT OnTabHangReported()


Raised when the browser has closed unexpectedly.

public HRESULT OnUnexpectedRundown()


Raised when processing a keyboard accelerator and it is determined that the browser does not, or should not based on rgHostPriorityAccels, handle that accelerator.

public HRESULT OnUnhandledKeyboardAccelerator(LPMSG lpMsg)

  • lpMsg The win32 message for the unhandled keyboard accelerator.


Raised when processing a keyboard accelerator and it is determined that browser does not, or should not based on rgHostPriorityAccels, handle that accelerator.

public HRESULT OnUnhandledKeyboardAcceleratorAsync(LPMSG pMsg, BOOL isShiftDown, BOOL isCtrlDown, BOOL isAltDown)

In this version of the method, the event is raised asynchronously and keyboard state may have changed since it was processed, so the state of the modifier keys is provided.

  • pMsg The win32 message for the unhandled keyboard accelerator.

  • isShiftDown Indicates whether the Shift key was pressed.

  • isCtrlDown Indicates whether the Ctrl key was pressed.

  • isAltDown Indicates whether the Alt key was pressed.


Raised when the content of the page is being made visible.

public HRESULT OnVisibleComplete()


Raised when the zoom has changed.

public HRESULT OnZoomChanged(ULONG ulZoomPercent)

  • ulZoomPercent The new zoom percentage.


Raised when the browser is requesting the host to navigate to a URL in a new window.

public HRESULT OpenURLInEdge(LPCWSTR pszUrl, const DualEngineNewWindowOptions * options, ULONG ulCookieSyncVersion)

  • pszUrl The URL to navigate to.

  • options Options to apply to the new window.

  • ulCookieSyncVersion A number that can be used to correlate a navigation with a specific cookie state.


Raised when the browser is requesting the host to navigate to a URL in a new window; this version provides extra information about the navigation.

public HRESULT OpenURLInEdge2(LPCWSTR pszUrl, const DualEngineNewWindowOptions * options, ULONG ulCookieSyncVersion, LPCWSTR pszReferrer, LPCWSTR pszHeaders, VARIANT * postData)

  • pszUrl The URL to navigate to.

  • options Options to apply to the navigation.

  • ulCookieSyncVersion A number that can be used to correlate a navigation with a specific cookie state.

  • pszReferrer The HTTP Referer request header.

  • pszHeaders Additional HTTP headers.

  • postData HTTP POST data, such as form data.


Raised when a page has been requested to be added to favorites.

public HRESULT RequestHostAddFavorite(LPCWSTR pszTitle, LPCWSTR pszUrl)

  • pszTitle The title of the page.

  • pszUrl The URL of the page.


Raised when requesting to show a tooltip containing a URL.

public HRESULT RequestHostCreateUrlTip(LPCWSTR pszUrl)

  • pszUrl The URL to display in the tooltip.


Raised when focus is being requested to move to the host window.

public HRESULT RequestHostFocus(DUALENGINE_FOCUSDIRECTION focusDirection, const MSG * msg)

  • focusDirection The direction that focus is moving.

  • msg A pointer to the message that caused the focus change.


Raised when the page is requesting that the host display content in fullscreen.

public HRESULT RequestHostFullscreen(FULLSCREENACTION fullScreenAction)

  • fullScreenAction The fullscreen action that is being requested.


Raised when requesting to hide a tooltip containing a URL.

public HRESULT RequestHostHideUrlTip()


Raised when the browser requests that the host change its size or position.

public HRESULT RequestHostPositionChanged(LONG nX, LONG nY, LONG nWidth, LONG nHeight, ULONGLONG hSyncEvent)

  • nX The requested window X position.

  • nY The requested window Y position.

  • nWidth The requested window width.

  • nHeight The requested window height.

  • hSyncEvent A handle to the event object that should be signaled when the change is complete.


Raised when the browser is requesting the host to enter or leave theater mode.

public HRESULT RequestHostShowTheater(BOOL fShow)

  • fShow If true, the host is being requested to enter theater mode; if false, it is being requested to leave theater mode.


Raised when the host is requested to take or give up focus.

public HRESULT RequestHostWindowFocus(BOOL fFocus)

  • fFocus Indicates what should be done with focus. If true, focus should be taken; otherwise it should be relinquished.


Raised when the host is requested to take or give up focus.

public HRESULT RequestHostWindowFocusSync(BOOL fFocus, ULONGLONG hSyncEvent)

In this version of the method, the browser will wait until the provided event is signaled.

  • fFocus Indicates what should be done with focus. If true, focus should be taken; otherwise it should be relinquished.

  • hSyncEvent A handle to the event object that should be signaled when the change is complete.


Raised when the favicon has changed.

public HRESULT UpdateHostFavicon(ULONG ulCurrentEntryId, LPCWSTR spszCurrentUrl, LPCWSTR * pIconUrls, int cIconUrls)

  • ulCurrentEntryId The travel log entry ID for the page that raised this event.

  • spszCurrentUrl The URL of the page.

  • pIconUrls A list of favicon URLs.

  • cIconUrls The number of items in pIconUrls.


Raised when the title of the page has been updated.

public HRESULT UpdateHostTitle(ULONG ulCurrentEntryId, LPCWSTR pszTitle)

  • ulCurrentEntryId The ID of the page in the visible-entries list that raised this event.

  • pszTitle The new title.


Raised when security information of the page has changed.

public HRESULT UpdateSecureLockIcon(ULONG ulCurrentEntryId, SECURELOCKICON secureLockIcon)

  • ulCurrentEntryId The travel log entry for this change.

  • secureLockIcon The state of the security information.