

Supported metrics for Microsoft.App/containerapps

The following table lists the metrics available for the Microsoft.App/containerapps resource type.

Table headings

Metric - The metric display name as it appears in the Azure portal.
Name in Rest API - Metric name as referred to in the REST API.
Unit - Unit of measure.
Aggregation - The default aggregation type. Valid values: Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total, Count.
Dimensions - Dimensions available for the metric.
Time Grains - Intervals at which the metric is sampled. For example, PT1M indicates that the metric is sampled every minute, PT30M every 30 minutes, PT1H every hour, and so on.
DS Export- Whether the metric is exportable to Azure Monitor Logs via Diagnostic Settings.

For information on exporting metrics, see - Metrics export using data collection rules and Create diagnostic settings in Azure Monitor.

For information on metric retention, see Azure Monitor Metrics overview.

Category: Basic

Metric Name in REST API Unit Aggregation Dimensions Time Grains DS Export
Reserved Cores

Number of reserved cores for container app revisions
CoresQuotaUsed Count Maximum, Minimum revisionName PT1M Yes
CPU Usage Percentage (Preview)

Percentage of CPU limit used in percentage points
CpuPercentage Percent Total (Sum), Average, Maximum, Minimum podName PT1M Yes
Memory Percentage (Preview)

Percentage of memory limit used, in percentage points
MemoryPercentage Percent Total (Sum), Average, Maximum, Minimum podName PT1M Yes
Replica Count

Number of replicas count of container app
Replicas Count Average, Total (Sum), Maximum, Minimum revisionName PT1M Yes

Requests processed
Requests Count Average, Total (Sum), Maximum, Minimum revisionName, podName, statusCodeCategory, statusCode PT1M Yes
Resiliency Connection Timeouts

Total connection timeouts
ResiliencyConnectTimeouts Count Total (Sum), Average, Maximum, Minimum revisionName PT1M Yes
Resiliency Ejected Hosts

Number of currently ejected hosts
ResiliencyEjectedHosts Count Total (Sum), Average, Maximum, Minimum revisionName PT1M Yes
Resiliency Ejections Aborted

Number of ejections aborted due to the max ejection %
ResiliencyEjectionsAborted Count Total (Sum), Average, Maximum, Minimum revisionName PT1M Yes
Resiliency Request Retries

Total request retries
ResiliencyRequestRetries Count Total (Sum), Average, Maximum, Minimum revisionName PT1M Yes
Resiliency Requests Pending Connection Pool

Total requests pending a connection pool connection
ResiliencyRequestsPendingConnectionPool Count Total (Sum), Average, Maximum, Minimum revisionName PT1M Yes
Resiliency Request Timeouts

Total request that timed out waiting for a response
ResiliencyRequestTimeouts Count Total (Sum), Average, Maximum, Minimum revisionName PT1M Yes
Average Response Time (Preview)

Average Response Time per Status Code
ResponseTime Milliseconds Average, Total (Sum), Maximum, Minimum statusCodeCategory, statusCode PT1M Yes
Replica Restart Count

Restart count of container app replicas
RestartCount Count Average, Total (Sum), Maximum, Minimum revisionName, podName PT1M Yes
Network In Bytes

Network received bytes
RxBytes Bytes Average, Total (Sum), Maximum, Minimum revisionName, podName PT1M Yes
Total Reserved Cores

Number of total reserved cores for the container app
TotalCoresQuotaUsed Count Average, Maximum, Minimum <none> PT1M Yes
Network Out Bytes

Network transmitted bytes
TxBytes Bytes Average, Total (Sum), Maximum, Minimum revisionName, podName PT1M Yes
CPU Usage

CPU consumed by the container app, in nano cores. 1,000,000,000 nano cores = 1 core
UsageNanoCores NanoCores Total (Sum), Average, Maximum, Minimum revisionName, podName PT1M Yes
Memory Working Set Bytes

Container App working set memory used in bytes.
WorkingSetBytes Bytes Total (Sum), Average, Maximum, Minimum revisionName, podName PT1M Yes

Category: Java

Metric Name in REST API Unit Aggregation Dimensions Time Grains DS Export

Number of buffers in the memory pool
JvmBufferCount Count Average, Maximum, Minimum revisionName, podName, container, poolName PT1M Yes

Amount of total memory capacity of buffers (in bytes)
JvmBufferMemoryLimit Bytes Average, Maximum, Minimum revisionName, podName, container, poolName PT1M Yes

Amount of memory used by buffers, such as direct memory (in bytes)
JvmBufferMemoryUsage Bytes Average, Maximum, Minimum revisionName, podName, container, poolName PT1M Yes

Count of JVM garbage collection actions
JvmGcCount Count Total (Sum), Average, Maximum, Minimum revisionName, podName, container, gcName PT1M Yes

Duration of JVM garbage collection actions (in milliseconds)
JvmGcDuration Milliseconds Total (Sum), Average, Maximum, Minimum revisionName, podName, container, gcName PT1M Yes

Amount of memory guaranteed to be available for each pool (in bytes)
JvmMemoryCommitted Bytes Average, Maximum, Minimum revisionName, podName, container, poolName, poolType PT1M Yes

Amount of maximum obtainable memory for each pool (in bytes)
JvmMemoryLimit Bytes Average, Maximum, Minimum revisionName, podName, container, poolName, poolType PT1M Yes

Total amount of memory guaranteed to be available for heap or non-heap (in bytes)
JvmMemoryTotalCommitted Bytes Average, Maximum, Minimum revisionName, podName, container, poolType PT1M Yes

Total amount of maximum obtainable memory for heap or non-heap (in bytes)
JvmMemoryTotalLimit Bytes Average, Maximum, Minimum revisionName, podName, container, poolType PT1M Yes

Total amount of memory used by heap or non-heap (in bytes)
JvmMemoryTotalUsed Bytes Average, Maximum, Minimum revisionName, podName, container, poolType PT1M Yes

Amount of memory used by each pool (in bytes)
JvmMemoryUsed Bytes Average, Maximum, Minimum revisionName, podName, container, poolName, poolType PT1M Yes

Number of executing platform threads
JvmThreadCount Count Average, Maximum, Minimum revisionName, podName, container, daemon, threadState PT1M Yes

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