

DeviceInfo Class (POS for .NET v1.14 SDK Documentation)

The DeviceInfo class supplies Microsoft Point of Service for .NET (POS for .NET) applications with information about POS devices and the Service Objects associated with them. The PosExplorer methods, GetDevice(String, String) and GetDevices() return instances of DeviceInfo.

DeviceInfo Properties

The following table shows the DeviceInfo properties.

Property Type Description
Compatibility DeviceCompatibilities Lists the valid compatibility levels for a POS device (an OLE for Retail POS (OPOS) or .NET Service Object).
Description string Describes the Service Object.
HardwareDescription string Describes the physical device.
HardwareId string Provides the ID of the physical device.
HardwarePath string Provides the physical hardware path of the device.
IsDefault bool Returns true if the device is the default for its type.
LogicalNames strings[] Provides the alternative name(s) assigned to the device in the global configuration fileby POS Device Manager (POSDM).
ManufacturerName string Provides the physical device manufacturer name.
ServiceObjectName string Provides the name of the Service Object.
ServiceObjectVersion Version Provides the Service Object version.
DeviceType string Provides the physical device type.
UposVersion Version Provides the UPOS version number.

DeviceInfo Methods

The following table shows the DeviceInfo methods.

Method Return Type Description
IsDeviceInfoOf bool Returns true if the Service Object corresponds to the DeviceInfo class properties.
ToString string Returns a string that describes the properties of the device.

See Also


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