

Services module


The finance and operations (Dynamics 365) mobile app and platform are no longer supported. The platform components supporting the mobile app will be removed in a future update. The mobile app has also been removed from app stores. Previously installed instances of the app will continue to work. For more information, see Removed or deprecated platform features.

Various services that are available to the application in client runtime.



Type aliases






Name Signature Description
all all(...args: any [ ]): Promise <any [ ]>
defer defer <T>(): Deferred <T> Creates a deferred object which can be used to return a promise from event handlers (where applicable) and resolve reject them asynchronously.





Name Signature Description
getData getData(cacheKey: string): any
setData setData(cacheKey: string, data: any): any





Name Signature Description
findEntityData findEntityData(entityType: any, propertyName: string, propertyValue: any, includeChanges?: boolean): any
getEntityData getEntityData(entityType: any, entityId: string): any
getPageData getPageData(pageId: string, context: any, filter: any, allowedStaleness: number): Promise <PageData>





Name Signature Description
version version: string
Gets the version of the platform currently running.


Name Signature Description
addControl addControl(componentName: string, controlName: string, controlType: ControlType, parentContainerName?: string, options?: ControlMetadata): any
compareVersion compareVersion(versionToCompare: string): 1 | -1 Compares the current platform version with a reference version.
configureAction configureAction(actionName: string, options: PageMetadata): any Configuring an action allows specifying or overriding certain behaviors specific to actions.
configureControl configureControl(componentName: string, controlName: string, options: ControlMetadata): any Configuring a control allows specifying or overriding certain behaviors specific to the control. Note that the available behaviors vary by control type.
configureEntity configureEntity(entityName: string, options: any): any Configuring an entity allows specifying or overriding certain behaviors specific to the entity.
configureLookup configureLookup(taskName: string, lookupControlName: string, options: LookupMetadata): any Configures a field on an action to behave as a lookup. Requires using an existing page which contains a list control.
configurePage configurePage(pageName: string, options: PageMetadata): any Configuring a Page allows specifying or overriding certain behaviors specific to the Page.
configureWorkspace configureWorkspace(options: PageMetadata): any Configuring a workspace allows specifying or overriding certain behaviors specific to the workspace.
findAction findAction(actionName: string): PageMetadata Gets a copy of the current metadata instance of a specified Action, for the purpose of inspecting the metadata (not to be used for changing the metadata).
findControl findControl(componentMetadata: any, controlName: string): ControlMetadata Gets a copy of the current metadata instance of a specified control, for the purpose of inspecting the metadata (not to be used for changing the metadata).
findPage findPage(pageName: string): PageMetadata Gets a copy of the current metadata instance of a specified page, for the purpose of inspecting the metadata (not to be used for changing the metadata).
getFilterExpression getFilterExpression(pageName: string, listControlName: string, controlName: string, operator: ExpressionOperator, value: string): DataFilter Create a DataFilter object for a list control based on the provided options.
getFormReference getFormReference(componentName: string, filterContext: DataFilter, excludeContext: boolean, filterLocalOnly?: boolean): NavigationArgs Create an INavigationArgs object for a specific page action to be used with a navigation control.
hideNavigation hideNavigation(pageNamesToHide: string [ ]): any Hides the specified page(s) from the default landing page.





Name Signature Description
getControlValue getControlValue(controlName: string): any Gets the value of a control directly from the data set loaded in the page.
setControlValue setControlValue(controlName: string, value: any): any Sets the value of a control directly into the data set loaded in the page.

Type aliases


ExpressionOperator: "Is" | "IsNot" | "Contains" | "BeginsWith" | "EndsWith" | "GreaterThan" | "LessThan" | "GreaterThanOrEqual" | "LessThanOrEqual"

Represents possible values for the expression operator used in defining filters and in other places