
az playwright-testing workspace


This reference is part of the playwright-cli-extension extension for the Azure CLI (version 2.67.0 or higher). The extension will automatically install the first time you run an az playwright-testing workspace command. Learn more about extensions.

Manage Microsoft Playwright Testing service workspace resource.


Name Description Type Status
az playwright-testing workspace create

Create a Microsoft Playwright Testing service Workspace resource.

Extension GA
az playwright-testing workspace delete

Delete Microsoft Azure Playwright Testing service Workspace resource.

Extension GA
az playwright-testing workspace list

List Microsoft Azure Playwright Testing service Workspace resources by subscription ID.

Extension GA
az playwright-testing workspace quota

Manage Quota resource for Microsoft Azure Playwright Testing service account.

Extension GA
az playwright-testing workspace quota list

List quotas for a given workspace.

Extension GA
az playwright-testing workspace quota show

Get quota by name for an workspace.

Extension GA
az playwright-testing workspace show

Get a Microsoft Azure Playwright Testing service Workspace resource details.

Extension GA
az playwright-testing workspace update

Update Microsoft Azure Playwright Testing service Workspace resource.

Extension GA
az playwright-testing workspace wait

Place the CLI in a waiting state until a condition is met.

Extension GA

az playwright-testing workspace create

Create a Microsoft Playwright Testing service Workspace resource.

az playwright-testing workspace create --name
                                       [--local-auth {Disabled, Enabled}]
                                       [--no-wait {0, 1, f, false, n, no, t, true, y, yes}]
                                       [--regional-affinity {Disabled, Enabled}]
                                       [--reporting {Disabled, Enabled}]
                                       [--scalable-execution {Disabled, Enabled}]


Create Playwright Testing Workspace

az playwright-testing workspace create --resource-group SampleRG --workspace-name myPlaywrightWorkspace --location westus --regional-affinity Enabled

Required Parameters

--name --workspace-name -n

Name of Microsoft Azure Playwright Testing service workspace.

--resource-group -g

Name of Azure resource group.

Optional Parameters


When enabled, this feature allows the workspace to use local auth(through access key) for authentication of test runs.

Accepted values: Disabled, Enabled
Default value: Disabled
--location -l

The geo-location where the resource lives When not specified, the location of the resource group will be used.


Do not wait for the long-running operation to finish.

Accepted values: 0, 1, f, false, n, no, t, true, y, yes

This property sets the connection region for Playwright client workers to cloud-hosted browsers. If enabled, workers connect to browsers in the closest Azure region, ensuring lower latency. If disabled, workers connect to browsers in the Azure region in which the workspace was initially created.

Accepted values: Disabled, Enabled
Default value: Enabled

When enabled, this feature allows the workspace to upload and display test results, including artifacts like traces and screenshots, in the Playwright portal. This enables faster and more efficient troubleshooting.

Accepted values: Disabled, Enabled
Default value: Enabled

When enabled, Playwright client workers can connect to cloud-hosted browsers. This can increase the number of parallel workers for a test run, significantly minimizing test completion durations.

Accepted values: Disabled, Enabled
Default value: Enabled

Resource tags. Support shorthand-syntax, json-file and yaml-file. Try "??" to show more.

Global Parameters

Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.

--help -h

Show this help message and exit.


Only show errors, suppressing warnings.

--output -o

Output format.

Accepted values: json, jsonc, none, table, tsv, yaml, yamlc
Default value: json

JMESPath query string. See http://jmespath.org/ for more information and examples.


Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using az account set -s NAME_OR_ID.


Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.

az playwright-testing workspace delete

Delete Microsoft Azure Playwright Testing service Workspace resource.

az playwright-testing workspace delete [--ids]
                                       [--no-wait {0, 1, f, false, n, no, t, true, y, yes}]


Delete Playwright Testing Workspace

az playwright-testing workspace delete --resource-group SampleRG --workspace-name myPlaywrightWorkspace

Optional Parameters


One or more resource IDs (space-delimited). It should be a complete resource ID containing all information of 'Resource Id' arguments. You should provide either --ids or other 'Resource Id' arguments.

--name --workspace-name -n

Name of Microsoft Azure Playwright Testing service workspace.


Do not wait for the long-running operation to finish.

Accepted values: 0, 1, f, false, n, no, t, true, y, yes
--resource-group -g

Name of Azure resource group.


Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using az account set -s NAME_OR_ID.

--yes -y

Do not prompt for confirmation.

Default value: False
Global Parameters

Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.

--help -h

Show this help message and exit.


Only show errors, suppressing warnings.

--output -o

Output format.

Accepted values: json, jsonc, none, table, tsv, yaml, yamlc
Default value: json

JMESPath query string. See http://jmespath.org/ for more information and examples.


Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using az account set -s NAME_OR_ID.


Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.

az playwright-testing workspace list

List Microsoft Azure Playwright Testing service Workspace resources by subscription ID.

az playwright-testing workspace list [--max-items]


Playwright Testing Workspace_ListBySubscription

az playwright-testing workspace list

Playwright Testing Workspace_ListByResourceGroup

az playwright-testing workspace list --resource-group SampleRG

Optional Parameters


Total number of items to return in the command's output. If the total number of items available is more than the value specified, a token is provided in the command's output. To resume pagination, provide the token value in --next-token argument of a subsequent command.


Token to specify where to start paginating. This is the token value from a previously truncated response.

--resource-group -g

Name of Azure resource group.

Global Parameters

Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.

--help -h

Show this help message and exit.


Only show errors, suppressing warnings.

--output -o

Output format.

Accepted values: json, jsonc, none, table, tsv, yaml, yamlc
Default value: json

JMESPath query string. See http://jmespath.org/ for more information and examples.


Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using az account set -s NAME_OR_ID.


Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.

az playwright-testing workspace show

Get a Microsoft Azure Playwright Testing service Workspace resource details.

az playwright-testing workspace show [--ids]


Get Playwright Testing Workspace

az playwright-testing workspace show --resource-group SampleRG --workspace-name myPlaywrightWorkspace

Optional Parameters


One or more resource IDs (space-delimited). It should be a complete resource ID containing all information of 'Resource Id' arguments. You should provide either --ids or other 'Resource Id' arguments.

--name --workspace-name -n

Name of Microsoft Azure Playwright Testing service workspace.

--resource-group -g

Name of Azure resource group.


Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using az account set -s NAME_OR_ID.

Global Parameters

Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.

--help -h

Show this help message and exit.


Only show errors, suppressing warnings.

--output -o

Output format.

Accepted values: json, jsonc, none, table, tsv, yaml, yamlc
Default value: json

JMESPath query string. See http://jmespath.org/ for more information and examples.


Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using az account set -s NAME_OR_ID.


Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.

az playwright-testing workspace update

Update Microsoft Azure Playwright Testing service Workspace resource.

az playwright-testing workspace update [--add]
                                       [--force-string {0, 1, f, false, n, no, t, true, y, yes}]
                                       [--local-auth {Disabled, Enabled}]
                                       [--no-wait {0, 1, f, false, n, no, t, true, y, yes}]
                                       [--regional-affinity {Disabled, Enabled}]
                                       [--reporting {Disabled, Enabled}]
                                       [--scalable-execution {Disabled, Enabled}]


Update Playwright Testing Workspace_Disable Regional Affinity

az playwright-testing workspace update --resource-group SampleRG --workspace-name myPlaywrightWorkspace --regional-affinity Disabled

Optional Parameters


Add an object to a list of objects by specifying a path and key value pairs. Example: --add property.listProperty <key=value, string or JSON string>.


When using 'set' or 'add', preserve string literals instead of attempting to convert to JSON.

Accepted values: 0, 1, f, false, n, no, t, true, y, yes

One or more resource IDs (space-delimited). It should be a complete resource ID containing all information of 'Resource Id' arguments. You should provide either --ids or other 'Resource Id' arguments.


When enabled, this feature allows the workspace to use local auth(through access key) for authentication of test runs.

Accepted values: Disabled, Enabled
--name --workspace-name -n

Name of Microsoft Azure Playwright Testing service workspace.


Do not wait for the long-running operation to finish.

Accepted values: 0, 1, f, false, n, no, t, true, y, yes

This property sets the connection region for Playwright client workers to cloud-hosted browsers. If enabled, workers connect to browsers in the closest Azure region, ensuring lower latency. If disabled, workers connect to browsers in the Azure region in which the workspace was initially created.

Accepted values: Disabled, Enabled

Remove a property or an element from a list. Example: --remove property.list <indexToRemove> OR --remove propertyToRemove.


When enabled, this feature allows the workspace to upload and display test results, including artifacts like traces and screenshots, in the Playwright portal. This enables faster and more efficient troubleshooting.

Accepted values: Disabled, Enabled
--resource-group -g

Name of Azure resource group.


When enabled, Playwright client workers can connect to cloud-hosted browsers. This can increase the number of parallel workers for a test run, significantly minimizing test completion durations.

Accepted values: Disabled, Enabled

Update an object by specifying a property path and value to set. Example: --set property1.property2=<value>.


Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using az account set -s NAME_OR_ID.


Resource tags. Support shorthand-syntax, json-file and yaml-file. Try "??" to show more.

Global Parameters

Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.

--help -h

Show this help message and exit.


Only show errors, suppressing warnings.

--output -o

Output format.

Accepted values: json, jsonc, none, table, tsv, yaml, yamlc
Default value: json

JMESPath query string. See http://jmespath.org/ for more information and examples.


Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using az account set -s NAME_OR_ID.


Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.

az playwright-testing workspace wait

Place the CLI in a waiting state until a condition is met.

az playwright-testing workspace wait [--created]

Optional Parameters


Wait until created with 'provisioningState' at 'Succeeded'.

Default value: False

Wait until the condition satisfies a custom JMESPath query. E.g. provisioningState!='InProgress', instanceView.statuses[?code=='PowerState/running'].


Wait until deleted.

Default value: False

Wait until the resource exists.

Default value: False

One or more resource IDs (space-delimited). It should be a complete resource ID containing all information of 'Resource Id' arguments. You should provide either --ids or other 'Resource Id' arguments.


Polling interval in seconds.

Default value: 30
--name --workspace-name -n

Name of Microsoft Azure Playwright Testing service workspace.

--resource-group -g

Name of Azure resource group.


Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using az account set -s NAME_OR_ID.


Maximum wait in seconds.

Default value: 3600

Wait until updated with provisioningState at 'Succeeded'.

Default value: False
Global Parameters

Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.

--help -h

Show this help message and exit.


Only show errors, suppressing warnings.

--output -o

Output format.

Accepted values: json, jsonc, none, table, tsv, yaml, yamlc
Default value: json

JMESPath query string. See http://jmespath.org/ for more information and examples.


Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using az account set -s NAME_OR_ID.


Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.