
Connected Show #38 – WCF? Droid Does!

connectedShow_HalfSize RogerHeim And, we’re back! It’s been two months since our last show, but the Connected Show is alive and well!  Episode #38 is available now!

In an increasingly diverse world of mobile devices, the .NET developer is likely to end up supporting multiple mobile platforms. In this episode, guest Roger Heim joins Peter to talk about connecting .NET & WCF Services with Android clients.

Also, Dmitry unknowingly joins the show with his take on the PDC 2010 announcements. Peter covers the (in)sanity of Silverlight v. HTML5.


Show Notes & Resources For Episode #38

Items Discussed During News & Banter

Silverlight Dead?! Uh… NOT!

Windows Azure At The PDC 2010

Items Discussed During Interview with Roger

Connect With Roger

Most WCF Services use SOAP & WSDL. There is no native SOAP support in Android.  However, 3rd party libraries are available.  If you want to consume WCF SOAP-based services, in Android, consider the following library:

WCF Data Services makes it very easy to build data based services on the .NET platform.  WCF Data Services uses the oData protocol on the wire.  This can be consumed by Android too, via a 3rd party library.

All About oData & AtomPub

Consuming oData (produced by WCF Data Services) From Android

  • Restlet – A RESTful Framework for Android and Other Java Implementations That Can Consume OData Services.  This provides a nice Java client-side proxy class you can use on Android to talk to an oData service.
  • Library To Add JSONP Support to WCF Data Services for “$format=json” – Roger says Restlet works, but can be heavy. Recommends having WCF Data Services return JSON for perf & Android development ease.  But you need this library to make it work.  This is similar to plain old RESTful WCF, but using WCF Data Services (as a tool) makes it easier/faster to build the services in the first place.
  • LINQPad – 3rd Party Tool That Really Helps When Developing and Testing WCF Data Services

Of course, you can also build RESFful services with WCF that return JSON on your own.  It seems that’s what others are recommending too.

What Others Are Saying About Consuming WCF From Android