

POS Device Manager (POS for .NET v1.14 SDK Documentation)

With Microsoft Point of Service for .NET (POS for .NET), you can manage your POS devices in various ways, including:

  • Adding and deleting POS devices from computers (non-Plug and Play devices only).
  • Listing POS devices and/or Service Objects for particular computers.
  • Configuring a POS for .NET Service Object (SO) to run for a particular device port (non-Plug and Play devices only).
  • Setting a default device for a POS device class.
  • Preventing a Service Object from running for a device.
  • Assigning a logical name by which a POS application can access the Service Object for a device.

POS devices are managed via a Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) provider installed on the POS device host as part of the POS for .NET installation. Instructions in this Guide assume that you have already installed POS for .NET.

You can access this WMI provider through the WMI API or by using the command-line tool included in POS for .NET, POSDM.EXE.

In This Section