

Keyboard shortcuts for the Dynamics 365 Guides PC app

You can use any of the following keyboard shortcuts in the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Guides PC app.

Keyboard shortcut Action
Ctrl+S Save the current guide.
Ctrl+C Copy.
Ctrl+V Paste.
Ctrl+X Cut.
Ctrl+A Select all.
Ctrl+Z Undo the last change to the guide.
Ctrl+Y Redo the last change to the guide.
Ctrl+F4 Close the current window.
Shift+F10 Opens the context menu. For selecting individual parts on the Properties panel, use Enter or the Context menu button.
Ctrl+Left arrow On the Outline page, if a step is selected, move to the previous step in the task.
Ctrl+Right arrow On the Outline page, if a step is selected, move to the next step in the task.
Ctrl+Up arrow On the Outline page:
  • If a step is selected, move to the last step of the previous task.
  • If a task is selected, move to the previous task.
Ctrl+Down arrow On the Outline page:
  • If a step is selected, move to the first step of the next task.
  • If a task is selected, move to the next task.
Windows logo key+Down arrow Minimize the current window.
Windows logo key+Up arrow Maximize the current window.


Microsoft will continue to add support for screen readers, high contrast, and keyboard usability.

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