

Supported metrics for Microsoft.MobileNetwork/packetcorecontrolplanes/packetcoredataplanes

The following table lists the metrics available for the Microsoft.MobileNetwork/packetcorecontrolplanes/packetcoredataplanes resource type.

Table headings

Metric - The metric display name as it appears in the Azure portal.
Name in Rest API - Metric name as referred to in the REST API.
Unit - Unit of measure.
Aggregation - The default aggregation type. Valid values: Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total, Count.
Dimensions - Dimensions available for the metric.
Time Grains - Intervals at which the metric is sampled. For example, PT1M indicates that the metric is sampled every minute, PT30M every 30 minutes, PT1H every hour, and so on.
DS Export- Whether the metric is exportable to Azure Monitor Logs via Diagnostic Settings.

For information on exporting metrics, see - Metrics export using data collection rules and Create diagnostic settings in Azure Monitor.

For information on metric retention, see Azure Monitor Metrics overview.

Category: Traffic

Metric Name in REST API Unit Aggregation Dimensions Time Grains DS Export
Data Plane Bandwidth

Data plane bandwidth for all traffic types (bits/second).
DataPlaneBandwidth BitsPerSecond Total (Sum) SiteId, Direction, Interface PT1M No
Data Plane Packet Drop Rate

Data plane packet drop rate for all traffic types (packets/sec).
DataPlanePacketDropRate CountPerSecond Total (Sum) SiteId, Cause, Direction, Interface PT1M No
Data Plane Packet Rate

Data plane packet rate for all traffic types (packets/sec).
DataPlanePacketRate CountPerSecond Total (Sum) SiteId, Direction, Interface, Result PT1M No
ICMP Pinhole Packet Count

The number of ICMP packets that have created a pinhole, been forwarded upstream or forwarded downstream.
ICMPPinholePacketCount Count Total (Sum) SiteId, type, Dnn PT1M No
N3 Bandwidth

N3 bandwidth for all traffic types (bits/second) per RanId.
N3Bandwidth BitsPerSecond Total (Sum) SiteId, Direction, RanId PT1M No
N3 Packet Rate

N3 packet rate for all traffic types (packets/sec).
N3PacketRate CountPerSecond Total (Sum) SiteId, Direction PT1M No
N6 Bandwidth

N6 bandwidth for all traffic types (bits/second).
N6Bandwidth BitsPerSecond Total (Sum) SiteId, Direction, Dnn PT1M No
N6 Packet Rate

N6 packet rate for all traffic types (packets/sec).
N6PacketRate CountPerSecond Total (Sum) SiteId, Direction, Dnn PT1M No
Pinholes protocol limit exceeded

The number of pinholes rejected due to the per-interface per-protocol limit.
PinholeProtocolLimitExceeded Count Total (Sum) SiteId, Type PT1M No
Pinholes Active

The current number of dynamic match actions created. TCP and UDP pinholes consist of 3 dynamic match actions, ICMP echo pinholes consist of 2
PinholesActive Count Total (Sum) SiteId, Type, Interface PT1M No
Pinhole Creation Rate

The total number of dynamic match actions created. TCP and UDP pinholes consist of 3 dynamic match actions, ICMP echo pinholes consist of 2.
PinholesCreationRate Count Total (Sum) SiteId, Type, Interface PT1M No
Pinholes failures

The number of times learning has failed for each learn action.
PinholesFailures Count Total (Sum) SiteId, Type, Interface PT1M No
Pinholes Timeout Rate

The number of dynamic match actions that have timed out due to inactivity. TCP and UDP pinholes consist of 3 dynamic match actions, ICMP echo pinholes consist of 2.
PinholesTimeoutRate Count Total (Sum) SiteId, Type, Interface PT1M No
Pinhole UE limit exceeded

The number of pinholes rejected due to the per-source IP address limit.
PinholesUELimitExceeded Count Total (Sum) SiteId, Type PT1M No
Tcp Pinhole Packet Count

The number of TCP packets that have created a pinhole, been forwarded upstream or forwarded downstream.
TcpPinholePacketCount Count Total (Sum) SiteId, type, Dnn PT1M No
Total N3 Bandwidth

Total N3 bandwidth for all traffic types (bits/second) per interface.
TotalN3Bandwidth BitsPerSecond Total (Sum) SiteId, Direction PT1M No
UDP Pinhole Packet Count

The number of UDP packets that have created a pinhole, been forwarded upstream or forwarded downstream.
UdpPinholePacketCount Count Total (Sum) SiteId, type, Dnn PT1M No

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