


Contains configuration data for the DataContractSerializer. This element occurs in two different hierarchies. One is listed the following Schema Hierarchy section and the other is listed in the Remarks section.



<dataContractSerializer ignoreExtensionDataObject="Boolean"
                        maxItemsInObjectGraph="Integer" />

Attributes and Elements

The following sections describe attributes, child elements, and parent elements.


Element Description
ignoreExtensionDataObject A Boolean value that specifies whether to ignore data supplied by the endpoint when it is being serialized or deserialized. This attribute is settable only on the <dataContractSerializer> under the <behavior> element.
maxItemsInObjectGraph An integer that specifies the maximum number of items to serialize or deserialize. This attribute is 65536.

Child Elements


Parent Elements

Element Description
<behavior> A collection of settings for the behavior of a service.
<system.runtime.serialization> Represents the root element for the System.Runtime.Serialization namespace section and contains elements for setting options of the DataContractSerializer.


As stated in the Introduction of this topic, this is the second hierarchy in which the <X509Extension> element occurs.



For more information about known types, see DataContractSerializer.

See also